The city council may elect to review an action of the planning commission or zoning administrator within 15 days following such action, or at its next regular meeting, whichever is later. If the council elects to review an action and declines to confirm the decision, a public hearing shall be held by the council. The hearing shall be set and notice given as prescribed in Section 18.12.040 of this title.
(Prior code § 2-5.09; Ord. 1586 § 11, 1993)
Where this title provides for an appeal of a decision of the zoning administrator, the Building Inspector, or the planning commission, the appeal shall be filed within 15 days of the date of the decision being appealed and shall be filed with the secretary in the case of an appeal of the zoning administrator or the commission and with the city clerk in the case of an appeal to the city council. The appeal shall be made on a form approved by the commission and shall state specifically wherein it is claimed there was an error or abuse of discretion by the person or body making the decision or wherein a decision following a public hearing is not supported by the evidence in the record.
(Prior code § 2-5.10; Ord. 1520 § 5, 1991; Ord. 1656 § 1, 1995)
The body designated by this chapter to hear an appeal shall hold at least one public hearing within 40 days of the date when the appeal was filed. The hearing shall be set and notice given as prescribed in Section 18.12.040 of this title.
(Prior code § 2-5.11)
Within 40 days following the closing of a public hearing on an appeal, the body hearing the appeal shall render its decision. A decision by the zoning administrator or the planning commission shall become final 15 days after it is made, unless appealed, and a decision by the city council shall be final immediately after it is made. If an appealed decision is reversed or modified, the body hearing the appeal shall, on the basis of the record transmitted and such additional evidence as may be submitted, make the findings required by this chapter as prerequisite to granting the application or shall specifically decline to make such findings.
(Prior code § 2-5.12; Ord. 1520 § 5, 1991)
An appeal may be made to the planning commission by any interested party of any administrative determination or interpretation made by the zoning administrator or the building inspector under this title. An appeal shall be made on a form prescribed by the commission and shall be filed with the secretary. The planning commission may affirm, modify or reverse any administrative determination or interpretation from which appeal is made, and in making its decision shall be guided by the objectives of this title. The decision of the commission shall be rendered within 30 days after filing, unless the applicant shall consent to an extension of time. A decision of the planning commission may be appealed to the city council by the applicant within 15 days of the date of the decision or, in the event no decision is rendered, within 15 days following the time period prescribed for a decision by the commission.
(Prior code § 2-12.19; Ord. 1656 § 1, 1995)