The purpose of this chapter is to further the goals of the city's general plan childcare element through the imposition of a childcare development fee. The city council enacts this chapter in accordance with the authority granted to cities in Article XI, Section 7 of the California Constitution.
(Ord. 03-22)
The city council of the city of West Sacramento, California (hereinafter referred to as the "city") finds and determines as follows:
Growth of the city and new construction contributes to the demand for childcare facilities for all age levels of children.
Without adequate childcare facilities more children are potentially at risk.
To mitigate this situation and to encourage the development of childcare facilities, this chapter shall require that new construction within the city contribute to the cost of providing new childcare facilities and equipment for which it creates a need.
Government Code Section 66000 and following provides substantive requirements and conditions, which must be met before establishing, increasing, or imposing a fee as a condition of approval of a development project.
Proposition 218, adding Articles XIIC and XIID to the California Constitution, provides that the developer fees shall not be affected in any way by the proposition.
(Ord. 03-22)
Fee Imposed. A childcare development fee shall be imposed as a condition of the issuance of all building permits for construction of new buildings in the city. The city council, shall, by resolution, set forth the specific amount of the childcare development fee and identify the facilities, improvements and equipment that may be financed by the fee.
Nexus Study. Prior to the imposition of any fee, a nexus study shall be completed and adopted by the city council. The study must confirm the demand for childcare facilities as a result of new development. The study shall describe the reasonable relationship between the fee and the various types of new development, and describe the relationship between the need for the facility and the various types of new development.
Date Due. The childcare development fee shall be paid by each applicant prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction of new buildings. Alternatives to payment of the fee are available in Chapter 17.47.
Childcare development fees shall be adjusted each succeeding July 1st, commencing July 1, 2005, to reflect inflationary costs. The fees shall be increased by the ratio which the Engineering News Record's Construction Cost Index (twenty cities) for the most recent July 1st bears to the July 1, 2004 index.
(Ord. 03-22; Ord. 05-17 § 3)