Purpose and establishment. The Board may at any time, by resolution, establish special standing committees to provide advice, guidance and policy recommendations to the full Board of Supervisors. Such committees may be of a permanent nature, whereby they advise the Board on a specific municipal function, or of a temporary nature, whereby they advise the Board on temporary policy issues. No committee shall perform administrative duties or have executive authority.
Appointments, vacancies and removal. The Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors shall nominate, with the advice and consent of the full Board, members of all standing committees, including the filling of vacancies, removing of members and the appointing of additional members. The Board shall also designate the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of each committee.
Purpose. The Board may assign no more than two Supervisors to serve as liaisons to the Township Manager on specific departments. There shall be no preset limit on the number of municipal departments, divisions or functions to which liaisons may be assigned. The Board shall consult with the Township Manager on which areas would benefit from liaisons.
All liaison appointments shall be codified in a singular resolution which may be amended from time to time as warranted. At a minimum, the resolution shall be updated accordingly at the Board's annual organization meeting.