[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
The water supply to each customer must be controlled by a separate meter.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
The City shall own, maintain and repair all water meters, meter boxes, service lines and fittings.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
All meters, meter boxes, fittings and service lines extending from the main to the meter location shall be installed by the City, or subject to the City’s approval and inspection.
Meters or services may be relocated at the written request of the customer, subject to approval by the City. The meters or services shall be relocated by the City at the customer’s expense. Meters or services relocated for the convenience of the City shall be relocated at the City’s expense.
If a customer requests a change in the size of a meter or service connection, such installation shall be considered a new service connection and all costs shall be paid by the customer.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
The City shall designate the location of every meter. Where practicable, the meter and related appurtenance shall be installed on a public easement or right-of-way. If the meter or related appurtenance must be located on private property, the property owner shall provide the City with a utility maintenance easement as a condition of obtaining service. The customer shall provide sufficient space and exercise proper care to protect and maintain access to the City’s property on customer’s premises. If the City must remove obstructions to obtain access to the meter, the customer shall pay the cost for removal of such obstructions. In the event of loss or damage to the City’s property on the customer’s premises arising from neglect, carelessness, or misuse by the customer, the cost of necessary repairs or replacement shall be billed to the customer with the service charge.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
Upon request, the City will test the meter of any customer. If the meter tests within 95% to 102% of true flow, the customer shall be charged for the cost of removing, testing, and installing the same or any new meter. If the tested meter under-registers water flow by more than 6% or over-registers by more than 2%, the new meter will be installed for the customer at no charge. If the tested meter over-registers the flow by more than 2%, the customer’s account will be credited for the overbilling for the previous three months. The overbilling credit shall be determined based upon the percentage the meter over-registers when tested.
[Ord. No. 2057, 6-29-1992]
The City shall have the right to enter onto customer’s premises to read the meter, inspect the city facilities, inventory or inspecting for cross connections or other such violations. The entry shall be made at reasonable times during normal operating or business hours unless an emergency situation exists as determined by the City.