Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions and general provisions set forth in this section govern the construction of the chapter.
"Authorized storage garage"
shall mean any public garage or storage garage permitted for the storage of tow vehicles in the manner and as provided in this chapter.
"Conducting a tow car business"
shall mean the conducting or assisting in the conduct or operation of a towing business by an owner or employee by:
Soliciting for towing business;
Seeking vehicles to tow;
Operating or assisting in operating any equipment commonly used for towing another vehicle, or preparing another vehicle for towing, or storing or safeguarding a vehicle until it is claimed by its owner.
required by this chapter shall refer to property owner responsibilities that are transferred to the towing companies as a condition of accepting authority to place possessory liens on towed vehicles. They include all notifications required by the Vehicle Code.
"Person in lawful possession of property"
may be its owner, agent, resident manager, employee, tenant or member of a security patrol, licensed by the State or appointed representative of a condominium association. A tow truck owner or operator is specifically excluded from this definition unless he or she is the actual owner of the property.
shall mean any peace officer employed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(a))
This towing ordinance applies to any and all tow services operating in the City whether or not they have an established office or storage yard within the City. Tow services are deemed to be operating in the City if they tow a vehicle from any location within the City to any other location or conduct any activity under Section 5.20.010 of the definitions within the City. An act, omission, or failure by any agent or employee is the act, omission, or failure of the employing corporation or individual.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(b))
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any towing operation that:
Provides towing or storage without charge or fee solely for other vehicles owned or operated by the same entity, such as an auto dealer or dismantler;
Enters the City for the sole purpose of repossessing a specific vehicle for a bank or other authorized repossession agency, if such tow service is headquartered outside the City;
Is a government agency or public utility;
Enters the City for the sole purpose of delivering a vehicle from a location outside of the City to a location within the City at the request of the owner of vehicle if such tow service does not maintain offices, storage areas or garage facilities within the City;
Tows any vehicle at the request of the registered owner, legal owner or authorized representative thereof.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(c))
No person shall engage in or conduct a tow car business in the City without first having applied for, and obtained, a tow car business permit of the type hereinafter provided for in this chapter, nor shall any person continue to engage in or conduct a tow car business in the City after such tow car business permit has expired or has been suspended or revoked. Violation is a violation per Chapter 1.08.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(d))
Any person who desires to obtain a tow car business permit shall prepare, subscribe and file an application for such permit with the City Manager, which application shall contain the following information:
The name, residence address, driver's license, social security number and telephone number of the applicant for a tow car business permit; if a partnership, the same information for each partner; if a corporation, the same information for each director, each officer and the general manager. Post office box numbers are not permissible.
All names under which the business operates.
The business address and telephone number of the business. Post office box numbers are not permissible.
The make, year, model, color, license number, registered owner and legal owner of every tow truck that will be operated in the tow car business.
The name of the city, county, state and specific address in which the applicant engaged in or conducted a tow car business or was employed as a tow car business assistant within the last five years.
If the applicant has been convicted in any court of competent jurisdiction of a crime involving fraud, theft, auto theft, car tampering, auto burglary, or has been convicted of any felony.
Such other information as the City Manager may deem relevant and necessary to investigate and evaluate the qualifications of the applicant.
Consent to allow inspection and approval of all towing equipment and the storage yard by the Sheriff or any authority designated by the City prior to granting of the permit applied for. A reasonable nonrefundable fee may be charged by the City or Sheriff for such inspection. The inspection fee shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
All current towing agreements between the tow car business and property owners pursuant to Section 5.20.170.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(e))
Applicants for tow car business permits and tow car business assistant's permits shall pay a nonrefundable fee as amended from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(f))
As a condition to acceptance of any application for a tow car business permit or tow car business assistant's permit to facilitate investigation by the City, all persons who subscribe their names to the application, as above provided, shall be photographed by personnel of the City.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(g))
Upon acceptance of an application for a tow car business permit or a tow car business assistant's permit, the Sheriff's Department shall investigate the applicant or applicants to determine whether or not there are grounds for denial of the permit or permits for which application has been made.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(h))
Every applicant for a tow car business permit shall produce evidence that he or she is insured in the amount and in the manner specified by the City Manager.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(i))
Every applicant for a tow car business permit shall produce evidence that he or she can be insured and as a condition of the issuance of the permit, will be insured for comprehensive automobile liability, for bodily liability and property damage liability insurance issued by a reputable insurer in the minimum limits of liability:
Bodily injury and property damage with a combined single limit of $500,000.
Uninsured motorists' insurance with a minimum limit of $30,000 combined single limit.
The above coverages are to apply for all owned, nonowned and hired vehicles. Violation is a violation per Chapter 1.08 and grounds for permit revocation.
Proof of insurance shall be in the form of a certificate of insurance issued to the City Manager.
A 30 day written notice of cancellation shall be given to the City of Bellflower in the event of cancellation and/or reduction in coverage of any nature. Such notice shall be sent through the United States mail to the City Manager, addressed as follows:
City Manager
City of Bellflower
16600 Civic Center Drive Bellflower, California 90706
Permittee shall maintain such insurance in full force and effect throughout the term of such permit and each renewal thereof. Violation is a violation per Chapter 1.08.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(j))
If after investigation of an applicant for a tow car business permit the Sheriff finds that no grounds exist for denial of the permit, the City Manager shall issue a regular tow car business permit or a regular tow car business assistant's permit, as the case may be, to the applicant for a period of two years from date of issuance.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(k))
The City Manager may deny, revoke, refuse to renew or suspend for not more than 60 days a tow car business permit or tow car business assistant's permit for any of the following reasons:
Applicant or licensee fails to provide and maintain the insurance required.
Applicant or licensee has been convicted of a crime involving fraud, theft, auto theft, car tampering, auto burglary or infraction substantially related to the towing business.
Applicant or licensee has made any false statement or representation in the permit application.
Applicant or permittee owns, operates or has any connection whatsoever with a security guard business operating within the City. The City Council declares such arrangements to be a conflict of interest.
Applicant or licensee has imposed unreasonable or unlawful fees for towing service, in violation of the California Vehicle Code or Law Enforcement Towing Agreement.
The applicant, licensee or his/her employee past or present have engaged in illegal towing or removal of any vehicle from public or private property and a judgment or plea of nolo contendere has been entered.
Repeated acts of negligence, resulting in damage to or theft from towed or stored vehicles.
Failure to satisfy any judgment awarded to the owner of a towed vehicle, against the applicant or permittee, resulting from towing or storage of a vehicle.
Failure or refusal to cooperate in any bona fide criminal investigation.
Conviction of a misdemeanor or a felony involving assault or battery by any tow company employee, against the owner of any vehicle towed or stored by the applicant or licensee.
Employing, retaining in employment or using any person in the towing business, who has not been issued a valid tow car business assistant's permit by the City.
Failing to report the towing of vehicles as required by law.
Failure or refusal to allow inspection of premises, business records or towing equipment by any peace officer or designated City employee upon reasonable notice.
Falsification of any towing document.
Violation of any provision of the Law Enforcement Towing Agreement.
Premises not properly zoned for tow operations or maintaining tow business.
The City Manager shall notify the applicant or licensee of the denial, revocation, nonrenewal or suspension of any such permit, setting forth the grounds and basis for denial, revocation, nonrenewal or suspension.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(l))
All persons hired as a tow car business assistant will immediately apply for a tow car business assistant permit from the City. The format and fee for such permit will be set by the City. The fee for such permit shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
Failure to apply for, or to carry such permit and present it on demand by any peace officer, City employee or customer when on duty, is a violation per Chapter 1.08.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(m))
If the City Manager determines that the permittee has failed to comply with the terms of the permit or the provisions of this chapter or other applicable City ordinances or applicable provisions of the laws of the State, he or she may suspend, revoke, deny or refuse to renew the permit, said suspension, revocation, denial or refusal to renew may be appealed by the permittee. The 10 days prior to the issuance of an order suspending, revoking, denying or refusing to renew the permit, the City Manager shall give the permittee written notice of intention to suspend, revoke, deny or refusal to renew and recite therein the reason(s) for the proposed suspension, revocation, denial or refusal to renew. The notice shall provide that permittee may appeal before the City Council to show cause why the permit should not be suspended, revoked, denied or refused to renew. Said notice shall specify a time and place for hearing. The City Council shall establish reasonable rules of procedure for the conduct of such hearing. Within 10 days from and after the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council shall give permittee a written notice of its decision. If the City Council should suspend, revoke, deny or refuse to renew the permit, the City Council shall specify the grounds for suspension, revocation, denial or refusal to renew. No suspension, revocation, denial or refusal to renew shall become effective until such time as said notice has been given.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(n))
Any notice required by this chapter may be given in any manner in which service of summons from the Superior Court of the State may be effected, or by deposit in a sealed, postage prepaid envelope which is addressed to the person to whom notice is being given at the said person's business or residence address that is specified in the application for a tow car business permit or tow car business assistant's permit. Service by United States mail shall be deemed to have been completed at the time of deposit in a United States mail depository or United States post office.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(o))
Owners or persons in lawful possession of private property, may request the towing away of illegally parked vehicles under the authority of Section 22658(A) of the California Vehicle Code.
Owners are responsible for proper posting as required, and must have the towed vehicles taken to "the nearest authorized storage garage" as required under California Vehicle Code Section 22658(A) which is willing to take the vehicle for storage and in no event more than 10 miles from where the tow begins. A property owner or his/her agent may not order a vehicle taken to other than the nearest public garage, without permission of the registered owner. Violation of this chapter by a property owner or agent is a violation per Chapter 1.08.
Property owners may also designate certain areas as "No Parking," "Fire Zones," "Handicapped Parking Only," or "Visitors Parking Only" in accordance with, and in the manner provided by, the California Vehicle Code. Such areas must be clearly designated and marked in a manner approved individually by the Fire Department or the Sheriff. Parking in driveways may be cause for tow away without posting or approval. A reasonable fee may be charged for inspection or approval of each designated restricted parking zone by the City. The inspection fee shall be assessed to the property owner. The fee for inspection shall be established by resolution of the City Council. After approval, the owner or person in lawful possession of the private property, may request that cars be towed away from the restricted areas, in the same manner as permitted under Section 22658(A) of the California Vehicle Code.
Property owners or their authorized agents (in no case a tow car operator or employee) may request a tow-away only in accordance with the procedure outlined below. Violation by a property owner is a violation per Chapter 1.08.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(p))
Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22658, the tow company may, subsequent to notifying the Sheriff as provided therein, cause the removal of a vehicle from private property. They will provide the year, make, color and license number of the car to be towed. Additionally, the tow company will provide the name of the tow truck driver, the location where the tow begins and the name of the person in lawful possession of the property requesting or authorizing the tow.
No tow company or towing employee shall take possession of any vehicle parked on private property, until such time as the owner or agent of such real property has signed a towing request or towing agreement.
Tow truck drivers are specifically prohibited from initiating a tow-away of any vehicle on private property without obtaining a signed receipt from the owner or agent of such property or having in his/her possession a current tow agreement authorizing removal of illegally parked vehicles from private property as outlined in Subsection (D) of this section. Violation is a violation per Chapter 1.08.
A tow contract between the property owner or authorized agent and the tow business shall specify all circumstances under which illegally parked vehicles are to be removed from private property. Certified copies of the towing agreement shall be kept on file at all times by the tow operator, property owner or authorized agent and the City. Photocopies of the agreement shall not be accepted. Current towing agreement shall be renewed annually upon renewal of business license. Property owner or authorized agent shall notify the City immediately upon termination of said towing agreement.
Upon removing a vehicle from private property, the tow truck driver will complete a vehicle inventory and record the odometer reading. The inventory and towing receipt will be retained for a period of 60 days and open to inspection by any peace officer or the registered owner of the towed vehicle.
Subsections (A) through (E) of this section do not apply to tow trucks or tow operators called to a location by an on-duty peace officer.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(q))
All permit holders or tow truck operators shall at all times display, in a conspicuous location in their primary place of business, a sign with the following information:
Cash or valid credit cards accepted.
The Sheriff tow liaison unit may be called regarding complaints about tows (562) 623-3500.
Authorized towing rates shall not exceed the rates in effect and as set in the Law Enforcement Towing Agreement.
Business hours: Must include at least eight hours Monday through Friday and two hours on Saturday.
The sign shall display a 24 hour emergency telephone number.
The sign shall be updated as necessary.
Those tow truck companies which engage in private property towing shall also display a notice that advises their public that all of the following are available for review in the business office upon request:
The tow car operating permit and assistant's identification;
The name and address of the person/property owner who directed them to remove the vehicle;
The Law Enforcement Towing Agreement; and
California Vehicle Code Section 22658 and its subsections.
Within 180 days after enactment of the ordinance codified in this chapter, all tow car operators subject to this Act, will be required to provide a covered waiting area with three seats, which shall conform to current building standards.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(r))
It is a violation per Chapter 1.08 for any person or towing company to overcharge for vehicle towing or storage, or both. The amount charged shall be deemed an overcharge if it exceeds the maximum permissible amount as listed in the then current Sheriff's towing agreement or contracts, whether or not the tow service or its owner is a signatory or subscriber to the contract or agreement.
(Prior code § 5-2.43(s))