Nothing in this code shall be interpreted to confer upon or provide a private citizen or private entity the right to enforce any chapter of this code or any city ordinance. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the city and its employees, agents and officials, shall be the only authorities permitted to enforce the provisions this code or any city ordinance. Since this section is a clarification and declaration of existing law, it shall apply both retroactively and prospectively.
(Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
The fire marshal and fire inspectors are appointed as peace officers for the purposes of executing and effecting their primary duty and for issuing citations for violations of local and state fire regulations.
(Ord. 118 § 1, 1976; Ord. 407 § 1, 1988; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
The code enforcement officer of the city is appointed a peace officer for the purpose of executing and effecting his or her primary duties and for issuing citations for violations of any ordinance of the city observed by him or her.
(Ord. 122 § 1, 1977; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
The building inspectors of the city are appointed peace officers for the purpose of executing and effecting their primary duties and issuing citations for violations of the building code and related ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 122 § 2, 1977; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
The planning director of the city is appointed a peace officer for the purpose of executing and effecting his or her primary duties and issuing citations for violations of the zoning ordinance and related ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 122 § 3, 1977; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
The business license inspectors of the city are appointed peace officers for the purpose of executing and effecting their primary duties and issuing citations for violations of the business license ordinance and related ordinances.
(Ord. 122 § 4, 1977; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
The city manager is appointed a peace officer for the purpose of executing and effecting his or her primary duties and for issuing citations for violations of any ordinance of the city observed by him or her.
(Ord. 122 § 5, 1977; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
Before issuing citations for violations of any of the provisions of this code, every officer and employee authorized to enforce the provisions of this code shall receive a course of training in the exercise of the power to arrest. The course of training shall meet the minimum standards prescribed by the commission on peace officer standards and training.
No officer or employee authorized to enforce the provisions of this code shall carry any firearm while in the performance of his or her duties.
(Ord. 186 § 1, 1980; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)
The city manager shall establish a procedure to investigate citizen's complaints against the officers and employees of the city who are authorized to enforce the provisions of this code, and shall make a written description of the procedure available to the public.
Complaints or any reports of findings shall be retained for a period of at least five years.
(Ord. 186 § 2, 1980; Ord. 1141 § 3, 2018)