This title shall be known as and may be cited and referred to as the animal control law of the city.
(County code § 6-1.101)
The purpose of this title is to provide for the preservation of the health and safety of persons and domestic livestock in the city, to fix the limits within which animals shall not run at large, and to provide for the regulation and licensing of dogs and kennels.
(County code § 6-1.102)
This title is enacted pursuant to authority conferred by Article XI, Section 7 of the California Constitution and Division 1, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 4 of the Health and Safety Code (commencing with Section 500) of the state.
(County code § 6-1.103; Ord. 89-14 § 7)
The provisions of this title apply to the entire incorporated territory of the city.
(County code § 6-1.104)
The issuance of any license or permit to keep an animal as provided for in this title shall be prima facie evidence that the owner has satisfied the basic licensing requirements pursuant to the provisions of this title, but such issuance shall be given no evidentiary weight to indicate that the owner has conformed to zoning regulations, building regulations, health and safety regulations, or to any other applicable rule, regulation or statute unless, pursuant to the issuance, official written approval has been given by the office or agency responsible for the administration of the rule, regulation or statute in question. If such approval has been given, it shall be deemed prima facie evidence that the matter approved is in conformance with the rule, regulation or statute in question.
(County code § 6-1.501)
The licensing regulations of this title are not applicable to the following: owners who use animals for diagnostic purposes or research, the use having been approved by the Board of Public Health of the state pursuant to the provisions of Section 1666 of the Health and Safety Code of the state; owners who use animals for teaching purposes in recognized educational institutions; owners of establishments which treat or board animals and which are owned or operated by veterinarians licensed by the state; and owners of pet shops, circuses, animal exhibits and other enterprises maintaining animals, which have been granted business licenses by the city.
(County code § 6-1.502)