Cross reference—Subdivisions, Ch. 24.
It is the intent of the council in enacting this article to implement the directive contained in the Health and Safety Code, Sections 17953, 17954 and 17955.
(Code 1957, § 8506)
The term "expansive soil", as used in this article, shall mean any soil which swells more than 3% when prepared and tested in accordance with the tests prescribed and approved by the city engineer.
(Code 1957, § 8506)
Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the construction of a building on a lot within a subdivision as defined in the Business and Professions Code, Sections 11535 and 11535.1, there shall be filed with the building director a preliminary soil report prepared by a civil engineer registered by the state, based upon such test borings or excavations as are approved by the building director as adequate; provided, however, such preliminary soil report may be waived by the building director where he determines that due to the knowledge his department has as to the qualities of the soil within the subdivision, no preliminary analysis is necessary.
(Code 1957, § 8501)
Where a report satisfying the requirements of sections 6-367 and 6-368 is filed, the report required by section 6-364 need not be filed.
(Code 1957, § 8503.2)
A preliminary soil report required by section 6-364 shall contain the following:
A certification that the engineer has investigated the soil within the subdivision;
Locations of the borings or excavations made;
Summaries of field and laboratory tests made; and
A statement of the qualities of the soil and its expansive characteristics or other soil problems which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects of dwellings constructed upon such soil.
(Code 1957, § 8501)
Where the report filed pursuant to section 6-364 indicates the presence of critically expansive soil or other soil problems, which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects in buildings constructed upon such soil, a soil investigation of each lot within the subdivision shall be required, and before a building permit shall be issued for the construction of a building on any lot within such subdivision, there shall be filed with the building director a report of a soil investigation of each lot prepared by a registered civil engineer.
(Code 1957, § 8502)
The soil investigation report required by section 6-367 shall contain the following:
A certification that the engineer has investigated the soil within the lot;
The locations of the borings or excavations made;
Summaries of field and laboratory tests made;
A statement of the qualities of the soil and its expansive characteristics or other soil problem, which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects of dwellings constructed upon such soil.
A recommendation of corrective action which is likely to prevent structural damage to each dwelling proposed to be constructed upon such soil.
(Code 1957, § 8502)
The report or reports required by section 6-367 may supplement or incorporate by reference any report prepared pursuant to sections 6-364 and 6-366.
(Code 1957, § 8503.1)
The building director shall approve the soil investigation required by this article if he determines that the recommended action required by section 6-368(5) is likely to prevent structural damage to each building to be constructed. Any building permit for a building on such lot shall be issued subject to the condition that the approved recommendation contained in the soil investigation report be incorporated in the construction of each building constructed upon such lot.
(Code 1957, § 8504)
Irrespective of whether a building site is a lot within a subdivision, if the building director has reason to believe that the site upon which a building or structure is to be constructed contains critically expansive soil or other soil problems which, if not corrected, would lead to structural defects in a building proposed to be constructed thereon, he may require a soil investigation and report as hereinabove provided in sections 6-364 and 6-366, and where the building director determines that the recommended corrective action is likely to prevent structural damage to the building to be constructed, he may issue a building permit subject to the condition that the recommended corrective action be incorporated in the construction of the building.
(Code 1957, § 8505)