Existing historical landmarks and focal points, which have been recognized by the city as having historical significance, are encouraged to be enhanced through physical improvements. The purpose of this chapter is to identify allowed uses for historic structures in residential districts. Additional regulations for historic resources can be found in chapter 17.18 (Historic Preservation Commission Decisions).
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)
Historical structures within a residential district may be used for other uses allowed in the district, subject to the same permit requirements. Other uses are allowed with approval of a minor use permit based upon the following criteria:
Proposed use shall not cause intensification or disruption to any adjacent uses or neighborhood.
The uses shall be limited to small-scale uses such as, but not limited to, boardinghouse, bed and breakfast, minor offices, coffee shops, and neighborhood serving retail uses such as boutiques, antique shops, bookstores, or florists.
The site and structure shall be fully improved to include such things as, but not limited to, landscaping, parking, new exterior building materials (roofing, siding, painting), walls or fences, street improvements, drainage facilities, etc.
(Ord. No. 1000 § 4, 2022)