This chapter shall be known as the "Motion Picture, Television, Radio and Photographic Production Ordinance."
(Prior code § 5-15.1)
As used in this chapter:
"Charitable films"
shall mean commercials, motion pictures, television, videotapes, or still photography produced by a nonprofit organization, which qualifies under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a charitable organization. No person, directly or indirectly, shall receive a profit from the marketing and production of the film or from showing the films, tapes, or photos.
"Motion picture," "television," "still photography"
shall mean and include all activity attendant to staging or shooting commercial motion pictures, television shows or programs, and commercials.
"News media"
shall mean the photographing, filming or videotaping for the purpose of spontaneous, unplanned television news broadcast or reporting for print media by reporters, photographers or camerapersons.
shall mean a fixed place of business where filming activities (motion or still photography) are regularly conducted upon the premises.
(Prior code § 5-15.2)
No person shall use any public right-of-way, or any public or private property, facility or residence for the purpose of producing, broadcasting, taking or making any commercial motion picture, television, radio or photographic production as defined in Section 5.60.020 without a permit issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 5-15.3)
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the following:
Current news productions, which includes reporters, photographers or camerapersons in the employment of a newspaper, news service, broadcasting station or similar entity engaged in the broadcasting of news events;
Productions that are conducted by the City's public, recreation, education and government access organizations;
Productions that are conducted within legally established commercial motion picture/television/ radio/photography studios;
Video or multimedia broadcast or transmission of a live performance within a live entertainment venue on large-screen monitors (i.e., jumbotrons) attached to the exterior of the building.
(Prior code § 5-15.4)
Any person desiring a permit under the provisions of this chapter shall make application on the appropriate form provided by the City's Planning Division. The form must be signed and accompanied by all required fees, deposits, hold harmless agreement and insurance certificate required by this chapter before it will be processed. If the application satisfies the criteria of this chapter, the permit shall be issued within two working days of submittal, or within four working days of submittal if the activity requires traffic control in excess of three minutes or includes stunts or special effects, or within 10 working days of submittal if activities require road closures. Such permit application shall be in lieu of a business license application.
(Prior code § 5-15.5)
Each application shall be accompanied by the following fees:
A processing fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council to reimburse the City for the staff time required evaluating the application and establishing conditions of approval. The processing fee shall be waived for charitable and nonprofit organizations that qualify under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The processing fee will be at a reduced rate for student filming directed or produced by a person currently enrolled in courses related to the production, who furnish proof of their student status in the form of a letter from their college, university or school.
A daily property use fee in an amount established by resolution of the City Council to reimburse the City for the staff time required to monitor the activity, as well as to compensate the City for the use of public property and its unavailability for ordinary and usual purposes resulting from the filming activity. The property use fee shall be waived for the following:
Productions conducted by a cable television company operating under a franchise granted by the City which are not conducted on public property, do not interfere with public rights-of-way, and which involve fewer than two motor vehicles;
Productions for wholly charitable or educational purposes and from which no profit is derived, either directly or indirectly; and
Student filming—Productions directed or produced by a person currently enrolled in courses related to the production, who furnish proof of their student status in the form of a letter from their college, university or school.
(Prior code § 5-15.6)
The City Manager or his/her designee shall issue a permit as provided for in this chapter when, from a consideration of the application and from such other information as may be otherwise obtained, he or she finds that:
The conduct of such activity will not unduly interfere with traffic or pedestrian movement or endanger public safety and that no streets will be completely closed to traffic for an unreasonable period of time. Seventy-two hours' notice of any street closure shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Los Angeles County Code Section 15.64.140, incorporated into this Code as part of the Traffic Ordinance.
The conduct of such activity will not unduly interfere with normal governmental or City operations, threaten to result in damage or detriment to public property, or result in the City incurring costs or expenditures in either money or personnel not reimbursed in advance by the applicant.
At the determination of the City Manager or his/her designee as well as the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Los Angeles County Fire Department and the City's Public Works and Public Safety Departments, that the condition of such activity will not constitute a fire hazard or any other type of hazard and all property safety precautions will be taken as determined by the heads of the aforementioned departments or their designees.
(Prior code § 5-15.7)
The decision of the City Manager or his/her designee to issue, conditionally issue, or deny a permit shall be final unless appealed in writing within five working days of the decision by requesting a hearing before the City Manager. Such hearing will take place within two business days. In all cases, the decision of the City Manager in such appeals is final.
(Prior code § 5-15.8)
If deemed necessary by the City Manager or his/her designee, additional sheriff, code enforcement, fire, and other City services shall be provided for the purpose of protecting, assisting and regulating the proposed activity. The applicant shall pay the cost of providing such additional services in advance to the City. Any additional City services will be provided/coordinated through the City Manager or his/her designee.
(Prior code § 5-15.9)
As a condition of issuing such a permit, the applicant shall furnish insurance in an amount to be determined by the City Manager but in no event in an amount less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) to protect the City against claims of third persons for personal injury, wrongful death and property damage and to indemnify the City for damage to the City property arising out of the permittee's activities. An additional minimum of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) of such commercial general liability insurance coverage shall be required when the aquatic center is used. An additional minimum of five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) of such commercial general liability insurance coverage shall be required in the event aircraft or helicopters are used in the activity. Such insurance shall be evidenced by the standard General Special Endorsement Form and the Certificate of Insurance (Public Liability) form provided by the City's Planning Division.
(Prior code § 5-15.10)
The applicant shall execute a hold harmless agreement as provided by the City prior to the issuance of any permit.
(Prior code § 5-15.11)
The applicant shall maintain a copy of the motion picture, television, radio and photographic permit on site at all times.
(Prior code § 5-15.12)
The applicant shall conduct operations in an orderly fashion with continuous attention to the storage of equipment not in use, maintenance of the area, and the cleanup of trash and debris. The area used shall be cleaned of trash and debris within a reasonable time of the completion of the activity or within such other time established in the permit to the City's satisfaction. The applicant shall be responsible for restoring any area damaged or disrupted before leaving the site. If the site is not repaired or restored to the City's satisfaction, the City Manager or his/her designee shall have the necessary restoration and/or repairs performed and the applicant shall reimburse the City for such work within 10 days of completing filming.
In the event the applicant fails to so reimburse the City, the City may secure its reimbursement from either a cash deposit or surety bond that shall be posted with the City to ensure faithful performance of such restoration. Such deposit or bond shall be filed at the time of the application in an amount to be determined by a separate resolution of the City Council or in any higher amount determined by the City Manager or his/her designee to be reasonably required under the circumstances, except that the City Manager or his/her designee may waive any or all of the required deposit or bond in the case of student filming. The deposit or bond will be promptly returned upon the satisfactory cleanup and restoration of the area used.
The amount of the deposit or bond shall in no way limit the applicant's liability or responsibility for the costs of repairs or restoration in the event these costs exceed the bond amount.
(Prior code § 5-15.13)
The City Manager and his/her designee are hereby authorized to promulgate and enforce administrative regulations in the implementation and enforcement of this chapter.
(Prior code § 5-15.14)