This district is intended to provide an area for more rural residential development than in other areas of the City, to retain a rural character, and to maintain and encourage the keeping of horses and farm animals for the enjoyment of area residents. The Residential Planned Development Overlay Zone (RPD) and Planned Development Overlay District (PD) regulations do not apply to Agriculture Estate (A-E) Zoned property.
(Prior code § 19-4A.1; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Except as otherwise provided, the following uses are permitted in the A-E, Agricultural Estate District:
Single family dwellings on lots that are 8,000 square feet or greater, subject to all requirements of this section. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the parcel is a lot of record and is less than 8,000 square feet, development on that lot must comply with the standards and requirements described in Sections 17.24.060 through 17.24.180, Development Standards for the R-1, Low Density Residential Zone, except such lot does not qualify to be developed with a newly constructed accessory dwelling unit.
Domestic animals, kept for personal use only.
Honey bee keeping (Apis Mellifera species only), consistent with all standards in Section 17.16.020(E)(5).
Accessory Structure. An incidental and nonhabitable structure that is not attached to the main building on the same lot. If an accessory structure is attached to the main building or if the roof is a continuation of the main building roof, the accessory structure is considered an addition to the main building. Any such addition must meet those development standards required for the main building. Bathroom and kitchen facilities within any accessory structure are prohibited, unless approved by the Planning Director. A covenant, in a form approved by the City Attorney, for the accessory structure must also be recorded with the Los Angeles County Recorder's office.
Accessory dwelling unit, consistent with all standards in Section 17.20.200.
Home occupation.
Transitional/supportive housing similar to those residential types in this section, subject to Section 17.16.180.
Community care facility serving six or fewer persons.
Cottage food operations, consistent with all standards in Section 17.16.190.
(Prior code § 19-4A.2(a), (b), (d)—(f); Ord. 1217 § 5, 9/26/11; Ord. 1253 § 3, 10/14/13; Ord. 1272 § 5, 4/28/14; Ord. 1281 § 6, 9/8/14; Ord. 1321 § 9, 10/24/16; Ord. 1345 § 10, 9/25/17; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18; Ord. 1404 § 4, 12/14/20)
In addition to any other applicable requirement, the following agricultural or agricultural related uses are permitted only in conjunction with the residential use of the parcel.
Truck Gardening, Including Private Nurseries—Sale of Produce. Property in this zone may be used for one temporary stand per parcel of land, made exclusively of wood frame construction, and may have a floor area of not more than 150 square feet for the display and sale of produce that was lawfully produced on the same property within the A-E Zone. Such stand must be set back a minimum 20 feet from any street upon which such parcel fronts.
Animals. The breeding, hatching, raising, and marketing of fish, frogs, earthworms, chickens, ducks, pigeons, guineas, chinchillas, rabbits, horses, cattle, sheep, and goats; subject to all of the following limitations:
The minimum lot area required to have any animals is 10,000 square feet. For each 5,000 square feet of land area, one animal or one animal unit may be maintained on said parcel, with a maximum of six animals or animal units on any one parcel. An animal unit is equal to:
Any combination of fish, frogs, chickens, ducks, pigeons, guineas, chinchillas, or rabbits up to a total of 25 animals.
Two sheep or goats.
One horse or cow.
Fences and enclosures for animal keeping must, at all times, be maintained clean and secure so as to not cause harm or injury to any person.
Roosters, and any animal not listed above, of any age cannot be kept in this district at any time.
The sale of agricultural produce or animals may be permitted only if produced or raised on the same AE zoned parcel.
(Prior code § 19-4A.2(c); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
The following uses are permitted only after a valid Conditional Use Permit is approved in the manner and subject to conditions as provided for in Chapter 17.96.
Keeping of Wild Animals. All wild animals under the jurisdiction of the Department of Fish and Wildlife as set forth in applicable law.
Civic and community clubs, not operated for profit, provided there is no sale of or consumption of liquor on the premises, and provided the premises are not rented to others. If the total gross floor area of the proposed use is less than 5,000 square feet, it may be allowed with an Administrative Use Permit.
Country clubs and golf courses, excepting miniature courses and similar commercial enterprises.
Fire and police stations.
Schools, pre-school through twelfth grade.
Religious Facilities. If the total gross floor area of the proposed religious facility is less than 5,000 square feet, it may be allowed with an Administrative Use Permit.
Museums not operated for profit. If the total gross floor area of the proposed nonprofit museum use is less than 5,000 square feet, it may be allowed with an Administrative Use Permit.
Parks and playgrounds.
Utility substations.
Accessory building larger than permitted by Section 17.20.160.
Development with more than one residential unit.
Transitional/supportive housing similar to those residential types in this section, subject to Section 17.16.180.
(Prior code § 19-4A.3; Ord. 1253 § 3, 10/14/13; Ord. 1319 § 9, 10/10/16; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18; Ord. 1417 § 10, 8/8/22)
All development in the A-E Zone must comply with the development standards set forth in this Chapter.
(Added during 2008 codification; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
No building or structure can exceed two stories or 30 feet in height, whichever is less.
(Prior code § 194A.4(a); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Every parcel must have a street frontage of not less than 50 feet.
Every parcel must have a front yard setback of not less than 20 feet from the front lot line. Through lots must maintain the required front yard on both abutting streets.
Driveways, walkways or other areas available for parking cannot exceed 40% of the required front yard area.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(b); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Every lot must provide minimum side yard setbacks as follows:
Interior lots must provide a setback of not less than five feet from side lot line.
Corner lots must provide a setback of not less than 10 feet from the street side lot line. For properties developed with attached garages or attached carports which have access from a side street and the garage door or carport opens up toward the street, the setback in Section 17.20.160(C) governs.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(c); Ord. 1179 § 1 (Exh. B), 5/26/09; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Single-story building walls must provide a minimum building wall setback variation of three feet for every 60 feet of wall length. Said variation must be maintained for a minimum of 15 feet or, if less than 15 feet, to the end of the building.
Two story building walls must provide a minimum building wall setback variation of three feet for every 40 feet of wall length. This variation must be maintained for a minimum of 15 feet or, if less than 15 feet, to the end of the building.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(d); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Every lot must have a rear yard as follows:
Lots less than 150 feet in depth must provide a rear yard setback of 15 feet or 15% of lot depth, whichever is greater.
Lots 150 feet or more in depth must provide a rear yard setback of 20% of the lot depth.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(e); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Minimum Lot Size. The minimum lot area is 10,000 square feet; provided however that when a lot has less than 10,000 square feet and is a lot of record, that lot may be developed with one residential dwelling unit.
Dwelling Unit Density. One residential dwelling unit may be developed for each 9,900 square feet of net land area in accordance with this Code. Net land area is determined by parcel size as of the date the parcel was recorded as a legal lot or current size, whichever is less.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(f); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Parcels smaller than 19,000 square feet. The minimum residential floor area is 1,500 square feet.
Parcels with 19,000 square feet or larger. The minimum residential floor area is 10% of the parcel area, except this provision does not require a floor area greater than 2,500 square feet.
Properties that are eligible to be developed with more than one residential dwelling unit must provide one residential dwelling unit as required above. The minimum floor area for additional residential dwelling units is 1,250 square feet.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(g); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
The maximum roof area for all structures (residential, accessory structures) is 30% of the total lot area.
Total floor area for all structures (e.g., residential, accessory structures, lofts, covered patios) cannot exceed 40% of the total lot area.
Unpaved animal enclosures cannot be included in the roof areas or the floor areas set forth in this section.
A Conditional Use Permit must be obtained if the roof area or the floor area exceeds the percentage in subsections A and B.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(h); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Chain-link fences are prohibited within the front or street side yard setbacks. Any permanent fence requires approval as set forth in Section 17.72.060.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(i); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Each single family residence must provide:
A minimum of two enclosed parking spaces, with a minimum combined dimension of 20 feet in depth by 20 feet in width of an unobstructed floor space; and
One enclosed or open parking space be provided for each bedroom after the first two bedrooms; and
One open visitor parking space for each additional unit.
All requirements of Chapter 17.88 apply to this zone.
All open parking spaces and guest parking spaces must be screened from public view.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(j); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
If an accessory building or garage is attached to a residence, then such accessory building or garage must meet development standards required for the residence.
A detached accessory building or garage must be located completely to the rear of the main building, and at least 60 feet from the front lot line, and must be set back a minimum three feet from each side lot line and rear lot line, except a detached accessory building or garage having a wall higher than 10 feet above grade must provide a minimum setback of five feet from each side lot line and rear lot line.
Attached carports may be located within the side-yard setback.
A private garage or carport located within a side yard setback which has access from a side street with the garage door or carport open toward that street, may be located so there is a minimum of 10 feet of driveway in distance between the side lot line abutting the street and the garage door or closest portion of the carport that opens onto that side street.
An accessory building may be located at least seven feet from a main building or another accessory building.
The substructure of swimming pools may be located not less than five feet from any side or rear lot line and the interior finished surface of a swimming pool may be located not less than five feet from the exterior finish of a house or structure.
Height of each accessory building cannot exceed one story or 20 feet, whichever is less.
The maximum size of an accessory building is 1,000 square feet. An accessory building over 1,000 feet may be permitted upon obtaining a Conditional Use Permit. An accessory building cannot exceed 10% of the lot size or the size of the existing primary dwelling, whichever is greater. The property owner must record a restrictive covenant, in a form approved by the City Attorney, preventing the accessory building from being used as a rental unit.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(k); Ord. 1150 § 1 (Exh. 2), 11/26/07; Ord. 1286 § 4, 1/15/15; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Properties with one single family residence, with or without an accessory dwelling unit, must provide a minimum 10 foot wide driveway.
Properties with two or more residential units must provide:
Minimum 12 foot wide driveway, if wall exposures are less than 150 lineal feet from a street;
Minimum 20 foot wide driveway, if wall exposures are less than 300 lineal feet from a street for 10 or fewer units.
A driveway may be reduced to 15 feet if the Planning Director, or designee, finds that:
Sufficient fire flow exists; and
Units more than 150 feet from the street are equipped with a domestic sprinkler system(s).
Encroachment into the 15 foot access requirement is only allowed if an existing front structure protrudes into the 15 foot access and cannot be reasonably moved or remodeled. However, in no case may the encroachment reduce access to less than 12 feet wide.
Minimum 26 foot wide driveway with turnaround, if wall exposures are equal to or greater than 300 lineal feet from a street or more than 10 units; and
The minimum required back-out space must comply with the "Parking Standards" diagram shown in Section 17.88.020.
If a portion of the required driveway width is also used as a back-out space and the minimum required back-out space is greater than the minimum required driveway width, the minimum required back-out space requirement applies to the portion of the driveway used as back-out space.
(Prior code § 194A.4(l); Ord. 1150 § 1 (Exh. 2), 11/26/07; Ord. 1179 § 1 (Exh. B), 5/26/09; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Development must be architecturally compatible with the low density rural character. Front porches and other architectural enhancements are encouraged. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment is prohibited. Groundand wall-mounted mechanical equipment must be flush-mounted or screened from public view and neighboring properties. Screening methods must be architecturally compatible with the main building.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(m); Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
In addition to all other development standards applicable to single family development within the A-E Zone, parcels may be developed with more than one residential dwelling unit, provided they meet the dwelling unit density requirement in Section 17.20.110 and comply with the following:
All residential units must be single family detached. All units must be of the same architectural style, materials, and colors.
All residential units must provide 15 feet minimum building separation.
A minimum 200 square feet of ground level private open space must be provided. Private open space must have 10-foot minimum dimension, and be enclosed by five-foot high decorative walls or lot line fencing of concrete block wall or equivalent construction and stuccoed or enhanced with architectural materials to match residence.
Provide minimum of two 48-inch box trees, and two five-gallon plants per dwelling unit. An irrigation system, with automatic controls must be provided. Landscape and irrigation plans to be approved by the Planning Director, or designee. Water-efficient landscaping must comply with Section 17.20.220.
Illuminated address identification must be conveniently visible from the street for all residential units.
Minimum six-foot high trash enclosure with solid, self-closing gates must be provided. Said enclosure must be constructed of concrete block or equivalent and enhanced with stucco or other architectural material to match building.
Provide minimum six-foot high block wall fencing along side and rear lot lines.
Automatic garage door openers must be provided.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(n); Ord. 1281 § 6, 9/8/14; Ord. 1321 § 9, 10/24/16; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
All newly constructed accessory dwelling units must comply with the development standards provided in Section 17.16.170.
(Prior code § 19-4A.4(o); Ord. 1345 § 11, 9/25/17; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Existing residences constructed with proper building permits before May 22, 1993 are legal nonconforming residences.
(Prior code § 19-4A.5; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
All required front-yard and street-facing side-yard setbacks, excluding driveways and walkways, must be landscaped and maintained.
Any front-yard and street-facing side-yard setback areas consisting of water-efficient landscaping must comply with the following:
Water-efficient landscape designs may consist of low-water-use plants;
Decorative hardscape such as pavers, rocks, stone, brick, etc., may be used in the landscape design as an accent only. In no case may the landscape design use a majority of decorative hardscape;
Water-efficient landscaping must be provided with a permanent irrigation system adequate to meet the water needs of all landscape material. Irrigation systems must be designed to minimize maintenance and water consumption; and
Site plan approval for water-efficient landscaping is required to ensure compliance with this subsection. An application, accompanied by plans, supporting information, and an application fee as, established by City Council resolution, and must first be submitted to the Planning Director, or designee. The required content of the application, supporting information, and the plans, are determined by the Planning Director.
Pilot Program. Notwithstanding the landscaping requirements for natural plant materials, the City Council hereby declares, for informational gathering only, one or more pilot programs to allow landscaping to consist of artificial turf may be approved by the Director of Planning, based on established criteria and installation and maintenance standards for the artificial turf pilot program. If at any time in the future the City Council determines artificial turf will not be allowed in the City, including as a pilot program, then, within 10 years after notice from the City, any artificial turf approved as a pilot program must be removed and replaced with natural plant materials by the owner of the property upon which the artificial turf was installed. Artificial turf may also be installed in the immediately adjacent parkway.
(Ord. 1281 § 6, 9/8/14; Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)
Every lot or parcel that is 8,000 square feet and larger, in connection with the construction of (A) a new residence; (B) an addition to a residence; (C) an accessory structure; or (D) a pool, must set aside an unpaved area not less than 360 square feet in area, with a minimum dimension of 12 feet.
(Ord. 1347 § 2, 1/22/18)