The Township Manager shall prepare and recommend to the Board of Supervisors an organizational chart listing all the departments and offices comprising the Township's staff. The Board's approval of this organizational structure shall be by resolution, which may be amended from time to time as situations warrant. Once approved, this organizational resolution shall be published in the Appendix of the Upper Providence Code. The heads of all departments and offices shall be under the control of the Township Manager unless otherwise provided by law or ordinance.
Furthermore, the Manager shall include in all appropriate Township publications, both printed and digital, an organizational flowchart, outlining the hierarchical structure of each department, including department head titles and the principal subordinates for the same.
With the advice and consent of the Board of Supervisors, the Township Manager may appoint all department heads, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Township Manager, subject to any negotiated terms of employment, as authorized under the Township's personnel regulations.
The Township Manager may nominate, and the Board shall appoint, the Assistant Township Manager, Emergency Services Director and Zoning Officer, subject to any negotiated terms of employment or the Township's personnel regulations. These personnel shall be under the control of and shall be accountable to the Township Manager. The Chief of Police is also accountable to the Manager in accordance with the organizational flow chart; however, the hiring of a new Chief of Police and the interview process associated therewith shall remain entirely within the authority and control of the Board of Supervisors.
Upon a department head vacancy, the Township Manager may appoint an acting department or office head until a permanent appointment is made.
Department and office heads shall have the duties and the commensurate authority thereof, as follows:
To direct personally and through subordinates all functions, duties and operations assigned to and required of the department or office and its subordinate units by law, statute, ordinance or budget and such other activities as may be required by the Township Manager, and in accordance with applicable provisions of law, statute or ordinance or budget.
To develop and prescribe the internal organization of the department or office and its subordinate units, subject to the approval of the Township Manager, and in accordance with applicable provisions of law, statute or ordinance.
To assign duties and responsibilities to subordinate officers and employees within the department or office and to modify those assignments consistent with and in response to the changing exigencies of service and as permitted by policy.
To develop and prescribe, in written form, an administrative manual for the department or office, subject to the approval of the Township Manager.
To prepare and administer departmental or office budget requests in accordance with approved policies.
To appoint, discipline or remove all subordinate personnel upon the concurrence of the Township Manager and in accordance with any applicable statutes, ordinances and regulations.
To cooperate with and furnish to any department, office or unit of the Township any information, service, labor, material and equipment that may be necessary to perform a municipal function.
To keep informed of the activities and latest developments concerning management techniques, technological advances and intergovernmental programs as they affect the department, office or the Township and to make analyses and recommendations regarding such activities and policies when appropriate.
To administer and evaluate intergovernmental contracts and agreements as these relate to departmental or office functions.
To maintain internal administrative and budgetary controls and to institute productivity and performance standards to assure maximum levels of quality and quantity of service within budgetary limitations.
To keep the Township Manager and, where appropriate, other members of the staff fully informed of the activities and affairs of the department or office and of the Township.
To establish and maintain a system of filing and indexing records and reports in sufficient detail to furnish all information necessary for proper control of departmental or office activities and to form a basis for periodic reports to the Township Manager.
To be responsible for the proper maintenance of all Township property and equipment used in the department or office.
To be responsible for manpower planning within the department or office.
To administer the applicable laws, municipal ordinances and administrative regulations relating to the functions of the department or office.
To serve as a member of any committee or as a staff officer or to provide staff services to any authority, board or commission to which the department head or office head may be assigned by the Township Manager.
To develop personnel planning and employee development policies for the department or office, including the planning and execution of appropriate training and education programs.
To establish and enforce rules and regulations for the use of municipal facilities and services and issue such licenses and permits as may be required by ordinance.
To develop and recommend rate structures for those services for which user fees are charged.
To recommend to the Township Manager policies and procedures designed to improve the quality of municipal functions and services and to advise as to the needs of the department or office.
To direct any division or unit of the department or office to perform work for another department or office when requested.
To promote the public good will and to represent the department or office before civic associations, business, professional or governmental groups, the press and interested citizens concerning the general activities and administrative functions of the department or office.
To perform any other duties assigned by the Township Manager.