No building or structure shall be moved, whether transported as a unit or in sections, or completely dismantled, from one lot or premises to another, or for a distance exceeding 20 feet within a single lot or premises, unless a valid permit for said relocation has first been approved.
(Prior code § 19-21.1)
The Planning Commission shall have the authority, subject to the procedures set forth in this chapter, to permit the relocation of buildings whenever it finds said relocations meet the requirements of Title 17 of this Code.
(Prior code § 19-21.2)
The purpose of relocation building procedure is to provide adequate safeguards to insure that buildings moved from one location to another do not have an adverse effect on their new location and that they harmonize and fit in with existing and future development of the area.
(Prior code § 19-21.3)
Application for relocation of a building or structure shall be made by the property owner or authorized agent on a form prescribed for this purpose by the City and shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $50 no part of which is refundable. In the case of involuntary moving within a single lot or premises within the City caused by the action of a governmental agency, the filing fee may be waived by action of the Planning Commission.
(Prior code § 19-21.4)
An application for the relocation of a building shall be accompanied by accurately drawn plot plan showing all existing and proposed buildings, structures and uses on the premises, as well as the adjoining lots, photographs of the structures to be relocated, and such other data as may be required by the Director to submit the application to the Commission.
(Prior code § 19-21.5)
It shall be the duty of the Planning Department to post on the property where said relocated structure is to be located a notice stating "Structure to be relocated on these premises," letters to be not less than one inch in height. The notice posted shall give the date notice is posted and the last date at which adjoining neighbors and property owners may view the pictures and proposed plot plan in the Planning Department office prior to the application being transmitted to the Planning Commission. Said notices to be posted on the property at least 10 days prior to Planning Commission hearing.
(Prior code § 19-21.6)
Before granting approval of a proposed relocation, the applicant therefor shall affirmatively show or prove, and the Commission shall be satisfied, that all the following conditions are met:
That the structure is in conformity with the type and quality of buildings existing in the surrounding area of the proposed site.
That the structure will constitute a beneficial addition to and contribute to the general development of the area.
If there is vacant property in such surrounding area or if the surrounding area is in transition, the Commission shall take into consideration the type of structure and uses that could be located there in the future.
That the proposed relocation will not conflict with any of the property development standards of Title 17.
That the structure proposed to be relocated shall be completely free of pest infestation and that a qualified pest extermination firm shall have so certified.
That the proposed relocation will in no way be detrimental to persons or properties, or to the living environment of the area.
That the proposed relocation will not adversely effect any proposed streets or other improvements in the area, nor be in conflict with any Master Plan of the City.
That the proposed relocation will not result in the violation of any law, ordinance or regulation.
(Prior code § 19-21.7)
The Commission may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the request for relocation based on the evidence submitted and its own study and knowledge of the circumstances involved.
(Prior code § 19-21.8)
The Commission may approve a proposed relocation subject to such conditions as the Commission may deem warranted by the circumstances involved. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following:
Dedication and improvement of streets, which may include curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving.
A performance bond guaranteeing that all conditions will be fully met prior to occupancy. Before a Building Permit may be issued, the applicant or authorized agent shall post a cash deposit or bond satisfactory to the City of Bellflower and sufficient to cover the costs of the required improvements. Said deposit or bond shall also be sufficient to cover the costs of all matters involving the City, such as inspections, engineering, street and other improvements, and restoration of the vacated site.
That all work will be completed within 180 days after approval is granted. One extension only of 90 days can be obtained if proof is given to the Commission that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant caused the delay.
That relocated structures will conform to all setback requirements and provisions of streets and highways as indicated on the Master Plan of Highways.
All such conditions shall be binding upon the applicant, their successors and assigns, shall run with the land, shall limit and control issuance and validity of certificates of occupancy and shall restrict and limit the construction and location, use and maintenance of all land and structures on the subject property.
(Prior code § 19-21.9)
Not later than 10 days following the Planning Commission action in granting or denying permission to relocate a building or other structure, a letter setting forth the Commission's action shall be mailed to the applicant at the address shown on the application form and to any other person requesting a copy. A copy of said letter shall also be sent to the Building Department and to such other offices or officials as may be deemed appropriate.
Before the applicant may proceed with the relocation, the applicant shall sign and file a recorded affidavit with the Secretary of the Planning Commission within 20 days after receiving said notification. The affidavit shall state that the applicant accepts and is aware of the conditions imposed by the Commission.
(Prior code § 19-21.10)
The provisions of Chapter 17.112 regarding appeal of the Commission's actions and the effective date of approval shall apply. Unless otherwise specified, the Commission's actions of approval are considered conclusive.
(Prior code § 19-21.11)
Unless otherwise specified in the action to permit a structure to be relocated, the applicant's right to exercise such permission shall become null and void 90 days from the effective date of such action if applicant has failed to commence work as to said relocation. However, one extension of time only may be granted by Commission action if so requested and the Commission feels such extension is justified. Such extension of time shall not be for any period of time in excess of 90 days.
(Prior code § 19-21.12)
Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, relocated buildings or structures shall be brought up to the standards of the Building Code and shall be painted and reconditioned and brought into compliance with all of the conditions of approval of the Planning Commission's action.
(Prior code § 19-21.13)
If the site from which the structure is moved is within the City, said site shall be cleaned up and put in a neat and orderly condition prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit for the relocated structure.
(Prior code § 19-21.14)
The applicant or authorized agent shall also obtain a permit from the City to move the structure over City streets. Said application is to meet all requirements of the Department of Public Works.
(Prior code § 1921.15)
In the case of involuntary moving within a single lot or premises within the City of Bellflower caused by the action of a governmental agency, the filing fee, pursuant to Chapter 17.104, may be waived by action of the Planning Commission.
(Prior code § 19-21.16)