Real estate auctions create unique problems for the city as compared with other auctions or the sale of real estate in normal course. In addition, the connotation of a real estate auction is demeaning to the image of the city and projects a false image and perception of real estate value within the city, economic market conditions and aesthetic quality of Rancho Mirage. The city has a public interest in preserving the quality of the image of Rancho Mirage. A real estate auction brings to the city traffic problems, facilities problems and detrimentally interferes with the contractual relations between the city and the developer. Individual private residential communities have inadequate parking, circulation on and off site and physical facilities necessary to accommodate an auction. The privacy and security of these private communities is severely compromised by hundreds of individuals springing upon these private walled residential areas. The city has experienced the difficulty in obtaining project completion when dealing with the numerous and sudden new homeowners in a project where the original agreement for construction of improvements was with the developer no longer present or interested after the sudden sale. As a result of these concerns, the regulation of real estate auctions is necessary to secure the public health, safety and welfare of the city.
(Ord. 471 § 1, 1990)
"A real estate auction"
includes all activity prefatory to and the public sale of more than one parcel or unit of real property to the highest bidder by one licensed or authorized to sell real estate in such a manner. Real estate auction does not include the sale of a single parcel pursuant to court order or California law pertaining to nonjudicial foreclosure.
(Ord. 471 § 2, 1990)
No person may assist in, make preparations for, participate in, operate, advertise for, or sell real estate at auction without first obtaining a nontransferable permit for that activity. The permit shall be issued and approved by the city and the city council. A permit shall also be required if the auction is held outside of Rancho Mirage.
(Ord. 471 § 3, 1990)
As a condition to issuance of any real estate auction permit, the following shall be required:
A real estate auction permit may only be issued for auctions to be held within the RH (Resort Hotel) zone.
All auctions shall be held in an indoor location.
The time and manner of inspection of the real estate to be auctioned shall be established within the terms of the permit for any property to be sold. On the day of the auction, a multipassenger vehicle must be provided for access to and inspection of the real property to be auctioned. Prior to and including the day of the auction no more than two, six passenger automobiles or twelve prospective purchasers per residential unit may be allowed at the property site at any one time for inspection and a maximum of one hundred persons.
The development project of which the real property to be auctioned is a portion must have complied with or provide security satisfactory to the city sufficient to secure all conditions of any development permit issued.
The city may impose any condition reasonably related to mitigate any impact of the auction activity upon the residential area within which the auctioned property is located and/or the city in general.
(Ord. 471 § 4, 1990)
A permit fee of five hundred dollars shall be paid prior to issuance of the auction permit.
(Ord. 460 § 1, 1990)
The application shall state:
Applicant's name, business address, telephone and facsimile number. If applicant is a partnership or corporation, include the name of the responsible person for purposes of the application and the name of the person authorized to accept service on behalf of the entity within the state of California;
Addresses of the real property to be auctioned;
Location, date and hours of the auction and inspection time for real estate;
Number of individuals expected to be at the auction as either customers, spectators or participants;
Transportation made available for transfer of the auction participants and/or customers from the location of the auction to and from the inspection site of the real property to be auctioned;
The security guards to be placed on site to provide security to the residential area containing the real property to be auctioned.
(Ord. 471 § 6, 1990)