Acts Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to be present in, on or near any thoroughfare or place open to the public or near any public or private place in a manner and under circumstances manifesting the purpose of engaging in drug-related activity defined as offenses in Chapters 6 and 6.5 of Division 10 of the California Health and Safety Code.
Circumstances. Among circumstances that may be considered in determining whether such purpose is manifested are that the person:
Is a known drug user, possessor or seller. For purpose of this section, a "known unlawful drug user, possessor or seller" is a person who has, within the knowledge of the arresting officer, been convicted in any court within this State of any violation involving the use, possession or sale of any of the substances referred to in Chapters 6 and 6.5 of Division 10 of the California Health and Safety Code, or such person has been convicted of any violation of any of the provisions of said sections or substantially similar laws of any political subdivision of this State or of any other State; or a person who displays physical characteristics of drug intoxication or usage, such as "needle tracks," or a person who possesses drug paraphernalia as defined by California Health and Safety Code Section 11364.5d;
Is currently subject to an order prohibiting his/her presence in a high drug activity geographic area;
Behaves in such a manner as to raise a reasonable suspicion that he or she is about to engage in or is then engaged in any unlawful drug-related activity, including by way of example only, acting as a "lookout";
Is physically identified by the Sheriff's Special Assignment Officers as a member of a "gang" or association which has as its purpose illegal drug activity;
Transfers small objects or packages for currency in a furtive fashion;
Takes flight upon the appearance of Sheriff's Law Enforcement Officers;
Tries to conceal himself/herself or any object which reasonably could be involved in an unlawful drug-related activity;
Is in an area that is known for unlawful drug use and trafficking;
Is on or in premises that have been reported to law enforcement as a place suspected of unlawful drug activity;
Is in or within six feet of any vehicles registered to a known unlawful drug user, possessor or seller, or a person for whom there is an outstanding warrant for a crime involving drug-related activity.
Enforcement. Enforcement of this section shall be pursuant to a special training policy as established by the local Sheriff's Station Commander.
(Prior code § 3-4.4.1; Ord. 1379 § 3, 10/28/19)
It is unlawful for any person to be present or to stand or sit in or at the entrance of any religious facility, hall, theater or place of public assemblage so as in any manner to obstruct said entrance.
(Prior code § 3-4.5; Ord. 1319 § 5, 10/10/16; Ord. 1379 § 3, 10/28/19)
It is unlawful for any minor under the age of 18 years, who is subject to compulsory education or to compulsory continuation education, to be present, idle, wander, or otherwise remain in or upon the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, playgrounds, or other public grounds, public places, public buildings, places of amusement and eating places, vacant lots or any unsupervised place between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. on days when school is in session. This section does not apply:
When the minor is accompanied by his/her parent, legal guardian, or other person over the age of 18 having the care or custody of the minor; or
When the minor is on an emergency errand directed by his/her parent or legal guardian or other person over the age of 18 having care or custody of the minor; or
When the minor is going to or coming directly from his or her place of gainful employment or to or from a medical appointment; or
When a student has permission to leave the school campus for lunch or a school-related activity and have in their possession a valid, school-issued, off-campus permit; or
When a student is not scheduled to be in school; or
When the minor is engaged in activities specifically protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
(Prior code § 3-4.5.1; Ord. 1149 § 5, 11/13/07; Ord. 1379 § 3, 10/28/19)