With the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, the city intends to meet the public protection intent and provisions of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.1 (Mobilehome Parks Act) and related regulations of the California Administrative Code, Title 25, pertaining to mobilehome parks to assure that all mobilehome parks within the city are safe, sanitary and acceptable residential areas. Reasonable compliance with maintenance, sanitation, safety, use and occupancy provisions of the Mobilehome Parks Act is anticipated within three months from the effective date of this ordinance codified in this chapter.
(Ord. 266 § 6, 1983; Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 1994)
Adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter repeals city of Rancho Mirage Resolution No. 89-24 which transferred mobilehome park enforcement authority to the state.
(Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 1994)
The city assumes responsibility for the enforcement of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.1 (Mobilehome Parks Act), and related regulations of Title 25, California Administrative Code, within the city of Rancho Mirage.
(Ord. 266 § 1, 1983; Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 1994)
The department of community development is designated as the enforcement agency for the city and is authorized to provide the qualified personnel necessary to enforce the provisions of the Mobilehome Parks Act consistent with the state's enforcement program. One full-time inspector in the building and safety division fully trained in mobilehome park enforcement shall be assigned to the enforcement program.
(Ord. 266 § 2, 1983; Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 1994)
The schedule of fees contained within the Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Part 2.1 of the Mobilehome Parks Act as it currently exists or as it may be amended shall be applicable within the city to provide for the cost of administration and enforcement of the Mobilehome Parks Act.
(Ord. 266 § 3, 1983; Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 1994)
The forms used for application for permit to operate, the permit to operate, and the statement of installation acceptance or certificate to occupy shall be those provided by the state.
(Ord. 266 § 4, 1983)
There exist within the boundaries of the city six mobilehome parks with a total of nine hundred forty-two mobilehome lots, eight hundred eighty-one of which are occupied. The average age of the parks is twenty-three years. The existing mobilehome parks are in poor to good condition.
(Ord. 266 § 5, 1983; Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 1994)
The assumption of enforcement by the city shall be effective June 30, 1994.
(Ord. 595 § 1(Exh. A), 1994)