It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing, or permit to be parked or left standing, any vehicle at any time on or in any parking lot or other property owned or controlled by the City; provided that a sign or markings giving notice of such prohibition is installed and maintained on the lot or property.
It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing, or permit to be parked or left standing, any vehicle at any time on or in any parking lot or other property owned or controlled by the City, except in accordance with a sign or markings installed and maintained on the lot or property indicating the time and where parking is permitted.
The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to cause to be installed and maintained, on all City-owned or City-controlled parking lots or property, signs or markings: (1) stating it is unlawful for any person to park, leave standing, or permit to be parked or left standing, any vehicle contrary to the directions of the signs or markings; (2) reserving areas or individual stalls on a parking lot, if any; and (3) indicating the times the lot or property is open for parking, if any.
A vehicle parked in violation of this section may be removed by the Sheriff's Department or the Director of Public Safety and designees, after it remains parked in violation of this section for a period of 72 hours or for such shorter time period as indicated by posted signs. A vehicle may only be towed if the lot, stall, area, or property where the vehicle is parked has a sign or marking containing the words, "VEHICLES MAY BE TOWED," or substantially similar language, and the Sheriff's Department's phone number. A vehicle parked in violation of this section may be removed immediately if it is parked in a manner that prevents the movement of a legally parked vehicle.
Use of City parking lots is restricted. Such spaces and areas will be used exclusively for the temporary parking of passenger automobiles or light trucks not exceeding one ton in capacity except as otherwise permitted under Chapter 10.10 of this Code.
The City Council may designate the hours a City-owned or City-controlled parking lot is open. It is unlawful for any person to be present upon a lot when such lot is not open, unless otherwise permitted per Chapter 10.10 of this Code.
Whenever the term "City" is used within this section, the term includes within its meaning and Parking District No. 1 ("District"); and whenever "City Council" is used it includes the governing body of the District, as applicable.
(Prior code § 7-7; Ord. 1155 § 1, 2/11/08; Ord. 1312 § 5, 5/23/16; Ord. 1314 § 1, 5/23/16)
The Public Works Director, or designee, is authorized to determine whether street conditions in a given location require parking restrictions to facilitate street sweeping operations. If the Public Works Director, or designee, determines that such restrictions are necessary, the Public Works Director, or designee, may cause proper signs to be erected upon the side of any street to prohibit parking during certain hours for purposes of allowing street sweeping.
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle in any such location in violation of posted parking restrictions.
Alley parking is permitted on street sweeping days where streets subject to street sweeping are adjoining or adjacent to the alley.
Front yard parking is permitted between 7:00 p.m. on the day before street sweeping and 7:00 p.m. on the day of street sweeping, where the vehicle is parked on property adjoining or adjacent to the street which is subject to street sweeping.
Street sweeping parking restrictions will not be enforced unless a vehicle is parked in violation of this section at the time that the street sweeper passes the vehicle.
Street sweeping parking restrictions will not be enforced on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Lincoln's Birthday, President's Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve Day.
The following vehicles are exempt from the restrictions of this section, provided that the vehicle operators are actively working or on-duty:
Vehicles with exempt "E" plates;
Vehicles bearing United States government plates;
Utility company vehicles displaying warning devices;
Commercial vehicles engaged in work that requires the vehicle to be parked in a particular location;
Contractors providing service to a property located in a specified area;
Vehicles engaged in the performance of services contracted by the City; or
Any public emergency vehicle.
(Ord. 1312 § 7, 5/23/16)
It is unlawful for any person to park any vehicle, or cause any vehicle to be parked, on any highway or public parking lot owned or controlled by the City beyond the time limit officially posted or marked by the City for that space.
The following persons are able to park for unlimited periods of time in areas where time limits are posted or marked by the City:
Any person holding a valid handicap permit issued pursuant to applicable law; or
Commercial vehicles engaged in work that requires the vehicle to be parked in a particular location.
(Ord. 1312 § 8, 5/23/16)
Except as otherwise provided, it is unlawful for a person to park any vehicle, or cause any vehicle to be parked, in the front yard, corner side yard or any additional area of a lot or parcel of land situated between the public right-of-way and any residence or accessory building or structure located therein, except that the parking of noncommercial vehicles is permitted in a driveway.
Front yard parking is permitted between 7:00 p.m. on the day before street sweeping and 7:00 p.m. on the day of street sweeping, where the vehicle is parked on property adjoining or adjacent to the street which is subject to street sweeping.
Temporary and infrequent front yard parking is permissible if the vehicle is being actively involved in the following: 1) loading and unloading passengers; 2) washing or maintaining vehicles; 3) making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares, or merchandise to the building located on the lot where the vehicle is parked; or 4) delivering materials to be used in the repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any building located on the lot where the vehicle is parked. A vehicle is not "actively involved" in a task when it is left unattended for five minutes or longer.
Commercial vehicles engaged in work that requires the vehicle to be parked in a particular location are exempt from the restrictions of this section.
(Ord. 1312 § 9, 5/23/16)
Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, it is unlawful to park or stop in any alley for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers or materials, or both.
A vehicle operator may not park or stop in an alley in order to load or unload passengers for more than three minutes.
A vehicle operator may not park or stop in an alley in order to load or unload materials for more than 20 minutes at any time.
A vehicle operator may not park or stop in an alley located within Town Center (TC) District Area 1 for more than 60 minutes at any time.
The following vehicles are exempt from the restrictions of this section, provided that the vehicle operators are actively working or on-duty:
Vehicles with exempt "E" plates;
Vehicles bearing United States government plates;
Utility company vehicles displaying warning devices;
Commercial vehicles engaged in work that requires the vehicle to be parked in a particular location;
Contractors providing service to a property located in a specified area;
Vehicles engaged in the performance of services contracted by the City; or
Any public emergency vehicle.
(Ord. 1312 § 10, 5/23/16)
For purposes of this section, a recreational vehicle, or RV, means any self-propelled motor home, truck camper, or similar vehicle designed for human habitation. "Human habitation" is the use of a vehicle for dwelling. Evidence of human habitation includes activities such as sleeping, setting up housekeeping or cooking, and any other activity where it reasonably appears, in light of all the circumstances, that one or more persons are using the vehicle as a living accommodation.
For purposes of this section, a recreational trailer is any non-motorized vehicle that does not exceed 28 feet in overall length, and is either fully enclosed and designed for temporary human habitation, or is used to transport equines (horses), boats, or motorized vehicles designed for recreational use. A recreational trailer is attached to a recreational vehicle when it is securely connected to the RV by two separate means of attachment, such as a hitch or safety chains, designed so that the failure of one means of attachment would not cause the recreational trailer to separate from the RV.
It is unlawful for any person to park a recreational vehicle or recreational trailer on the street between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. without a permit. Permits must be displayed in the windshield of a recreational vehicle or the rear of a recreational trailer.
A resident may obtain a permit to park a recreational vehicle, a recreational vehicle with a recreational trailer attached, or an unattached recreational trailer, for a period of one to three days. Residents may obtain these permits for a maximum of six days per month, and a maximum of 50 days per year. Permit costs will be established by City Council resolution.
When parked overnight pursuant to a permit, a recreational vehicle or recreational trailer must be parked within 300 feet of the permittee's address. A recreational vehicle or recreational trailer must comply with street sweeping and other applicable parking regulations at all times. No utilities, such as electrical cords, which are used by the recreational vehicle or recreational trailer may cross the public right-of-way while the recreational vehicle or recreational trailer is parked.
A permittee may park a recreational vehicle or recreational trailer for residential purposes such as sleeping, provided that the permittee complies with all permit restrictions, including limitations on the number of days a recreational vehicle or recreational trailer may be parked overnight.
(Ord. 1312 § 11, 5/23/16; Ord. 1335 § 1, 3/27/17)
For purposes of this section:
"Trailer" means a non-motorized vehicle. However, the definition of "trailer" does not include recreational vehicles or recreational trailers as defined in Section 10.12.070 of this Code.
A "moving trailer" means a fully enclosed trailer that is validly registered with the California Department of Motor Vehicles and is either: (a) owned by a certified moving company that is providing moving services to the occupants of real property adjacent the location of the trailer; or (b) is owned or rented by an occupant of real property immediately adjacent the location of the trailer and is being or will be used for moving purposes by that occupant.
It is unlawful for any person to park any trailer at any time on any street unless that trailer is attached to a motorized vehicle.
It is unlawful for any person to park any trailer on any street between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., unless the trailer is a moving trailer, and:
The trailer is actually and continuously being loaded or unloaded;
The trailer is parked because its presence is related to, and assisting with, the performance of a service to, or on, property located in the block where the trailer is parked. However, the moving trailer may only remain parked for the period of time reasonably necessary to complete the service; or
The City Manager, or designee, issued a permit in accordance with this section for overnight onstreet parking and the parked trailer is fully complying with that permit. A moving trailer must comply with any parking regulations that affect public safety, including restrictions on parking on a red curb or adjacent to a fire hydrant. However, a moving trailer with a proper permit need not comply with parking regulations related to street sweeping, or other regulations which are unrelated to public safety.
The City Manager may issue a permit to any resident or owner of land within the City for overnight onstreet parking of a moving trailer within 300 feet of that person's residence or land, for a period not exceeding 72 consecutive hours at any one time. The permit must be prominently displayed on the moving trailer at all times when the moving trailer is being parked on a street.
The applicant for an overnight on-street parking permit must provide all information that the City Manager determines is necessary to effect the provisions of this section, including, without limitation, the purpose for which the moving trailer is designed, the proposed location of the trailer, the requested time period for the permit, the status of the applicant as a resident or owner of land within the City, and the license plate number of the trailer, and any other information sufficient to identify the trailer for which the permit will be issued.
No person may receive a permit for overnight parking of a moving trailer on more than four occasions within any 24 month period.
The City Manager may prohibit or restrict the issuance of any permit for the on-street parking of moving trailers on any particular street or any portion thereof, or may designate a specific location for the permitted overnight parking of a trailer more than 300 feet from an applicant's residence or land. In order to make such a prohibition, restriction, or designation, the City Manager must determine that it is required for the public health, safety or welfare.
(Ord. 1312 § 12, 5/23/16; Ord. 1335 § 2, 3/27/17)
It is found and declared that the privately owned and maintained roads are generally held open to the public for purposes of vehicular travel to serve commercial establishments.
The provisions of the California Vehicle Code are applicable to privately owned and maintained roads.
Additional roads may be identified by City Council resolution as being required to comply with this section.
(Ord. 1312 § 13, 5/23/16; Ord. 1314 § 2, 5/23/16)