This chapter is intended to prescribe an alternative method of drawing checks to that provided by Government Code Sections 37201 through 37210. Section 3.08.040 of this chapter is adopted pursuant to the authority provided by Government Code Section 935.
(Ord. 87-14 Art. II § 3)
Except for payroll, tort claims and other claims submitted under the Tort Claims Act, all demands and claims on the city treasury shall be presented to the director of finance. Upon receipt of a demand, the director of finance shall cause the demand to be examined and verified as to whether:
The demand is legally due and owing by the city;
There are budgeted or otherwise appropriated funds available to pay the demand;
The demand conforms to a valid requisition or order made by the city; and
The prices, amounts and/or computations shown on the demand are accurate.
If the director of finance is satisfied as to the validity and accuracy of the demand, then he or she shall approve payment of the demand. If a demand is approved for payment, the director of finance shall draw and sign a check against the city treasury for the payment of the demand.
(Ord. 87-14 Art. I § 1)
Employee salaries and wages shall be paid in accordance with a duly adopted memorandum of understanding, resolution, ordinance or other document duly adopted by the city council. Salaries and wages are payable bimonthly in accordance with timesheets completed by the employee and reviewed and approved by the employee's supervisor. After approval by the supervisor, the timesheet shall be submitted to the director of finance, who shall cause payroll checks to be prepared. After payroll checks are prepared, the director of finance shall examine the checks and verify whether the checks are valid and accurate and in accordance with duly adopted salaries, wage schedules and benefits. After verification by the director of finance, the director shall sign the payroll checks and cause the checks to be distributed to the employees.
(Ord. 87-14 Art. I § 2)
As a prerequisite to bringing suit against the city or any officer, employee, department, commission or board of the city, any claim for money or damages (including claims which would otherwise be excepted by Government Code Section 905) which is not governed by any other statutes, ordinances or regulations expressly relating thereto, shall be presented and acted upon in accordance with Title 1, Division 3.6, Part 3, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 900) and Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 910) of the Government Code. This section shall relate only to the bringing of suit upon any claim, and shall not be deemed to apply to the authority of the director of finance, the city council and other officers to process and pay, in the ordinary course of business, the just obligations of the city, such as routine salaries and wages, principal and interest on bonds, payments for purchases, services and other like expenditures for which there is an express budget appropriation, and in connection with which there is no dispute as to the obligation and amount due.
(Ord. 87-14 Art. I § 3)
Budgeted payrolls and demands paid by checks shall be presented annually to the city council for ratification and approval in the form of an audited comprehensive annual financial report. The precise form and manner of presenting the report shall be determined by the director of finance. Payment of claims and demands for which there is no budget or other appropriation shall not be made without prior approval by the city council.
(Ord. 87-14 Art. I § 4)
The director of finance is authorized and empowered to sign payroll and/or other checks upon the city treasury, provided that the payroll, claim or demand is approved as provided by this chapter. It is not necessary or required that checks be countersigned by any other city officer or councilmember.
(Ord. 87-14 Art. I § 5)