[Repealed by Ord. No. 1803, 7-7-1981]
[Repealed by Ord. No. 1597, 10-7-1975]
[Ord. No. 1462, 3-21-1972; Ord. No. 1830, 6-8-1982; Ord. No. 2135, Amended, 10-1-1996]
Every employer and contractor shall make available at each construction site at which four or more workers will be simultaneously working, toilet facilities sufficient to accommodate all workers at such site. Such toilet facilities shall consist of standard flush toilets (connected to a sanitary sewer or to an existing lawful septic tank system) or chemical toilets which collect human waste in a container charged with a chemical solution for the purpose of disinfecting and deodorizing the contents. The City Manager may waive strict compliance with this provision if the contractor or employer can show that there are other approved facilities reasonably available which are sufficient to accommodate all workers at a particular construction site. Provisions for compliance with this section shall be shown by an applicant before issuance of a building permit. Failure to continuously comply with this section during construction shall be grounds for issuance of a "stop work order" for all work on the site pursuant to LOC § 45.03.015.