"Lot line adjustment"
means a transfer of land between two or more adjacent lots or parcels, where the land taken from one lot is attached to an adjacent lot, and where the number of lots stays the same.
(Prior code § 27-82.01)
A lot line adjustment shall be used to transfer land between two or more adjacent lots if the city engineer determines:
The adjustment does not substantially change the size or shape of the lots or parcels involved;
The number of lots or parcels before and after the adjustment are the same;
The adjustment and resulting parcels do not create or intensify any violation of the city code.
(Prior code § 27-82.02; Amended during 1990 codification)
A lot line adjustment shall be initiated by the property owner(s) by application on a form obtained from and application made to the engineering services department. The application shall contain the following:
Applicant's name, address and phone number;
Declaration of ownership;
Recent lot book report or title report;
Legal description of property as it exists, and how it will exist upon adjustment;
Map of property with the location of all buildings and structures shown;
Property owner's list:
Prepare and submit a complete list of names and mailing addresses of all property owners adjoining the subject property or property contiguous to and in the same ownership as the subject property. This list must be prepared from the latest available assessment rolls of the Orange County assessor. The property owners must also be identified by the assessor's parcel number of the parcel they own, and also the sequential number(s) which conforms to the number of the parcel(s) they own, as shown on the "Ownership Map,"
The property owner list shall be written legibly in ink or typewritten on stock no larger than eight and one-half by fourteen,
The property owner list shall be certified to be true, correct and complete, and the certificant's signature shall be notarized. Such certification from a title insurance company or person who prepared the list is appropriate;
Two sets of addressed gummed labels; type sequential number(s), assessor's parcel number, name and address of property owners as they appear on the property ownership list of gummed labels;
One copy of an "Ownership Map," showing all property adjoining the subject property or property contiguous to and in the same ownership as the subject property;
Other information required to determine compliance with city codes.
(Prior code § 27-82.03)
The city engineer shall cause notification to be mailed to the owners, as shown on the last adopted tax roll of Orange County, of property adjoining the subject property or any contiguous property in the same ownership as the subject property, at least ten days prior to tendering a decision on the lot line adjustment. Such notice shall contain the location of the properties, the general nature of the proposal, the address where the information may be obtained and written comments may be sent, and the final date to receive comments for consideration.
(Prior code § 27-82.04)
The city engineer shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the application for a lot line adjustment, and his or her determination shall be final unless appealed to the city council. His or her action shall be in writing and sent by mail to the applicant(s) within fifty days of filing.
(Prior code § 27-82.05)
Lot line adjustments shall be subject to requirements, conditions and restrictions as authorized by Section 66412(d) of the Map Act.
(Prior code § 27-82.06; Amended during 1990 codification)
Upon approval of the lot line adjustment, the city engineer shall prepare all necessary documentation and shall cause such documentation to be recorded in the office of the county recorder.
(Prior code § 27-82.07; Amended during 1990 codification)
The applicant, any interested person, member of the planning commission or member of the city council may appeal to the city council the decision of the city engineer. All appeals shall be submitted and acted upon in the manner prescribed for appeals of actions as specified in Section 664523(a) of the California Government Code.
(Prior code § 27-82.08)