No person convicted (including pleas of guilty and nolo contendere) of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for employment by any department of the city; provided, however, the appointing authority shall disregard such conviction if it is found and determined by such appointing authority that mitigating circumstances exist, such as, but not limited to, evidence of rehabilitation, the length of time elapsed since such conviction, the age of such person at the time of the conviction, or the fact that the classification applied for is unrelated to such conviction.
(Code 1980, § 2.32.010; Ord. No. 66, § 1, 1979; Ord. No. 66A, § 1, 1980)
The city manager, assistant to the city manager, finance director, police chief, city attorney, assistant city attorney, and each appointing authority of the city are hereby authorized to have access to the state summary criminal history information, as provided for in Penal Code § 11105, when it is required to assist such individual to fulfill the employment responsibilities set forth in this chapter.
(Code 1980, § 2.32.020; Ord. No. 66, § 2, 1979; Ord. No. 870 (Recodification), 2014)