No person shall commence, conduct or carry on any of the businesses or business activities listed in this section without having applied for and been granted a permit therefor by the city council. Permits shall be issued in cases where the council finds that the applicant and proposed participants in the business or business activity are of good moral character, and the proposed business or activity will apparently be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, local, state or federal, that all state and federal licensing requirements apparently have been or will be complied with, and that the proposed location or locations for the business or activity will be desirable to the public convenience and welfare and will be in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the Palm Springs general plan, and all other officially adopted policies and regulations of the city:
Automobile or truck rental or leasing (subject to processing in accordance with Chapter 5.40);
Automobile wrecking businesses where wrecked or damaged automobiles are bought or sold in whole or in part;
Bankrupt, assigned or damaged goods sales, selling or offering for sale any bankrupt, assigned or damaged stock of goods, wares, or merchandise, of whatsoever nature or kind;
Bicycle rental or sales;
Carnivals, as referred to in Section 3.84.080;
Circuses, menageries and the like, as referred to in Section 3.84.090;
Secondhand dealers, dealing in secondhand goods, wares, or merchandise whether or not carried on in conjunction with another business or with the business of dealing in new merchandise.
(Prior code § 2371; Ord. 909 § 6, 1971)
No person shall conduct or carry on the business of locksmith, or a key or lock repair shop or business, without having applied for and been granted a permit therefor by the chief of police. Such permits shall be issued in cases where, after investigation the chief of police determines that the applicant and proposed participants in the business or business activity are of good moral character, and that the issuance of the permits will not prejudice the public peace, safety, morals or welfare.
(Prior code § 2372; Ord. 909 § 6, 1971)
The city council shall have the power to revoke any permit issued pursuant to Sections 5.72.010 or 5.72.020, after a hearing conducted with due notice and in accordance with the legal principles of due process, and as a result of which hearing the council finds and determines that factual grounds exist, irrespective of when the same first arose, which would justify denial of issuance of a permit in the first instance, under the criteria prescribed in the section under which the permit was issued.
(Prior code § 2373; Ord. 909 § 6, 1971)