At all block corners there shall be a rounding at the curb to a radius of not less than twenty-five feet. The property line return radius shall be so set as to maintain a uniform parkway width or provide a uniform transition into the intersection parkway.
(Prior code § 27-63.01)
Curbs and gutters shall be constructed on all streets to the standards approved by the city engineer. Minimum requirements shall be eight inches for curbs and twenty-four inches for gutters.
(Prior code § 27-63.02)
Sidewalks shall be provided for all lots included in the subdivision. Such sidewalk shall be of such width as may be required by the use of land related to it, but in no case less than four feet in width in a residential area nor less than five feet in a commercial or industrial area. The minimum thickness shall be four inches.
Special considerations shall be given to the provision of sidewalks in acreage subdivisions, where the placement of a walk along one side of the street may be acceptable by the commission. On hilly terrain where the width of the roadway right-of-way is controlled by the topographic considerations, the commission may permit sidewalks on one side of the street only.
Wheelchair ramps shall be installed at concrete landings on street intersections in accordance with standards approved by the city engineer.
Driveways shall be constructed as access to all parcels. Driveway minimum and maximum widths shall be as established in Section 19.436.040 or any succeeding provision thereto and otherwise constructed in accordance with standards approved by the city engineer.
(Prior code § 27-63.03; Amended during 1990 codification)
The subdivider may be required to dedicate and improve walkways to standards prescribed by the city engineer across blocks greater than one thousand feet in length to provide more convenient access to schools, parks or other public areas.
(Prior code § 27-63.04)
Approved reflector buttons and other delineators as approved by the city engineer shall be provided at the end of all dead end or cul-de-sac streets. Reflectors shall also be placed along the outer slope edges of all roads in hilly areas to define the shoulder of the road.
(Prior code § 27-63.05)
Dividing strips may vary in width, but in no case shall they be less than four feet wide.
The width of marginal strips may vary with the purposes to which they are to be put.
(Prior code § 27-63.06)
Traffic islands shall be provided where they are required to control the movement of traffic.
(Prior code § 27-63.07)
The subdivider may be required to install, modify or upgrade traffic signals or system facilities where access to a division of land intersects an improved public street or highway and if such action is required to control the movement of traffic generated by the division of land.
(Prior code § 27-63.08)
The subdivider may be required to install or modify median improvements, striping or markers to accommodate safe and legal use of new streets, highways, driveways or other points of access to a division of land.
(Prior code § 27-63.09)