Any resident of the city who is an owner of a dog over four months of age shall have a current dog license tag for the dog.
(Prior code § 4-5.06; Ord. 1919 § 3, 2005)
This chapter does not apply when a dog accompanies an owner who is a nonresident and who is temporarily in the city for a period not exceeding 30 days, or to a dog participating in any bench show, dog exhibition, field trial, or competition, or receiving veterinary care in any dog hospital.
(Prior code § 4-5.07; Ord. 1919 § 3, 2005)
The effective period of each dog license issued shall be in an increment of one, two, or three years from the date of issuance, not to exceed the dog's rabies vaccination expiration date.
(Prior code § 4-5.08; Ord. 1919 § 3, 2005)
The owner shall state at the time application is made, and upon standard printed forms of application provided for such purpose, his or her name and address and the name, breed, color, age and sex of each dog for which application is made.
(Prior code § 4-5.09)
As a condition for the issuance of a license, all applicants for such license shall procure and deliver to the licensing authority a certificate issued by a duly licensed veterinarian certifying that the dog to be licensed has been administered an antirabies vaccination within 30 days prior to the issuance of said license, or has received antirabies vaccination sufficient to immunize said dog against rabies for the current license period.
(Prior code § 4-5.10)
A metallic tag and license certificate with corresponding number shall be furnished by the licensing authority, upon payment of the appropriate fee prescribed in Chapter 7.28 of this title.
(Prior code § 4-5.11)
The licensing authority shall keep a record of the name of such owner or person making payment of the license fee and to whom a certificate and tag shall have been issued, and the number and date of such certificate and such tag. Such metal tag issued shall be securely fixed to a collar, harness, or other device to be worn at all times by the dog for whom the registration is issued.
(Prior code § 4-5.12)
No owner of a dog shall fail or refuse to show the chief of police, deputy sheriffs or any police officer the license certificate and the tag for any dog.
(Prior code § 4-5.13; Ord. 1919 § 3, 2005)
No unauthorized person shall remove from any dog any collar, harness, or other device to which is attached a registration tag for the current year, or to remove such tag therefrom.
(Prior code § 4-5.14)
If the dog license tag is lost or destroyed, the owner shall immediately procure a new duplicate license tag from the licensing authority.
(Prior code § 4-5.15)
No person shall imitate or counterfeit the tags prescribed by this chapter, or have in his or her possession any imitation or counterfeit tags.
(Prior code § 4-5.16)
When a duly licensed veterinarian practicing within the city inoculates a dog with a rabies vaccine and the owner or possessor of the dog does not present a current license for the dog to him or her, the veterinarian shall notify the animal control agency of the name and address of the owner or possessor of the dog. The animal control agency will provide necessary materials to each veterinarian for the purpose of reporting such information.
(Prior code § 4-5.17)