Except for a City-scheduled event or as authorized in writing by the City Manager or designee, a person shall not enter, be or remain in any park or in any building or other structure in that park, during the hours set forth below:
For John S. Simms, T. Mayne Thompson, Ruth R. Caruthers, and Palm Street Parks between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
For Friendship Square and the Town Center Plaza, between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m.
For Byrum Zinn, Constitution, and Riverview Parks, Ruth R. Caruthers Park North, and any other park not named in Subsections (A)(1) or (2) of this section, during the hours of darkness.
For purposes of this section, "hours of darkness" shall mean the period beginning 30 minutes after sunset of any one day and ending 30 minutes before sunrise of the next day.
(Prior code § 3-9.7; Ord. 1240 § 1, 4/8/13)
Without first obtaining a permit as required by Subsection C, a person may have a dog on the paved trails at Riverview Park and Ruth R. Caruthers Park North as long as the dog is restrained by means of a substantial chain or leash not exceeding six feet in length. Section 6.04.480 of this Code regarding dog defecation and feces shall apply to use of the paved trails at Riverview Park and Ruth R. Caruthers Park North and at each City-designated off-leash dog park ("designated dog park"). For purposes of the foregoing, "paved" shall include decomposed granite or other improved surfaces provided for regular pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular travel.
Without first obtaining a permit as required by Subsection C, a person may have a dog or dogs off-leash within the enclosed, gated, and designated "off-leash" areas at a designated dog park; provided, that the person adheres to the following conditions, requirements, and standards:
Any person bringing a dog into a designated dog park assumes the legal responsibility, jointly and severally, with the owner of the dog, for any property damage, including to any other dog, death, or personal injury caused by that dog. Each person using a designated dog park, by entering it, agrees to assume the risk and to release, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and its officers and employees from any and all claims whatsoever resulting from the use of that designated dog park;
Each dog must be licensed and vaccinated per Sections 6.04.120, 6.04.220, and 6.04.230 of this Code;
The owners and person having charge, custody, or control of any dog must clean up after any such dog(s) per Section 6.04.480 of this Code;
Each dog must be leashed when outside the designated dog park per Subsection A. Even while in the designated dog park, a proper leash must be in possession at all times of the person having charge, custody, or control of the dog;
The person having charge, custody, or control of dog must keep any such dog in view and in voice control at all times. No person shall leave a dog unattended;
Each dog must be wearing a collar with identification at all times;
Any dog exhibiting aggressive or dangerous behavior is prohibited;
Any dog under four months of age is prohibited;
No person shall be allowed to have more than three dogs in a designated dog park at any one time;
No one under the age of 14 shall be permitted to enter the portion of a designated dog park designated for off-leash activity without adult supervision. Each adult accompanying a person under the age of 14 within the portion of a designated dog park designated for off-leash activity must be within arms' reach of that young person at all times;
No person shall have any food (human or pet) or beverage within the portion of a designated dog park designated for off-leash activity; and no person shall smoke or picnic within the portion of a designated dog park designated for off-leash activity;
No person shall bring a dog that is ill, injured, or in heat into a designated dog park;
Each user of a designated dog park must properly close each gate immediately after entering or exiting;
No person shall allow a dog that is elderly, weak, or below 30 pounds to enter the portion of a designated dog park designated for large dogs.
Except as provided in Subsections A and B and Section 12.44.040, all animals are prohibited in public parks, public playgrounds, and public recreation areas, unless the Director of Parks and Recreation of the City of Bellflower, California, or designee, issues special permits for the conducting of organized pet shows, petting farms, animal training classes, animal ride exhibits, and other animal-related activities within said public parks, public playgrounds, and public recreation areas, provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied:
The activity is under the supervision of an adult who is experienced in said animals' handling, training, and obedience;
The activity is confined to a location specified by the Director of Parks and Recreation, or designee;
All animal training classes and organized pet shows will be conducted in the gymkhana or park recreation area;
A responsible adult, organization, or group, conducts the activity, and files with the Director of Parks and Recreation any necessary indemnity agreement, including proof of liability insurance in a form and in an amount as determined by the Director of Parks and Recreation. Any person participating in the activity, and owning, or having charge, care, custody, or control, of such animals within such public park, public playground, or public recreation area, shall keep said animal restrained by means of a substantial chain or leash not exceeding six feet in length, except when otherwise directed by the show master, or trainer.
(Prior code § 3-9.8; Ord. 1240 § 2, 4/8/13; Ord. 1274 § 1, 5/12/14)
A person shall not camp or sleep overnight in any park unless issued a written permit to do so from the Director of Parks and Recreation subject to reasonable regulations imposed by the Director. The Director may issue a permit to any youth group of a character building nature or to any special interest group permitting its members as a group to camp overnight at a designated location in a park if the Director finds:
That, in the case of a youth group, the group was organized in good faith and not for the purpose of obtaining a permit under this chapter and the members of such group will be supervised during such camping by an adequate number of responsible adults and such overnight camping will not interfere with or in any way be detrimental to the park or interfere with the uses thereof, and that the group has agreed to the conditions contained in the permit.
And that in the case of a special interest group, organized in good faith, and supervised by an adequate number of responsible adults and such overnight camping will not interfere with or in any way be detrimental to the park or interfere with the uses thereof, and that the group has agreed to the conditions in the permit.
(Prior code § 3-9.6)
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
The term "public park" shall mean those areas of the City designed and designated as parks for public recreational use, and also includes the City's skate park, Town Center Plaza, pocket parks, and green belt open spaces.
The term "skate park" shall mean a public park or that portion of a public park which has been designated by the City as being a facility operated primarily for skating. A skate park shall be identified by signage located on the site.
No person shall ride or operate a unicycle, bicycle, tricycle, four-wheeled cycle, scooter, or other motor- or human-powered vehicle within the boundaries of any public park. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a person may ride or operate the following vehicles within any portion of a public park which is not a skate park: a tricycle, stroller, or baby carriage.
No person shall ride a skateboard, roller blades, or roller skates within the boundaries of any public park; provided, however, that a person may ride a skateboard, roller blades, or roller skates in those portions of a skate park designated for such use.
Any person riding a skateboard, roller blades, or roller skates in a skate park shall wear a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads, which are in serviceable condition and properly fastened in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for such equipment.
The provisions of this chapter shall not be deemed to apply to the following: (1) the operation or riding of any vehicle used to provide mobility to any disabled person; or (2) the operation or riding of a motor vehicle on a paved driveway from the street to a parking lot of the public park; or (3) the wheeling of a bicycle or other human-powered vehicle from outside the boundaries of a public park to a place within the public park designated for parking such vehicle if such transportation occurs solely on paved paths within the public park and the vehicle is not ridden during such operation.
(Prior code § 3-9.1)
Within any public park no person shall place, throw, leave, keep or maintain any object, item or material in such a manner or in such a place that any person may be injured thereby or any structure or vehicle may be damaged thereby.
(Prior code § 3-9.2)
A person shall not operate any model airplane, model car or any other model device which is powered by an engine, battery or other propelling unit in any public park.
(Prior code § 3-9.4)
A person shall not solicit in any manner, or for any purpose sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise nor shall any person distribute or pass out any handbill, advertising matter or literature in any public park except:
Pursuant to a concession or other agreement authorized by the City Council.
When found by the Director to be consistent with the policies of the Department of Parks and Recreation or to promote the program of said Department under conditions prescribed by the Director and he or she has authorized such activity or conduct in writing.
(Prior code § 3-9.5)