Note: Prior history: Code 1980 §§ 8.19.010—8.19.280 and Ord. Nos. 291, 291-A, 711, 712, 809, 838 and 870.
No person shall collect or dispose of construction and demolition waste in the city unless that person has entered into a collection agreement with the city pursuant to chapter 8.17, except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, and irrespective of any permit issued by any other governmental agency authorizing collection of solid waste or recyclables.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
means any individual, firm, limited liability company, association, partnership, political subdivision, government agency, municipality, industry, public or private corporation, or any other entity who applies to the city for the applicable permits to undertake any construction, demolition, or renovation projects within the city.
"Authorized collector"
shall have the meaning ascribed in section 8.17.020.
"Certified recycling" or "material recovery facility"
shall have the meaning ascribed in section 8.19.080.
means the building, rehabilitation, remodeling, renovation, repair or enlargement of any facility or structure, or any portion thereof, and includes additions, alterations, or tenant improvements to an existing facility or structure.
"Construction and demolition diversion administrative fee" or "C&D administrative fee"
means the fee required to sufficiently compensate the city for all expenses incurred in administering the C&D diversion program requirements for covered construction and demolition projects.
"Construction and demolition diversion deposit" or "C&D diversion deposit"
means the fee required as security for performance for covered construction and demolition projects to ensure the applicant complies with the requirements of this chapter.
"Construction and demolition waste" or "C&D waste"
means discarded or used materials removed from construction, remodeling, repair, demolition, or renovation operations on any pavement, house, commercial building, or other structure, or from landscaping.
means any person or entity holding, or required to hold, a contractor's license of any type under the laws of the state, or who performs (whether as contractor, subcontractor or owner-builder) any construction, demolition, remodeling, or landscaping service relating to buildings or accessory structures in the city. A person or company employed, whether for a fee or otherwise, to haul or remove recyclables and construction and demolition debris generated by a contractor is not a contractor for purposes of this chapter.
means the careful dismantling of buildings and structures in order to salvage as much as possible.
means the decimating, razing, ruining, tearing down or wrecking of any facility, structure, pavement or building, whether in whole or in part, whether interior or exterior.
"Diversion requirement"
means the percentage of total construction and demolition debris for each project diverted from landfills.
"Divert," "diverted," or "diversion"
means to recycle, reuse or salvage, or a combination of recycling, reusing, and salvaging of C&D waste to avoid disposal in a landfill.
"Engineering services department" or "ESD"
shall have the meaning ascribed in section 8.17.020.
"ESD director"
shall have the meaning ascribed in section 8.17.020.
means any activity that requires an application for a building or demolition permit or any similar permit from the city.
"Recycling and reuse"
means the process of collecting, sorting, treating, and reconstituting C&D waste for use as a raw material for new, reused, or reconstituted products which meet industry standards.
means any change, addition or modification to an existing structure.
means the controlled removal of materials from a project for the purpose of reuse or storage for later reuse.
"Self-haul construction and demolition waste permit"
means the permit issued by the city to a contractor that meets the criteria in section 8.19.090.
"Waste diversion report"
means the report to be completed and submitted to the city by the applicant at project completion summarizing the actual tonnage of waste generated as a result of the project by material type and supported by actual weight tickets and receipts.
"Waste management and recycling plan"
means the form prescribed by the city for completion by the applicant as portion of the building and/or demolition permit process.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
All construction and demolition projects are required to divert a minimum of 65% of the tonnage generated as a result of the project from the landfill.
Separate calculations and reports will be required for the demolition and for the construction portion of projects involving both demolition and construction.
Every structure planned for demolition shall be made available for deconstruction, salvage and recovery prior to demolition. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, the general contractor and all subcontractors to recover the maximum feasible amount of salvageable designated recyclable and reusable materials prior to demolition. Recovered and salvaged designated recyclable and reusable materials from the deconstruction phase shall qualify to be counted in meeting the diversion requirements of this chapter. Recovered or salvaged materials may be given or sold on the premises, or may be removed to reuse warehouse facilities for storage or sale.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
Except as otherwise specified in this chapter, each person who applies for a building or demolition permit pursuant to chapter 17.010 shall complete a "waste management and recycling plan" document to be issued by the engineering services department. Except as otherwise specified in this chapter, no building or demolition permit shall be issued unless the "waste management and recycling plan" has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the engineering services department. Any changes to the approved plan must be brought to the attention of the engineering services department for review and approval prior to commencing work.
The ESD director is authorized to create guidelines setting forth the information to be included in the "waste management plan," as well as the form thereof. At a minimum, the "waste management plan" shall delineate all of the following:
The C&D waste to be generated by the project.
The square footage of the proposed project.
The estimated weight of the C&D waste to be generated by the project, listed by material types.
The estimated weight of the C&D waste to be generated by the project to be diverted, listed by material types.
The certified recycling or material recovery facility or facilities to which C&D waste will be taken, listed by material types.
The estimated weight of the C&D waste that will be landfilled.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
Except as otherwise specified in this chapter, each person who applies for a building or demolition permit pursuant to chapter 17.010 shall remit a diversion deposit in the amount set forth by resolution of the city council. The diversion deposit shall be remitted at the same time the permit application is filed.
Deposit amounts are based on square footage and shall be set by resolution of the city council.
The diversion deposit shall be returned, without interest, in accordance with section 8.19.060. The deposit shall be forfeited entirely if there is a failure to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
Except as otherwise specified in this chapter, each person who applies for a building or demolition permit pursuant to chapter 17.010 will remit an administrative fee sufficient to compensate the city for all expenses incurred in administering the C&D diversion program requirements for covered construction and demolition projects. The amount of this fee shall be determined in accordance with the current resolution of the city council determining the same.
Within 60 days following the completion of the demolition or construction project, the contractor (or permit applicant) shall, as a condition precedent to final inspection and to issuance of any certificate of occupancy, submit documentation to the engineering services department, which proves compliance with the requirements of section 8.19.040. The documentation shall consist of a completed waste diversion report with information of actual data of tonnage of materials recycled and diverted, supported by originals or certified photocopies of receipts and weight tickets or other records of measurement from recycling companies, deconstruction contractors and/or landfill and disposal companies. Receipts and weight tickets will be used to verify whether materials generated from the site have been or are to be recycled, reused, salvaged or otherwise disposed of.
If a project involves both demolition and construction, the report and documentation for the demolition project must be submitted and approved by the engineering services department before issuance of a building permit for the construction project. In the alternative, the applicant may submit a letter stating that no waste or recyclable materials were generated from project, in which case this statement shall be subject to verification by the engineering services department. Any deposit posted pursuant to subsection E of this section shall be forfeited if the applicant does not meet the timely reporting requirements of this section.
The following projects must meet the waste diversion requirements as described in this chapter but shall not be required to submit a C&D diversion deposit:
Residential single-family homes up to four units.
Construction projects of less than $100,000.00 in value.
Roofing projects that do not include tear-off of existing roof.
The following projects are exempt from the waste diversion requirements and C&D diversion deposit as described in this chapter:
Work for which only a plumbing permit, an electrical permit or a mechanical permit is required.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
The ESD director may authorize the refund of any diversion deposit, which was erroneously paid or collected.
The ESD director may authorize the refund of any diversion deposit when the building permit application is withdrawn or cancelled before any work has begun.
The ESD director may authorize the refund of a diversion deposit when at least 65% of the waste generated by the project was diverted from landfill disposal.
The ESD director may authorize a partial refund of a diversion deposit when less than 65% by weight of the waste generated by the project was diverted from landfill disposal if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the ESD director that: (1) a proportion of the percentages of the tons of waste generated by the demolition and/or construction project was diverted from landfills and recycled or reused; and (2) that a good faith effort has been made to achieve the required diversion percentages. The partial refund shall not exceed that proportion the diversion waste bears to 65% by weight of the total waste generated.
The ESD director shall not authorize the refund of any diversion deposit, or any portion thereof, unless the original building permit applicant files a written request for refund and provides documentation satisfactory to the ESD director in support of the request.
The ESD director shall not authorize a refund of any diversion deposit, or portion thereof, if any of the required waste diversion documentation does not list the City of Rancho Cucamonga as the city of origin, and/or the required waste diversion documentation is not from the authorized collector or a facility identified in the waste management plan.
The ESD director shall not authorize a refund of any diversion deposit, or portion thereof, if the applicant does not include a weight ticket document for all landfilled and recycled C&D waste as a result of the project.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
For the purpose of this chapter, the term "diverted" or "diversion" means a reduction of the amount of waste being disposed in landfills by any of the following methods:
Use of new construction methods, as described in regulations promulgated by the ESD director, that reduce the amount of waste generated.
On-site reuse of waste.
Delivery of the waste from the site to a certified recycling facility.
Other methods as approved in regulations promulgated by the ESD director.
All of the waste diversion methods which may qualify for a refund of a diversion deposit are subject to restrictions and documentation requirements set forth in regulations promulgated by the ESD director.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
For the purpose of this chapter, "certified recycling or material recovery facility" means a recycling, composting, materials recovery or reuse facility that has been certified by the ESD director as meeting all of the requirements in subsection B of this section.
The ESD director shall issue a certification only if the owner or operator of the facility submits documentation satisfactory to the ESD director:
That the facility has obtained all applicable federal, state, and local permits, and is in full compliance with all applicable regulations; and
The percentage of incoming waste from construction, demolition, and alteration activities that is diverted from landfill disposal meets the required minimum percentage set forth in regulations promulgated by the ESD director.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
For purposes of this section, "job site" means a location at which construction and demolition debris are generated by a contractor.
Subject to subsection C, a contractor may self-haul construction and demolition debris, as defined in section 8.19.020, generated by the contractor at the job site. When acting as a general contractor the contractor may haul these same materials for any contractor acting as a subcontractor at the same job site.
The right of a contractor to self-haul or haul hereunder is subject to the following conditions:
All contractors generating any of the recyclables or C&D waste, as defined by section 8.19.020, to be self-hauled or hauled shall have a valid city business license; and
The contractor owns hauling equipment and the equipment is clearly marked with the identity of the contractor including, as a minimum threshold requirement, the company name, address, and phone number; and
The contractor must be performing construction and demolition work on the permitted job site; the contractor cannot serve solely as a hauler of debris from the job site; and
The contractor must be named on the building permit; and
The contractor provides a copy of the vehicle registration; and
The contractor provides proof of insurance for the vehicle; and
The contractor's equipment shall be operated by an employee of the contractor at all times during any self-haul to a disposal or processing facility in a manner consistent with all appropriate laws and regulations; and
The contractor performing the self-haul holds a current building and demolition permit which co-vers all recyclables or construction and demolition debris for which the contractor will be performing self-hauling, and the contractor complies with the construction and demolition provisions of the city; and
The contractor shall hold a construction and demolition self-haul permit and pay the applicable C&D self-haul permit fee as set by the city council. The C&D self-haul permit and applicable fee are issued per project and are valid only for the duration of the specific project; and
The contractor performing the self-haul must comply with all requirements of this chapter, including submittal of a waste management and recycling plan and a diversion deposit.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
If an applicant who is subject to the requirements set forth in this chapter fails to comply with sections 8.19.040 and/or 8.19.050 prior to commencement of work on a covered project, the project shall be subject to a "stop work" order issued by the city until the waste management plan is submitted as required and has been approved by the ESD director pursuant to section 8.19.040.
It is unlawful for any person to collect or transport solid waste (as defined in section 8.17.020) within the city unless such person is an authorized collector, as defined in section 8.17.020, or is exempted as outlined in section 8.17.050(A) through E. It is unlawful for any person to permit, allow or enter into any agreement whatsoever for the collection or transportation of solid waste from any residential premises, commercial premises, or construction or demolition project with any person who is not an authorized collector as herein defined except as permitted in section 8.17.050(A) through E.
Each violation of the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a public nuisance and be subject to abatement as such, pursuant to the provisions of chapter 8.20. The costs of abatement of any such nuisance shall be a lien upon the property involved.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)
Diversion deposits shall be used only for:
Payment of diversion deposit refunds;
Costs of administration of the program established by this chapter;
Cost of programs whose purpose is to divert from landfill disposal the waste from construction, demolition and alteration projects; and
Costs of programs whose purpose is to develop or improve the infrastructure needed to divert from landfill disposal the waste from construction, demolition and alteration projects.
(Ord. No. 941 § 2, 2018)