This Chapter is adopted pursuant to the City's police powers and Vehicle Code Section 22507, and any successor statute or regulation, in order to allow permit parking in specified areas within the City's jurisdiction.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions will govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this Chapter:
"Director of Public Safety"
means the City Manager, Director of Public Safety, or their designees.
"Dwelling unit"
means any self-contained house, apartment, stock cooperative, or condominium occupied solely for residential purposes.
"Parking block"
means for purposes of preferential parking district formation only, all residential property abutting or having frontage along one side of the right-of-way of a public street or highway between a street or highway and a railroad right-of-way, terminus or dead-end street or highway, or City boundary. An intersecting street or highway only determines the boundary of the parking block on the side of the street or highway that it intersects.
"Parking permit area"
means any area specially designated by resolution as a residential or business parking district.
means any person who lives in a dwelling unit located in a specified area.
"Specified area"
means locations within the City's jurisdiction designated by City Council resolution as permit parking areas.
means a person visiting residents living in a dwelling unit in a specified area.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16; Ord. 1366 § 1, 11/13/18; Ord. 1412 § 1, 4/11/21)
The time limitations on standing or parking in this Code will not relieve any person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code or this Code prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Every person who is issued a notice of parking violation pursuant to this Chapter may request review of that notice under Vehicle Code Sections 40215, et seq.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Except as otherwise provided in this section, it is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle on any street or structure in a parking permit area.
Exceptions. This section does not apply:
To any person holding a valid vehicle parking permit issued pursuant to this Chapter;
To any person holding a valid handicap permit issued pursuant to applicable law;
To the following vehicles, provided that the vehicle operators are actively working or on-duty:
Vehicles with exempt "E" plates;
Vehicles bearing United States government plates;
Utility company vehicles displaying warning devices;
Commercial vehicles engaged in work that requires the vehicle to be parked in a particular location;
Contractors providing service to a property located in a specified area;
Vehicles engaged in the performance of services contracted by the City; or
Any public emergency vehicle.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
It is unlawful for any person to falsely represent themselves as eligible for a parking permit under this Chapter or to furnish false information in an application for a parking permit.
It is unlawful for any person to copy, produce, or otherwise bring into existence a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit.
It is unlawful for any person to knowingly use or display a facsimile or counterfeit parking permit, with intent to evade prohibitions or limitations on parking in a specified area.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Every person seeking a parking permit must file an application with the Director of Public Safety containing the following:
The name, address and phone number of the registered owner and applicant of the designated vehicle;
The license number, make and model of the designated vehicle;
Additional information the Director of Public Safety may reasonably require; and
The applicant must sign an application under penalty of perjury.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Applicants for permits issued pursuant to this Chapter will pay to the City a fee equal to the sum of money sufficient to reimburse the City for all expenses incurred by it in connection with processing permit applications, along with any other costs that are reasonable and necessary to ensure their effectiveness. The amount of such fees will be established periodically by City Council resolution.
Where an annual permit is purchased after June 30th, the permit holder need only pay 50% of the regular fee for the annual permit.
Current fees are listed in the Comprehensive User Fee Schedule, which is available at the City Clerk's office.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
The Director of Public Safety must issue a permit if:
The application was completed in accordance with this Chapter; and
There are no grounds for denying the permit.
Use of any permit issued pursuant to this Chapter will conform to the general permit conditions of this Chapter.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
A parking permit is valid for one calendar year. Upon expiration, the applicant may apply for and be granted additional parking permits if the applicant still qualifies under the conditions set forth herein.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
A permit must be denied if the Director of Public Safety finds that:
The applicant is not a bona fide City resident;
The proposed location is not in a specified location;
Information submitted by the applicant is materially false; or
The number of permits issued exceed the number allowed by this Chapter.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Permits issued pursuant to this Chapter will be in a form prescribed by the City and include the permit number, the letter of the permit parking district, and the expiration date.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
All permits will be hung from the rear view mirror of the vehicle to which it relates so that it is clearly visible from the exterior of the vehicle.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Signs giving reasonable notice of the prohibitions contained in this section will be erected within the specified areas as required by the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
The City Council may designate specified areas by resolution upon making the following findings:
Vehicles owned or operated by persons who are not residents substantially and regularly interfere with the use of the majority of available public street or alley parking spaces in the proposed specified area by adjacent residents;
Interference by such vehicles occurs in the proposed specified area at regular and significant daily or weekly intervals;
Such vehicles cause or are the source of unreasonable noise, traffic hazards, environmental pollution, or devaluation of real property in the area of the proposed specified area; and
There is shortage of reasonably available and convenient residential related parking spaces within the proposed specified area.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
A specified area may be requested through a petition signed by residents living in at least 66% of the dwelling units of the proposed specified area and the Director of Public Safety verifies that the petition contains signatures from a sufficient number of qualified persons. Alternatively, a specified area may be requested by order of the City Council without a petition. Once the request has been made by the resident petition process or by order of the City Council, the Director of Public Safety must undertake such surveys or studies as are deemed necessary to determine whether the area should be designated a specified area and must report his/her findings to the City Council.
A specified area must consist of at least one parking block. In the absence of an intersective street or highway, the City Council can determine the length of a parking block, which ordinarily cannot be less than 750 feet. The City Council may, but is not required to, approve a parking block smaller than 750 feet if it can find, based upon substantive evidence provided by residents or the Director of Public Safety, that: (1) a smaller parking block is desirable to protect public health and safety; and (2) that a smaller parking block will not unfairly interfere with on-street parking serving other nearby properties.
Before residents may present a petition, they must notify all affected residents and provide the Director of Public Safety with sufficient evidence to demonstrate that all affected residents have been notified.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16; Ord. 1366 § 2, 11/13/18; Ord. 1412 § 2, 4/11/21)
Proceedings to dissolve a specified area must be initiated upon receipt and verification of a petition signed by residents living in 66% of the dwelling units within the specified area or upon adoption of a resolution by the City Council. A dissolution must be accomplished by City Council resolution.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
Specified areas established before the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter, as established by City Council resolution, will continue in effect unless subsequently modified or dissolved in accordance with this Chapter.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
The Director of Public Safety must issue permits for preferential parking and the Finance Director must collect all fees.
Permit applicants must present proof that they reside in a dwelling unit in a specified area.
Applicants requesting more than four permits for a dwelling unit may be granted additional permits by the Director of Public Safety upon showing that there are more than four vehicles registered at the dwelling unit, and that sufficient off-street parking is not available to the applicant, and that to deny such additional permits would constitute a hardship.
Parking permits issued pursuant to this Chapter will remain in effect for a period of one year or fraction thereof, and may be renewed for a period of one year, as long as the permit holder continues to reside in the dwelling unit, or until the specified area for which the permit was issued is dissolved, whichever period of time is less.
Residents may also receive temporary residential parking permits for use by their guests at no cost. Temporary permits will be issued to residents upon application to the Director of Public Safety. A resident may obtain permits for any of the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Lincoln's Birthday, President's Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve Day. In addition, a resident may obtain permits for three non-holiday days per year.
Use of a temporary permit may not exceed 24 hours. A maximum of 15 temporary residential parking permits may be used per day for each dwelling unit. Each such permit must have the date, street name, and name of the person approving the permit.
A parking permit does not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated specified area.
Each permit issued pursuant to this Chapter is subject to each and every condition and restriction set forth in this Chapter and as further provided by resolution establishing the specified area for which it was issued. Such a permit cannot be construed to be a permit for, or approval of, any violation of any provision of this Code or any other applicable law.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
A person may apply for a commercial permit authorizing a vehicle to remain parked in a City-owned or City-controlled parking lot during periods when the lot is designated as closed pursuant to Section 10.12.020(E) of this Code. The Director of Public Safety is responsible for issuing permits and the Finance Director is responsible for collecting any permit fees.
Applicants must present proof that they own, or are employed by, a business located within 300 feet of the City-owned or City-controlled parking lot and that denial of parking would constitute a hardship. In deciding whether to grant or deny a permit, the Director of Public Safety may consider the distance between the parking lot and the location where the applicant is employed, the degree of hardship an applicant would experience if a permit was denied, and the number of permits previously issued for the parking lot.
Parking permits issued pursuant to this Chapter will remain in effect for a period of one year or fraction thereof, and may be renewed for a period of one year. If an applicant wishes to renew a permit, he or she must demonstrate that the conditions which formed the basis for the decision to grant a parking permit have not substantially changed.
A parking permit does not guarantee or reserve to the holder a space within the designated the Cityowned or City-controlled parking lot.
Each permit issued pursuant to this Chapter is subject to each and every condition and restriction set forth in this chapter and as further provided by resolution establishing the specified area for which it was issued. Such a permit cannot be construed to be a permit for, or approval of, any violation of any provision of this Code or any other applicable law.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)
The Director of Public Safety is authorized to promulgate administrative policies and procedures to implement this chapter including, without limitation, posting signs on streets designated as specified areas. These rules must be submitted to and approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 1312 § 6, 5/23/16)