Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this Chapter.
means any person or persons seeking to rent or let a hotel room or suite within the City's jurisdiction.
means any building or portion of any building with access provided through a common entrance, lobby or hallway to one or more guest rooms which are designed, occupied, used or intended to be used, rented or hired out as temporary or overnight accommodations for guests.
"Official identification card"
means a driver's license or other official picture identification card issued by a government entity.
"Responsible person"
means any owner, manager, or proprietor of a hotel.
(Prior code § 3-4.10(e); Ord. 1390 § 1, 6/8/20)
Every responsible person will keep a guest register for registering guests. The guest register will be preserved for at least two years and may be inspected by any law enforcement officer in accordance with this chapter. It is unlawful for any responsible person to let, rent, or furnish any hotel room to any guest who fails to register in the guest register as required by this Chapter.
(Prior code §§ 3-4.10(a), (b); Ord. 1390 § 1, 6/8/20)
Each guest register must contain:
The name, address, and date when a guest registered;
The time that the guest arrived and the time the guest departed or, if the exact time of departure is unknown, the date and time that the responsible owner ascertained the guest departed.
The number of the room or suite assigned to the guest;
If the guest has a motor vehicle, the vehicle license number, the name of the state issuing such license, the year, make, and model of the vehicle; and
The guest's signature.
The responsible person must verify that the information entered in the guest register corresponds with the guest's official identification card.
No person may erase or alter any entry on a guest registry or allow erasure or alternation to occur.
(Ord. 1390 § 1, 6/8/20)
It is unlawful for a guest to provide false information, register under a fictitious name, or show or use a forged, altered, or counterfeit official identification card when renting a room.
(Prior code § 3-4.3; Ord. 1390 § 1, 6/8/20)
Except for residential hotels, no guest may stay at a hotel for more than 30 days of any 90-day period. Any hotel guests must re-register before 30 days elapse.
(Prior code §§ 3-4.10(c), (d); Ord. 1390 § 1, 6/8/20)
A sworn law enforcement official may request to review hotel registries at any time. The responsible person may either voluntarily provide such information to a sworn law enforcement official or refuse. Except under exigent circumstances, as defined by applicable law, upon refusal, the sworn law enforcement official may, in addition to any other lawful means of obtaining such information including a legislative subpoena, seek a search warrant issued by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ord. 1390 § 1, 6/8/20)