All lost, abandoned or unclaimed personal property, other than live animals, coming into the possession of the city or any officer or department thereof shall immediately be turned over to the custody of the police department. Such personal property shall be held by the police department for a period of at least six months unless sooner claimed and restored; except, that bicycles need only be held by the police department for a period of at least three months unless sooner claimed and restored.
(Ord. No. 211, § 1)
If, at any time prior to the sale or destruction of any lost, abandoned or unclaimed personal property as provided in this article, any such property is claimed by any person who establishes his right to the possession thereof to the satisfaction of the chief of police or his authorized deputy in charge of such property, such personal property shall be delivered to such person; provided, that such person shall first pay to the police department the reasonable cost to the city of holding, protecting and returning such property.
(Ord. No. 211, § 2)
If any lost, abandoned or unclaimed property with the reported value of $50 or more remains unclaimed and unrestored for 90 days, the chief of police shall cause notice of the property to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation. If after seven days following the first publication of the notice, no owner appears and proves his ownership of the property, and the person who found or saved the property pays the cost of publication, the title shall vest in the person who found or saved the property, unless the property was found in the course of employment by an employee of any public agency in which case the property shall be sold at public auction. Title to the property shall not vest in the person who found or saved the property or in the successful bidder at the public auction unless the cost of publication is first paid to the city. If any lost, abandoned or unclaimed property with the reported value of less than $50 remains unclaimed and unrestored for 90 days, the title shall vest in the person who found or saved the property, unless the property was found in the course of employment by an employee of any public agency, in which case the property shall be sold at public auction.
(Ord. No. 211, § 3; Ord. No. 653, § 1, 2-11-80)
Notice of an auction sale under this article shall be given by the chief of police at least five days and not more than 20 days before the time fixed therefor, by publication at least once in a newspaper of general circulation printed, published and circulated in the city.
(Ord. No. 211, § 3)
If any lost, abandoned or unclaimed property shall be offered for sale at public auction as provided in this chapter and shall not be sold, such property shall be destroyed by the chief of police.
(Ord. No. 211, § 4)
In the event of any dispute regarding the administration or application of this article, appeal may be made to the city council and the city council shall thereupon settle such dispute.
(Ord. No. 211, § 5)