[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950]
There is hereby created an organization of police officers in the City to be known as the "Lake Oswego Police Reserve", to be composed of a voluntary membership of not to exceed fifty members who shall be under the jurisdiction and subject to duty on call of the Chief of Police.
[Ord. No. 409, 1-3-1950]
Members of the Lake Oswego Reserve shall be citizens of the age of not less than twenty-one years whose application for membership has been approved by the Chief of Police and the City Manager.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950; Ord. No. 1451, 12-21-1971]
The Police Reserve shall be divided into such units as may be determined by the Chief of Police.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950]
When serving on active duty at the call of the Chief of Police or other authority of the City, members of the Police Reserve shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges of a regular Police Officer of the City and subject to all the duties and regulations and responsibilities thereof. And the responsibility of citizens to assist the Police Officers in pursuit of their duty shall apply to the members of the Police Reserve while on active duty in the same manner as to any other Police Officer.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950]
Except when on duty by call of the Chief of Police, or other authority of the City, the members of the Police Reserve shall perform no police functions other than those granted to all citizens of the state of Oregon by the laws thereof.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950; Ord. No. 1451, 12-21-1971]
Members of the Lake Oswego Police Reserve shall at all times be subject to call and performance of police duties as may be assigned to them, (except in the case of labor disputes in which case they may voluntarily refuse to serve) and shall report for duty at such intervals and times as shall be fixed or determined by order of the Chief of Police.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950; Ord. No. 1451, 12-21-1971; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022]
Members of the organization shall be subject to the order of the regularly constituted authority of the City and shall be directly responsible to the Chief of Police and officers of the regular Police Department and to the officers of the Police Reserve. Members shall serve at the pleasure of the Chief of Police and may be dismissed with or without cause by the Chief of Police or the City Manager.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950]
Upon termination of membership in the Police Reserve for whatever reason all property of the City in the possession of the retiring member shall be surrendered and delivered to such official as the Chief of Police shall designate to receive the same.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950; Ord. No. 1451, 12-21-1971; Ord. No. 2890, Amended, 3-17-2022]
There may be appointed by the Chief of Police with the approval of the City Manager a captain of the Police Reserve who shall not be an active member of the regular police force of the City, but shall be a member in good standing of the Police Reserve and shall, subject to the regulations imposed by the Chief of Police, be the executive officer of the Police Reserve. Additional captains, lieutenants and sergeants may from time to time be appointed by the Chief of Police from members of the Reserve to serve at the Chief’s pleasure.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950]
The Chief of Police may divide the membership of the Police Reserve and the units thereof into squads and assign them to duty as deemed for the best interests of the City and the protection of the people, and may require the members thereof to perform police duties either individually or in such number and under such leadership as the Chief of Police may designate and irrespective of the unit of such reserve to which such member shall belong.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950; Ord. No. 1451, 12-21-1971]
The members of the Police Reserve shall furnish and maintain their own equipment without expense to the City, except that the members of the organization shall be furnished by the City free of charge an official badge of appropriate design.
[Ord. No. 409, 10-3-1950; Ord. No. 1451, 12-21-1971]
Members of the Police Reserve shall receive no compensation for their membership therein or while on duty as such, unless special provision be made therefor by the City Manager.