A tentative parcel and/or tentative tract map shall be filed with the director of development services.
(Prior code § 27-42.01; Amended during 1990 codification)
Such maps shall contain:
The county-assigned map number;
The date of preparation, North point, and scale;
The boundary of the division of land, shown to scale and tied to a known point;
A key map, indicating the location of the proposed division of land in relation to the surrounding area;
Sufficient elevations or contours to determine the general slope of the land and the high and low point thereof;
The approximate location of all areas subject to inundation or stormwater overflow, and the location, width and direction of flow of each watercourse;
The approximate location of all trees standing within the boundaries of proposed rights-of-way;
The location, width, approximate grade and centerline radius of existing and proposed streets, alleys, highways, ways and easements which are within or adjacent to the proposed division of land;
The existing street improvements, including drainage structures;
Actual names for existing streets or highways and a proposed name for each new street or highway;
A label or identifying note for existing or proposed easements other than streets or highways;
The approximate layout of lots, including approximate dimensions and lot numbers and, where pads are proposed for building sites, the approximate finish grade;
The approximate location of existing structures, shown to scale, within or immediately adjacent to the division of land; show house numbers and label each structure with the proposed division;
The general location of all proposed buildings and structures which are to be divided into units of air space, and the means of access thereto, where the division of land consists of a condominium or community apartment project;
If necessary, a generalized plan of proposed development adjacent to the division of land, showing the compatibility of the development with existing and future development in the neighborhood;
The design of a subdivision for which a tentative map is required pursuant to Section 66426 (S.M.A.) shall provide, to the extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision;
Examples of passive or natural heating opportunities in subdivision design; include design of lot size and configuration to permit orientation of a structure to take advantage of shade or prevailing breezes;
Existing sewers, culverts or other underground structures within the division and immediately adjacent thereto, with pipe sizes, grades and locations indicated;
The cross-sections of proposed streets showing the size of roadways, location and width of sidewalks;
The location of existing and proposed sanitary sewers, with manholes, water mains, fire hydrants, stormwater drains and other public utilities, with grades and sizes indicated;
The type and location of street lighting required.
In providing for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the design of a subdivision, consideration shall be given to local climate, to contour, to configuration of the parcel to be divided, and to other design and improvement requirements, and such provision shall not result in reducing allowable densities or the percentage of a lot which may be occupied by a building or structure under applicable planning and zoning in force at the time the tentative map is filed.
The requirements of this section do not apply to condominium projects which consist of the subdivision of airspace in an existing building when no new structures are added.
For the purposes of this section, "feasible" means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social and technological factors.
(Prior code § 27-42.02; Amended during 1990 codification)
Tentative maps and required written statements shall be submitted to the director. The director shall distribute copies of tentative maps and, where appropriate, required written statements to the interested agencies and departments for their review and reports thereon, a city requesting extraterritorial review of tentative maps pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act, and to other agencies pursuant to the Map Act and Chapter 18.40 of this division.
(Prior code § 27-42.03)
All tentative maps shall be considered at a noticed public hearing before the planning commission, as provided in Section 18.28.040.
(Prior code § 27-42.03.5)
The planning commission shall take action on tentative parcel or tentative tract maps within the time required by law after filing a complete application with the development services department. However, if an EIR is prepared, the planning commission shall take action on such project within the time required by law after certification of the EIR. Action by the planning commission shall be final unless appealed.
(Prior code § 27-42.04; Amended during 1990 edification)
The subdivider, or any person adversely affected by the decision of the planning commission may appeal the commission's decision within ten days after such decision. Upon filing such appeal, the city council shall hold a public hearing within thirty days after the filing of such appeal. The city council shall render its decision on the project within ten days following the hearing.
(Prior code § 27-42.07)
Expiration of tentative maps shall be governed by Sections 66452.6 and 66463.5 of the Map Act.
(Amended during 1990 codification, prior code § 27-42.08)
Each tentative map shall be submitted with written statements containing the following information and acknowledgements:
The name, address and telephone number of the subdivider;
The name, address and telephone number, and license number, of the registered civil engineer or licensed surveyor who prepared the tentative map or who directed the preparation of the map;
A statement by a person holding a proprietary interest in the parcel or parcels comprising the division of land, consenting to the submission of the tentative map;
The proposed use of parcels shown on the tentative map, together with the present and proposed zoning;
The legal description of the land in the proposed division of land;
A statement detailing the arrangements which the subdivider proposes to make for the operation and maintenance of common parcels and easements, if any;
The source of water supply and the proposed method of sewage disposal;
The results of percolation tests, if required, performed in accordance with the standards of the health officer, where a private system of sewage disposal is proposed;
A geological and/or soils report, if required by the city engineer, prepared by a licensed geologist and/or registered soils engineer, stating the effect of geological or soil conditions on the proposed development;
An environmental assessment statement and/or input for a draft environmental impact report, as determined by the director;
A statement of the improvements and public utilities proposed to be made or installed, and of the time at which such improvements are proposed to be completed;
Public areas required, if any;
Tree planting required;
In the case of a conversion to a condominium, stock cooperative or community apartment, the names and addresses of the current tenants shall be provided on a list, as well as two sets of gummed labels. Such lists shall be certified to be true and correct.
The written statements required by this section shall become a part of the tentative map upon submission to the director.
(Prior code § 27-42.12)
Upon receipt of a copy of a tentative map, each department to which the same has been transmitted shall examine such map to ascertain if the subdivision proposed thereon conforms to the requirements coming within the authoritative scope of such department, and within ten days after the receipt thereof make a written report to the director. If the department to which the map is referred does not report on such tentative map within the allotted time, the commission shall deem this to imply approval of the map without recommendations or conditions.
(Prior code § 27-42.13)