To ensure that each new or expanded use of a structure or site and each new structure or alteration of an existing structure complies with all applicable provisions of this title, and in order that the city may have a record of each new or expanded use of a structure or site, a zoning certificate is required before any building permit may be issued or any structure or site used; and a certificate of occupancy required by the building code shall be issued only for a structure that conforms with the zoning certificate.
To ensure that each new sign or enlargement or change in the design or lighting of certain signs specified in Section 18.96.130, complies with all applicable provisions of this title, a zoning certificate is required before the sign may be displayed or altered.
(Prior code § 2-11.38)
Application for a zoning certificate shall be made on a form prescribed by the city planning commission and shall be accompanied by plans and additional information as necessary, in the opinion of the zoning administrator, to demonstrate conformity with this title. The zoning administrator shall check the application and all data submitted with it and shall issue a zoning certificate if he or she finds that all provisions of this title will be complied with.
(Prior code § 2-11.39)
The chief building official or designee shall not issue a building permit until the zoning administrator has approved a zoning certificate for the structure which is the subject of the building permit.
(Prior code § 2-11.40; Ord. 1425 § 1 (part), 1989; Ord. 2000 § 1, 2009)
The chief building official shall not issue a certificate of occupancy for a structure or alteration until he or she has found that the structure or alteration conforms with the zoning certificate, until all required screening and landscaping and off-street parking and loading facilities are complete, and he or she has found that all conditions attached to a use permit, a variance and design review have been met, provided that the chief building official may issue a certificate of occupancy prior to fulfillment of all requirements of this chapter if a faithful performance bond in an amount determined by the chief building official to be sufficient to complete the work necessary to meet requirements is filed with the city. Cash in the amount of the faithful performance bond may be deposited with the city in lieu of the bond.
A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued by the chief building official prior to the time that all of the requirements for a certificate of occupancy have been met, provided that no permit other than a temporary permit shall be issued for gas or electric utilities until the chief building official determines that all of the requirements for a certificate of occupancy have been met. A temporary permit for gas or electric utilities shall be valid for 10 working days, and may be renewed upon application to the chief building official for not more than two additional periods of 10 working days. If temporary permits for gas or electric utilities expire without the requirements for issuance of a certificate of occupancy having been met, the chief building official shall request the public utility to discontinue service.
(Prior code § 2-11.41; Ord. 1425 § 1 (part), 1989; Ord. 2000 § 1, 2009)
If the zoning administrator is unable to determine from information submitted by the applicant that a proposed use will comply with the required conditions for the district in which it is to be located, he or she shall not issue a zoning certificate, but shall request the applicant to authorize the city to secure expert professional advice from firms or individuals acceptable to both the city and the applicant. Professional fees shall be paid by the applicant. The zoning administrator may require that the applicant agree to pay professional fees for necessary investigations to determine compliance with required conditions prior to and after issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(Prior code § 2-11.42)