This chapter sets forth uniform requirements for direct and indirect discharges into the wastewater collection system for the city of West Sacramento and enables the city to comply with all applicable state and federal laws required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC Section 1251 et seq.).
The objectives of this chapter are:
To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the wastewater collection system that will interfere with its operation or contaminate the resulting sludge;
To provide for equitable distribution of the cost of operation, maintenance and improvement of the wastewater collection system;
To protect personnel who may be affected by wastewater and sludge in the course of their employment and the general public;
To enable the city to comply with all federal or state laws to which its wastewater collection system is subject and to the SRCSD Consolidated Ordinance; and
To prevent the introduction of solid, semi-solid, or liquid substances not defined as sewage, wastewater, or nondomestic wastewater into the wastewater collection system.
This chapter provides for the regulation of direct and indirect discharges to the wastewater collection system and enforcement of general requirements; authorizes monitoring, compliance and enforcement activities; requires industrial user reporting; assumes that existing users' capacity will not be preempted; and provides for the setting of fees for the equitable distribution of costs resulting from the programs established in this chapter.
This chapter shall apply both to persons in the city and to persons outside the city who are users of the wastewater collection system.
(Ord. 13-2 § 3)
Except as otherwise provided, the city manager shall administer, implement and enforce the provisions of this chapter. Any powers granted to or duties imposed upon the city manager may be delegated by the city manager to other city personnel.
(Ord. 13-2 § 3)
Unless a provision explicitly states otherwise, or the SRCSD Consolidated Ordinance definitions differ, the following terms and phrases, as used in this chapter, shall have the meanings designated in this section.
means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, as amended (33 USC Section 1251 et seq.).
means the Regional Administrator of Region IX, United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Authorized Representative of Nondomestic User.
An "authorized representative of a nondomestic user" may be:
A responsible corporate officer, which means a president, secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function; or any other person who performs similar policy or decision-making functions for the corporation; or the manager of one or more manufacturing, production or operation facilities employing more than two hundred fifty persons, if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures;
A general partner or proprietor if the nondomestic user is a partnership or sole proprietorship respectively;
A duly authorized representative of the individual designated above if such authorization is in writing and the representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facilities from which the indirect discharge originates or if he or she has overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company.
The written authorization shall be submitted to the city. If an authorization is no longer accurate because a different individual, position, or office has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility or overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company, a new authorization must be submitted to the city prior to or together with any reports to be signed by an authorized representative.
"Building sewer"
means that portion of a side sewer beginning at the plumbing or drainage outlet of any building or industrial facility and running to the property line or to a private sewage disposal system.
"Cease and desist order"
means a compliance directive.
means the city of West Sacramento.
"City manager"
means the city manager for the city of West Sacramento or authorized agent, representative or inspector.
"Compliance directive"
means an order, also known as a cease and desist order, given by the city manager requiring a user to come into compliance with a wastewater discharge permit or other city wastewater requirement within a specified period of time.
"Compliance schedule"
means an order issued to a user not in compliance with this chapter, which sets up a timetable and deadlines to be in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
"Cooling water"
means the water discharged from any use such as air conditioning, cooling or refrigeration, or to which the only pollutant added is heat.
"Correction notice"
means the use of personal contact, telephone calls or reminder letters to a user for the purpose of notifying the user of a minor violation and to seek an explanation, correct a minor violation, suggest the exercise of more due care or to notify the user that subsequent violations of the same type may be dealt with more severely.
"Discharge" or "indirect discharge"
means the introduction of pollutants or wastewater into the wastewater collection system by any means.
means any person discharging waste into the wastewater collection system. The term is synonymous with "user."
"Domestic wastewater"
means any liquid, solid, sewage or waterborne waste of the type normally resulting from flushing and washing waste products from residences and lavatories.
"Enforcement response plan"
means the plan developed by the city to apply specific enforcement actions.
"Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)"
means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
"Existing source"
means any source of discharge, the construction or operation of which commenced prior to the publication by EPA of proposed pretreatment standards which will be applicable to such source if the pretreatment standard is thereafter promulgated in accordance with Section 307 of the Act.
"Grab sample"
means a sample which is taken from a waste stream on a one-time basis without regard to the flow in the waste stream and over a period of time not to exceed fifteen minutes.
means the heavy suspended mineral matter present in water or wastewater such as sand, gravel or cinders.
"Industrial user"
means a discharger of industrial wastewater. Used herein, the term shall be generic.
"Industrial wastewater"
means any liquid or waterborne waste from manufacturing, processing, commercial or industrial facilities, except domestic waste, boiler blow down, and uncontaminated or noncontact cooling water; provided, however, that substantial discharge of boiler blow down closely associated with industrial activity shall be considered industrial wastewater when such discharge has a reasonable potential to affect or interfere with the wastewater collection system as determined by the city manager.
means generally, a two or more compartment tank designed to prevent undesirable materials from leaving a commercial or industrial site and entering the wastewater collection system. The tank allows adequate retention time so that wastewater may cool and the material it contains may stabilize. In this chapter, the usage of the term is generic and shall mean grease traps, sand traps, or separators wherever they may be located.
"Lateral sewer"
means the portion of a side sewer lying within a public right-of-way connecting a building sewer to the main sewer and maintained by the city.
"Main sewer"
means a public sewer designed to accommodate more than one lateral sewer.
"National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)"
means any regulation developed under the authority of Section 307(b) of the Act and 40 CFR 403.5.
"National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit" or "NPDES permit"
means a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Act (33 USC Section 1342).
"Natural outlet"
means any outlet into a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake or other body of surface water or groundwater.
"New source"
Any building structure, facility, installation or other source from which there is (or may be) a discharge of pollutants, the construction of which commenced after the publication of proposed pretreatment standards under Section 307(c) of the Act which will be applicable to such new source if such pretreatment standards are thereafter promulgated in accordance with that section, provided that:
The building structure, facility or installation is constructed at a site at which no other source is located;
The building, structure, facility or installation totally replaces the process or production equipment that causes the discharge of pollutants at an existing source; or
The production or wastewater-generating processes of the building, structure, facility or installation are substantially independent of an existing source at the same site. In determining whether these are substantially independent, factors such as the extent to which the new facility is integrated with the existing plant, and the extent to which the new facility is engaged in the same general type of activity as the existing source, should be considered.
Construction on a site at which an existing source is located results in a modification rather than a new source if the construction does not create a new building, structure, facility or installation meeting the criteria of subsection above but otherwise alters, replaces, or adds to existing process or production equipment.
Construction of a new source as defined under this subsection has commenced if the owner or operator has either:
Begun, or caused to begin, as part of a continuous on-site construction program:
Any placement, assembly or installation of facilities or equipment, or
Significant site preparation work including clearing, excavation or removal of existing buildings, structures or facilities which is necessary for the placement, assembly or installation of new source facilities or equipment; or
Entered into a binding contractual obligation for the purchase of facilities or equipment which are in-tended to be used in its operation within a reasonable time. Options to purchase or contract which can be terminated or modified without substantial loss, and contracts for feasibility, engineering and design studies do not constitute a contractual obligation under this subparagraph.
"Noncontact cooling water"
means water used for cooling which does not come into direct contact with any additives, raw material, intermediate product, waste product or finished product.
"Nondomestic wastewater"
means wastewater from industrial, commercial or other nonresidential sources. The term is synonymous with industrial wastewater.
"Notice of violation"
means a written notice to a user that the city has determined that a violation of the requirements of this chapter exists and requiring the noncompliance to be corrected and explained in a timely manner.
means a wastewater discharge permit issued by the city.
means any individual, partnership, co-partnership, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, governmental entity or any other legal entity, or their legal representatives, agents or assigns. The masculine gender shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the plural where indicated by the context.
means the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution.
means any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewage, garbage, petroleum products or by-products, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discharged equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water.
"Pollutant of concern"
means any pollutant or substance, the discharge of which is prohibited by Section 13.09.080, General discharge prohibitions.
means the man-made or man-induced alteration of the chemical, physical, biological and radiological integrity of water.
means the reduction of the amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into the wastewater collection system. The reduction or alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical or biological processes, or process changes by other means, except that increase in the use of process water or other attempts to dilute a discharge of wastewater are prohibited.
means liquid and water-carried industrial wastes and wastewater from residential dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial and manufacturing facilities, or institutions, whether treated or untreated, which are discharged to the wastewater collection system.
"Sewage system"
means all facilities owned or controlled by the city for collecting, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage.
"Show cause order"
means order for a user to appear before the city to explain noncompliance and why enforcement action should not be taken.
"Side sewer"
means the sewer line beginning at the foundation wall of any building and terminating at the main sewer and including the building sewer and lateral sewer together.
"Slug discharge"
means any discharge containing an unusual volume of flow or concentration of liquid, water, sewage, wastewater or pollutants.
means a release, whether accidental or intentional, of a material.
means the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. Contact and other information related to SRCSD can be found at www.srcsd.com.
"SRCSD Consolidated Ordinance"
means an SRCSD ordinance, originally adopted on February 10, 2010, and as subsequently amended, that relates to the operation and regulations of SRCSD. The current version of the SRCSD Consolidated Ordinance can be found at www.srcsd.com/ordinances.php.
means the state of California.
means any flow occurring during or following any form of natural precipitation and resulting from it.
"Total suspended solids"
means the total suspended matter that either floats on the surface of or is suspended in water, sewage or other liquids and which is removable by laboratory filtering.
"Toxic pollutant"
means any pollutant or combination of pollutants listed as toxic in 40 CFR 401.15.
means any person who discharges, contributes, causes, or permits the contribution of wastewater into the wastewater collection system.
means liquid and water-carried wastes and sewage from residential dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial and manufacturing facilities, or institutions, whether treated or untreated.
"Wastewater collection system"
means the pipelines, pump stations, manholes and other similar facilities which are owned, and operated by any of the contributing agencies discharging to SRCSD's interceptors and/or treatment plant.
"Wastewater discharge permit"
means either an industrial wastewater discharge permit or pollution prevention permit issued by the city and establishing limitations on the discharge of wastewater.
means a channel or depression in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently.
(Ord. 13-2 § 3)
This chapter is severable. If any sentence, provision, paragraph, word or section of this chapter is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining sentences, provisions, paragraphs, words, and sections shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect.
(Ord. 13-2 § 3)
The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person for damage to persons or property resulting from the discharge of wastewater, nor shall the city, or any officer, agent or employee of the city, be construed to be assuming any liability by reason of the performance of its or their responsibilities or duties pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. 13-2 § 3)
This chapter shall apply to all users of the wastewater collection system whose discharge occurs outside of city boundaries upon equal terms with its applicability within the city.
(Ord. 13-2 § 3)