The city traffic administrator, subject to the review and approval of the traffic committee, and city council where indicated is authorized to place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained official traffic-control devices upon streets and highways to effect the provisions of this title or the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 1; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
No provision of the Vehicle Code or of this title for which official traffic-control devices are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator unless appropriate official traffic-control devices are in place giving notice of such provisions of the traffic laws.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 2; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
The driver of a vehicle, the person in charge of animals and the motorman of a streetcar shall obey the instructions of any official traffic-control device applicable thereto placed in accordance with this title unless otherwise directed by a police officer, subject to the exemption granted by Section 10.04.050 of this title.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 10; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
The city traffic administrator, subject to the review of the traffic committee and approval of the city council, is authorized to install and maintain official traffic signals at those intersections and other places where traffic conditions are such as to require that the flow of traffic be alternately interrupted and released in order to prevent or relieve traffic congestion or to protect life or property from exceptional hazard.
The city traffic administrator, shall ascertain and determine the locations where such signals are required by an engineering and traffic survey, and his or her determinations shall be made in accordance with those traffic engineering and safety standards and instructions set forth in the Department of Transportation Traffic Manual.
The city traffic administrator shall erect and maintain at each signal-controlled intersection street name signs clearly visible to traffic approaching from all directions.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 3; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
The city traffic administrator has the authority to establish safety zones of such kind and character and at such places as he or she may deem necessary for the protection of pedestrians.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 4; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
The city traffic administrator has the authority to mark traffic lanes upon the roadway of any street or highway where a regular alignment of traffic is necessary.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 5; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
The city traffic administrator, is authorized to place and maintain upon highways distinctive roadway markings as described in the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 6; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
The city traffic administrator, subject to the review and approval of the traffic committee, and where indicated the city council is authorized to remove, relocate or discontinue the operation of any traffic-control device not specifically required by the Vehicle Code or this title whenever he or she determines in any particular case that the conditions which warranted or required the installation no longer exist.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 7; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
The city traffic administrator, is authorized to determine the hours and days during which any traffic-control device shall be in operation or in effect, except in those cases where such hours or days are specified in this title.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 8; Ord. 99-2 § 1)
No person or agency, unless authorized by the city traffic administrator, shall paint any street or curb surface; including the painting of address numbers on curb faces.
(Ord. 88-17 Art. V § 9; Ord. 99-2 § 1)