Applications for the issuance of business licenses and petitions for the revocation or suspension of business licenses shall be determined in accordance with the standards prescribed in this article.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(6.1))
Such standards shall consist of any enactment, statute, order, quarantine, rule or regulation lying within the enforcement authority of the city, or any officer or employee thereof, including the provisions of this code, and this title thereof.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(6.2))
The occupation of real property for business purposes is governed by the building codes adopted and enforced by the building official and, in particular, but not limited to, the provisions thereof for the construction, alteration, maintenance or modification of premises.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(6.3); Ord. 91-2 § 2(O))
The occupation of real property for business purposes is governed by the zoning regulations of the city, the general plan of the city, and any specific plans of the city.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(6.4))
The occupation of real property for business purposes is governed by the Uniform Fire Code adopted by the city and by any enactments, statutes, rules or regulations the fire chief is authorized to enforce.
(Ord. 89-13 § 3(6.5))