No person shall operate or maintain or cause to be operated or maintained, any premises so as to permit the breeding or harboring therein or thereon of flies. No person shall permit on his/her premises the accumulation of any material that is breeding flies.
(Prior code § 11-2.1)
All fly breeding materials shall be removed from all premises as often as is necessary to prevent the breeding or harboring of flies.
The Health Officer shall have the authority to issue a written notice whenever in his/her opinion the removal of all fly breeding material or abatement of fly breeding conditions are necessary.
(Prior code § 11-2.2)
All premises wherein flies breed shall be cleaned or effective insecticides used as often as is necessary to prevent the breeding or harboring thereon of flies. The Health Officer shall have the authority to designate the frequency of the use of the insecticides, the type of insecticides to be used, the rate of application of the insecticide and the frequency of cleaning.
(Prior code § 11-2.3)
All animal or fowl manure, excrement, and all other fly breeding materials, shall be removed from all premises, including but not limited to, poultry ranches, poultry yards, dairies, cattle yards, barns, sheds, feeding platforms, coops and mangers, as often as is necessary to prevent the breeding or harboring of flies.
During the period from January 15 to May 15 of each and every year, it is unlawful for any person to permit any animal or fowl manure, excrement or other fly breeding material to remain on or at his/her premises for a period in excess of seven days.
During the period from January 15 to May 15 of each and every year, all animal or fowl manure, excrement, and all other fly breeding materials, shall be removed at least once a week from all premises, including but not limited to, poultry ranches, poultry yards, dairies, cattle yards, barns, sheds, feeding platforms, coops and mangers. Every person maintaining or operating a poultry ranch, dairy, or cattle yard shall file with the Health Officer a notice specifying the day of each and every week during the period of January 15 to May 15 that he or she will remove or cause to be removed from his/her premises all animal and fowl manure, excrement and all other fly breeding materials.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, upon 48 hours written notice from the Health Officer, every person shall remove as often and as frequently as the Health Officer shall find necessary, all manure, excrement, and all other fly breeding materials from his/her premises as specified in said notice. Said notice may be given by delivery to any responsible person on the premises or by posting in a conspicuous place thereon. The Health Officer shall have the authority to issue such notice whenever he or she shall find that the removal of fly breeding materials or the abatement of fly breeding conditions is necessary to preserve the health or welfare of the community or adjoining neighborhood.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, upon 48 hours written notice from the Health Officer, every person shall comply with all orders of the Health Officer as specified in said notice concerning or relating to any program, technique or treatment for the abatement or control of fly breeding conditions or fly breeding materials. Said notice may be given by delivery to any responsible person on the premises or by posting in a conspicuous place thereon. The Health Officer shall have the authority to issue such notice whenever he or she shall find that the control or abatement of fly breeding materials or fly breeding conditions is necessary to preserve the health or welfare of the community or adjoining neighborhood.
(Prior code § 11-2.4)
No person owning, operating or in control of any poultry ranch, poultry yard, barn, shed, or coop shall permit the carcass or body of any dead fowl to remain on his/her premises for a period in excess of 72 hours. All carcasses or parts of any dead chickens or other fowl shall be and must be promptly and forthwith deposited and kept in an airtight container until such dead carcasses or parts thereof are removed from the premises. The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to apply as to the process of killing, dressing or preparing any fowl for sale to the public as a food product.
(Prior code § 11-2.5)