The stated purpose and intent of this chapter is to ensure that any proposed change of use of an existing mobile home park or a portion thereof to any other use is preceded by adequate notice, that the social and fiscal impacts of the proposed change of use are adequately defined prior to consideration of a proposed change of use, and that relocation and other assistance is provided to identified park residents, consistent with the provisions of the ordinance codified in this chapter and California Government Code Sections 65863.7 and 66427.4, and relevant portions of the California Civil Code.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
means any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or other entity owning or representing a mobile home park who applies to change the use of that mobile home park or a portion thereof.
"Change of use"
means using an existing mobile home park or a portion thereof for a purpose other than the rental or the holding out for rent of two or more mobile home sites to accommodate mobile homes used for human habitation, and shall not mean the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a park rule or regulation.
"Comparable mobile home park"
means any other mobile home park substantially similar in terms of park conditions, amenities, and other relevant factors.
"Impact report"
means the required report on the impact of the change of use upon the displaced residents pursuant to California Government Code Section 65863.7(a), which the applicant shall file as part of the change of use permit application.
"Mobile home"
means a structure as defined in California Civil Code Section 798.3.
"Mobile home owner"
means a person who owns or has an ownership interest in a mobile home within a mobile home park.
"Mobile home park"
means an area of land where two or more mobile home sites are rented, or held out for rent, to accommodate mobile homes used for human habitation. Mobile home park shall not include a mobile home subdivision of stock cooperative. A mobile home park is not a recreational vehicle park as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 18862.39.
"Mobile home site"
means an area within a mobile home park being occupied by or designated for occupancy by an individual mobile home.
"Mobile home tenant"
means a person who occupies a mobile home within a mobile home park pursuant to a bona fide lease or rental agreement with the mobile home owner and who, during his or her tenancy, was not the owner or member of the immediate household of the mobile home owner.
means a person lawfully residing in a mobile home park, including mobile home owners, mobile home tenants or members of the immediate household of the mobile home owners or mobile home tenants.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
The following shall apply when any mobile home park in the city has either twenty vacant mobile home sites or a vacancy rate of twenty-five percent or greater of the total number of mobile home sites in existence in the mobile home park, whichever occurs first, and such was not caused by physical disaster, including, but not limited to, fire, flood, storm, earthquake, landslide, or by another natural condition beyond the control of the owner or operator of the mobile home park:
The owner or operator of the mobile home park shall file with the city manager a written notice informing the city of the current vacancy rate and the number of vacant mobile home sites. For purposes of this chapter, a mobile home site is "vacant" when it is either:
Unoccupied by a mobile home; or
Occupied by a mobile home in which no person resides unless site rent is being paid.
The written notice to the city manager from the owner or operator of the mobile home park shall clearly state any known reason why there are twenty vacant mobile homes within the mobile home park or why the vacancy rate is in excess of twenty-five percent, and whether or not the property owner intends to convert the mobile home park or a portion thereof to another use.
If it is determined that the owner or operator of the mobile home park intends to apply for a change of use permit, the city manager or his or her designee shall immediately inform the property owner or operator of the requirements of this chapter.
The city shall monitor vacancies within the city's mobile home parks to ensure compliance with the vacancy notice requirement. Should the city choose to send a written inquiry regarding vacancy to a park owner or operator, the park owner or operator shall file with the city manager a written notice per subsection A no later than one month following the written inquiry from the city.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
Any applicant desiring to convert a mobile home park or a portion thereof to any other use, to close a mobile home park or a portion thereof, or to cease to use all or any portion of the land as a mobile home park shall apply for a change of use permit, in addition to any necessary discretionary land use permit application, such as a tentative or parcel subdivision map or a conditional use permit. The city manager or designee shall review the change of use permit application, and shall make a final determination regarding the change of use permit or shall forward a recommendation on the change of use permit to the city council for final action. The consideration of a change of use permit shall require a noticed public hearing in the manner set forth in California Government Code Section 65905. At a minimum, each application for a change of use permit shall include the following and any additional information as may be required by this chapter or the city manager or designee:
A detailed narrative description of the proposed use to which the mobile home park or a portion thereof is to be converted or the reason for the closure or cessation of use of the mobile home park or a portion thereof.
The proposed timetable for the change of use and development, closure or cessation of use of the site.
A statement from the applicant that the rent at the mobile home park shall not be increased, unless as provided in a valid lease entered into prior to filing an application for a change of use, for two years from the date of the filing of the change of use application or until change of use of the mobile home park, whichever is earlier.
A report on the impact of the change of use of the mobile home park or a portion thereof on the residents of the mobile home park pursuant to Section 15.06.050, and a relocation plan addressing the availability of replacement housing for existing residents of the mobile home park pursuant to Section 15.06.060.
The application for a change of use permit shall include evidence of compliance with the requirements of California Civil Code Section 798.56 and California Government Code Section 65863.8 regarding notification of the mobile home park residents and mobile home owners concerning the proposed change of use.
Documentation satisfactory to the city manager or designee, including receipts and other financial documents, demonstrating that the applicant has the financial means to mitigate the impact of the change of use as provided in the relocation plan.
No change of use permit application shall be deemed complete and processing for consideration will not commence until all of the required component parts of the permit application provided above have been reviewed and approved as to their completeness by the city manager or designee.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
Any applicant filing an application for a change of use permit to convert a mobile home park or a portion thereof to another use shall file a report on the impact of the change of use upon the residents of the mobile home park. At a minimum, the impact report shall include the following, as well as any other information deemed necessary and appropriate by the city manager or designee:
Detailed information on the mobile homes and mobile home sites within the mobile home park including, but not limited to, the following:
The total number of mobile home sites in the park and the number of sites occupied;
The length of time each site has been occupied by the present resident(s) thereof;
Whether each site is occupied by a mobile home owner or mobile home tenant;
The age, size, and type of mobile home occupying each site;
The monthly rent currently charged for each site, including any utilities or other costs paid by the present resident(s) thereof; and
The name and mailing address of each mobile home owner and mobile home tenant on three sets of gummed labels for the mailing of notice for public hearings.
A detailed analysis of the impact of the change in use upon the displaced residents of the mobile home park, including the availability of adequate mobile home sites in comparable mobile home parks in the city and the immediate surrounding area, and the estimated costs of moving a mobile home and on-site personal property, and any direct or indirect costs associated with a relocation to another mobile home park.
A list of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of one or more relocation consultants, with an explanation of the services the consultant will perform at the applicant's expense for the residents to be displaced. These services shall include, but not be limited to, assistance in locating a suitable replacement mobile home park, coordination of moving the mobile home and personal property, and any other tasks necessary to facilitate the relocation to another comparable mobile home park.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
A relocation plan for residents, excluding mobile home tenants, of the mobile home park shall be submitted for review and approval as part of the application for a change of use permit. The relocation plan shall provide, at a minimum, the following:
For those mobile homes that can be physically relocated, the relocation consultant shall work with the households to locate mobile home sites in comparable mobile home parks within thirty miles of the city. The relocation plan shall provide for the applicant to pay all reasonable moving expenses to a comparable mobile home park within thirty miles of the city to any nontenant resident who relocates from the mobile home park after city approval of the change of use permit. The reasonable costs of relocation and moving expenses shall include the costs of relocating a displaced homeowner's mobile home, accessories, and on-site personal property, including the costs for disassembly, removal, transportation, and reinstallation of the mobile home and accessories at the new site, and replacement or reconstruction of the garage, blocks, skirting, porches, decks, awnings, storage sheds, or earthquake bracing, if necessitated by the relocation; indemnification for any damage to personal property of the nontenant residents caused by the relocation, reasonable living expenses of displaced nontenant park residents from the date of actual displacement to the date of occupancy at the new site; and payment of any security deposit required at the new site. When any resident has given notice of his or her intent to move prior to city approval of the change of use permit, eligibility to receive moving expenses shall be forfeited.
The relocation plan shall also identify those mobile homes that cannot be relocated due to their physical condition or due to a lack of available sites at comparable mobile home parks. The applicant shall be required to offer to purchase any mobile home that cannot be relocated in conformance with this chapter and to provide the nontenant resident with the option of a replacement housing payment. The nontenant resident shall elect whether to sell his or her mobile home to the applicant or whether to receive a replacement housing payment from the applicant. The nontenant resident may make this election after the purchase price for his or her mobile home has been determined.
Any offer to purchase a mobile home will be made at its in-place market value. Such value shall be determined after consideration of relevant factors, including the value of the mobile home in its current location, as well as the blocks and any garage, skirting, porches, decks, awnings, storage sheds, and earthquake bracing, and assuming the continuation of the mobile home park in its current condition, and not considering the effect of the change of use on the value of the mobile home. If the parties cannot agree as to the in-place market value of a mobile home, a state-certified appraiser with experience in establishing the value of mobile homes shall be selected by the relocation consultant, and paid for by the applicant, to determine the in-place market value. Should the applicant or the mobile home owner disagree with the appraised value, each disagreeing party may request at his or her expense an appraisal from a different state-certified appraiser. The in-place market value shall then be the average of all of the appraisals. If the mobile home owner is a disagreeing party, the cost of his or her appraisal shall be advanced by the applicant and deducted from the mobile home owner's relocation compensation. A nontenant resident may accept the applicant's offer to purchase his or her mobile home at any point prior to closure of the mobile home park or a portion thereof. Upon acceptance of the applicant's offer to purchase the mobile home, the nontenant resident shall transfer title for the mobile home to the applicant.
The replacement housing payment shall be in the form of six months' free site rent and utilities (assuming utilities are calculated separately from rent) or their monetary equivalent or in any combination provided the total value of the replacement housing payment equals six months' free site rent and utilities. In calculating the six months' rent amount, the applicant shall use the actual site rent in effect on the date of the filing of the change of use application. In calculating the six months' utilities amount, the applicant shall use the average monthly amount of the utilities charged the nontenant resident for the previous twelve months. Upon relocation of the nontenant resident, title to the mobile home shall be transferred to the applicant. Agreement to such transfer shall be a condition of receipt of the relocation housing payment. Whether the nontenant resident opts to sell his or her mobile home to the applicant or to accept the replacement housing payment, the applicant shall be responsible for the reasonable costs of the relocation of all of the nontenant resident's on-site personal property.
Notwithstanding subsections A and B of this section, and in order to facilitate a proposed change of use, a resident and applicant may agree to a mutually satisfactory relocation agreement. To be valid, however, such an agreement shall: (1) be in writing; (2) include a provision stating that the resident is aware of the provisions of this chapter; (3) include a copy of this chapter as an attachment; (4) include a provision in at least ten-point type which clearly informs the resident that it has the right to seek the advice of an attorney of its choice prior to signing the agreement with regard to its rights under such agreement; and (5) be drafted in the form and content otherwise required by applicable state law.
The relocation plan will also address how the applicant proposes to give priority to those mobile home residents residing in the mobile home park at the time the relocation plan is prepared in the leasing or purchasing of housing at the former mobile home park site in the event that the mobile home park or a portion thereof is converted to new housing.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
In approving a change of use permit for a mobile home park or a portion thereof, the city manager or designee or the city council shall find that the application being reviewed meets the following requirements in addition to the other requirements of this chapter:
That the residents of the mobile home park have been adequately notified of the proposed change of use, including information pertaining to the anticipated timing of the proposed change of use.
That any nontenant residents displaced as a result of the change of use shall be compensated by the applicant for all adverse impacts created as a result of relocation in accordance with Section 15.06.060. The applicant must demonstrate the ability to satisfy this requirement as provided in Section 15.06.040(F).
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
The city manager or designee or the city council shall impose any necessary and appropriate conditions of approval to satisfy and implement the intent, purpose, and content of this chapter. In addition, any other necessary and appropriate conditions of approval to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city may be imposed. In all cases, approval is conditioned on the applicant providing all mobile home owners and residents within applicant's mobile home park with at least six months' notice of intent to change the use of the mobile home park or a portion thereof and relocate all mobile homes after all city approvals.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
After a change of use permit has been approved and after the applicant has executed a certificate of acceptance of the conditions of any approval, the applicant may file a request for a modification of the conditions imposed, including the additions or deletions of any condition. Modification may be granted on the grounds that there has been a change in circumstances or new information has come to light, which could not reasonably have been known or considered at the time of the hearing(s) on the application. No modification shall be granted unless it is consistent with the requirements of this chapter.
Any application for modification shall be subject to the notice and hearing procedures set forth in this chapter for a change of use permit. The decision in connection with a modification request shall take place in the same manner as the initial approval.
The city manager or designee may initiate revocation proceedings on the grounds that the mobile home park owner or applicant has violated the provisions of this chapter or the terms of the approval of the change of use. The city manager or designee shall specify in written notice provided to the mobile home park owner the grounds asserted for revocation of the approval of the change of use and shall set a hearing before the city council to consider the revocation not sooner than forty-five days and not later than sixty days after the written notice is provided to the mobile home park owner.
Notice of a revocation proceeding shall be sent to the mobile home park owner by certified mail, return receipt requested or personal delivery, together with notice that any response by the mobile home park must be filed at least twenty days prior to the date set for the revocation hearing.
The city council shall render its findings and decision concerning revocation within ninety days after initiating revocation proceedings.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
Appeal of any approval or disapproval made by the city manager or designee under this chapter shall be to the city council. Any approval or disapproval must be appealed by the applicant or any affected mobile home park resident or mobile home owner within fifteen calendar days of the date of the approval or disapproval. The city manager or designee may refer an application directly to the city council.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)
Noncompliance with the requirements of this chapter shall be considered a misdemeanor per Section 1.12.010 of this code.
(Ord. 08-19 § 3)