[The] Manufactured Housing Park District is intended to provide for quality manufactured and modular home subdivision development containing many of the characteristics and the atmosphere of a standard single-family subdivision. This district is intended to provide a transitional land use between higher intensity nonresidential uses and residential districts. This district will apply in areas that city sewer is available and there is sufficient public infrastructure and services to support the increased density[.]
The regulations of this article do not apply to manufactured homes on individual lots that are located in other zoning districts. Manufactured homes that are not located in manufactured home parks, but are located on individual lots, shall be subject to the single-family residential requirements of the district in which they are located and further subject to Table 6. 1.
Mobile Homes are prohibited.
(Ordinance 99-0928-A adopted 10/12/21)
Use and development of land and buildings shall only be for the following specified uses, unless otherwise provided for in this Ordinance. All applicable ICC codes adopted by the City of Bells shall also be enforced when developing structures. Uses are grouped into major categories and only those uses listed under each category are permitted. Land and/or buildings in the districts indicated at the top of the Table may be used for the purposes denoted by the following abbreviations:
P: Permitted Use. Land and/or buildings in this District may be used for the purposes listed by right.
S: Special Use. Land and/or buildings in this District may be used for this purpose by obtaining Special use approval when all applicable standards cited in Article 14 [are met].
–: Not Permitted. The use is not permitted in the district. Uses not listed in the table are also not permitted. Uses that are not listed in any district of the zoning ordinance, as shown, may be allowed based upon a similar/comparable use determination from the City of Bells Planning and Zoning Commission.
Table 6.1. Schedule of Uses
Use Requirements
Residential limited to the following:
Home occupations
Section 14.01(2)(b) [14.01(b)]
Health care and social assistance limited to the following:
Day-care centers, commercial/preschools
Section 14.07(a)
Day-care homes, residential licensed for 12 or fewer children
Section 14.07(a)
Foster care homes
Group homes licensed for 8 or fewer residents
Section 14.07(c)
Entertainment and recreation limited to the following:
Forestry/wildlife preserve
Golf course and county clubs
Accommodation and food services limited to the following:
Food Truck Park
Section 14.05(d)
Mobile Food Units
Section 14.05(d)
Civic, Religious and Social Organizations limited to the following:
Community centers
Educational services limited to the following:
Schools, elementary, middle and high
Public administration limited to the following:
Government buildings excluding correctional facilities
Museums, civic buildings and landmarks preserved for public inspection
Utilities limited to the following:
Public utility buildings
Section 14.11(a)
Transmission lines for gas, oil and electricity
Utility substations
Single accessory wind energy conversion systems
Section 14.11(b)(1)
Wireless communication facility - collocation
Section 14.11(b)[(c)]
Alcoholic Beverages limited to the following:
Alcoholic beverage establishment
Section 14.16
Alcoholic beverage store
Section 14.16
Section 14.16
Convenience store
Food store; grocery store
General merchandise store
Retail shops and stores other than listed
Restaurant without drive-in or drive-through service
Restaurant with drive-in service
Restaurant with drive-through service
Private Club
(Ordinance 99-0928-A adopted 10/12/21; Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
All lots shall meet the following minimum area and width requirements. No new lots shall be created or altered in a manner that does not comply with the following requirements.
Community Water. Development shall be served by a single master meter payable by the developer or owner.
Community Sewer. All manufactured home parks must be served by City sewer. Sewer shall be measured and billed pursuant to the master water meter.
Table 6.2. Lot Area and Width Requirements
Minimum Lot Size
Max. Res. Density
Min. Lot Area
Lot Width
(ft.) (d), (e)
MH - Manufactured Home Park District
Overall development
5 acres
Home sites within a park
Subdivision of Land.
All divisions to land shall be subject to the requirements set forth in the Subdivision Regulations, as applicable.
Community Sewer.
All manufactured home parks must be served by community sewer. Community sewer refers to a community or municipal wastewater system, including an on-site cluster wastewater treatment system.
Lot Area Calculation.
Lot area is calculated based upon the net area of the lot, measured in the horizontal plane, exclusive of any area that is part of a public road right-of-way, private road easement or submerged land beneath the ordinary high-water mark of a lake, river or stream.
Lot Width and Frontage.
Lot width shall be measured as a straight line between the side lot lines at the minimum front yard setback of the district. All lots shall have frontage along a public road or street. The width along the road shall be sufficient to meet the lot width requirement at the minimum front yard setback. This requirement shall not apply to individual home sites within a manufactured home park that have access by a private road system that is internal to the development.
Dominant Parcel.
The dominant tract or parcel from which any newly created lot has been divided from must also maintain the required lot width.
Nonconforming Lots.
Lots of record that were in existence prior to the effective date of this ordinance may be used subject to the provisions of the nonconforming lot regulations of Section 17.03.
(Ordinance 99-0928-A adopted 10/12/21; Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
All structures shall be subject to the dimensional regulations of the following table.
Table 6.3. Dimensional Lot Standards
Max. Building Height
Min. Setbacks
(ft.) (c, d)
Imper. Surface
Min. Floor Area per Unit
(sq. ft.)
Front Yard
Side Yard
Total Both Sides
Rear Yard
Floor Area
MH - Manufactured Home Park District
Perimeter setbacks for overall development
Individual manufactured home sites
Accessory Structures.
Accessory structures shall be regulated under the requirements of Section 13.02.
Height Exceptions.
No structure shall exceed the maximum height of the district except for the allowable exceptions to the height limits contained in Section 2.09.
Projections into Yards.
All required yard spaces shall remain as landscaped open space, except for accessory structures and architectural features that are allowed to extend or project into required setbacks per Section 2.10.
Setback from Road.
The front yard setback shall be measured from the road right-of-way or private road easement to the property line.
Driveway Access.
Individual manufactured home sites within a manufactured home park shall only have access from an internal road within the park. Individual units shall not have direct driveway access to a major thoroughfare.
Frontage Greenbelt.
Manufactured housing parks shall be required to provide a 25-foot wide greenbelt along all public road frontages in accordance with Section 10.02 [sic].
Side and Rear Buffer Zones.
Manufactured housing parks shall be required to provide landscape buffer zones around the exterior of the manufactured home park in accordance with Section 10.02 [sic].
Maximum Lot Coverage.
The maximum lot coverage for buildings shall be measured as follows:
The building coverage shall be calculated as the ratio of the footprint of all buildings, including the principal building, garages and detached accessory buildings, to the net area of the lot.
(Ordinance 99-0928-A adopted 10/12/21)
Manufactured housing design and construction will comply with construction and safety [standards] published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the requirements of the National Mobile Home and Safety Standards Act of 1974. All manufactured homes will be subject to utility inspection by the permitting vendor.
All manufactured homes shall be set on a solid slab structure and/or 18" to 20" runners. Additional rooms and enclosed porches shall be constructed on a solid slab.
Tie-downs will be required and will be secured prior to occupancy.
Underpinning and skirting of like material and color or better will be required and will be installed prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy.
Accessory buildings will be either manufactured or constructed in accordance with city codes.
All manufactured homes and modular homes shall comply with all regulations of the State of Texas and such regulations are hereby incorporated into this section.
(Ordinance 99-0928-A adopted 10/12/21)
Two (2) concrete parking spaces shall be provided per unit located on the lot plus additional spaces for accessory uses.
Required parking may not be provided within the required front yard.
Required off-street parking shall be provided on the same site as the unit it serves.
No parking shall be allowed except on a paved concrete parking space surface.
Each standard off-street surface parking space shall measure not less than nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet, exclusive of access drives and aisles, and shall be of usable shape and condition.
Other off-street parking spaces regulations may apply pursuant to the City ordinances and regulations.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Modular homes must be installed on a permanent foundation system and comply with all applicable building codes.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Every dwelling unit in a multiunit complex shall be located within two hundred fifty (250) feet of a refuse facility, measured along the designated pedestrian and vehicular travel way. There shall be available at all times at least six (6) cubic yards of refuse container per thirty (30) dwelling units. For complexes with less than thirty (30) units, no less than four (4) cubic yards of refuse container shall be provided. Each refuse facility shall be screened from view on three (3) sides from persons standing at ground level on the site or immediately adjoining property, by an opaque fence or wall of wood or masonry not less than six (6) feet nor more than eight (8) feet in height or by an enclosure within a building. Refuse containers shall be provided and maintained in a manner to satisfy city public health and sanitary regulations. Each refuse facility shall be located so as to provide safe and convenient pickup by refuse collection agencies.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
A screening wall of wood, metal, masonry or approved combination having a minimum height of six (6) feet above the average grade of the residential property shall be constructed on the common side and rear property line adjoining or adjacent to single-family residential use, existing single-family residence or single-family zoning. The fence shall not interfere with traffic signs, signals, or sight lines.
No screening element comprised of brick, masonry, concrete, or solid metal shall be erected or placed which would interfere with the installation or maintenance of any public utility line, service, or drainage way, within the easements reserved, therefor.
The screening and enclosures shall be maintained in such a manner as to preserve the aesthetics with city officials having the authority to determine when maintenance should be done.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Each building in the development shall at the time of the construction, and thereafter be operated in accordance with currently applicable building and fire safety codes.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Parking areas shall be designed to facilitate safe and convenient use by pedestrians. There shall be designated pedestrian pathways or sidewalks at least six (6) feet wide connecting the front entrance of the principal building to the sidewalk along the abutting street, including marked crosswalks across interior driveways.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Area Requirements:
Each lot or parcel of land developed within a MH-Manufactured Housing Park District shall provide open space at a rate of twenty-five percent (25%) net area.
The open space shall have a maximum slope not exceeding ten percent (10%).
The open space shall have a minimum dimension of not less than thirty (30) feet.
Of the required open space, fifteen percent (15%) or twenty thousand (20,000) square feet, whichever is greater, shall be grouped in one location.
Floodplain used for open space may receive full credit for that portion that is maintained in its natural state.
Floodplain that is reclaimed and used for open space shall receive a fifty percent (50%) credit toward open space.
Required perimeter landscape buffers will not count toward open space.
At the time of approval, the Planning and Zoning Commission may give full or partial credit for open areas that exceed the maximum slope, which are otherwise unusable, or which are less than the required twenty thousand (20,000) square feet specified in subsection (1)(c) above. These areas must be determined to protect and enhance the City's environmental quality (areas of floodplain or extreme topography, trees, and natural landscape, viewsheds and bodies of water) and aesthetic quality (incorporation of desirable designs reflecting the community vision established in the Comprehensive Plan).
A table showing square footage of each use and/or area is required on the Final Site Plan and Landscape Plan. The required table shall include the required and provided open space and indicate credit for each use or area.
Required landscape buffers, floodplains and erosion hazard setbacks shall not be counted towards the usable open space requirement.
All required landscaping must be located within the required open space, exclusive of required perimeter or parking landscaped areas.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Requirements: A swimming pool may be constructed and operated when:
The pool shall not be located in the required front yard or required side yard abutting a street and must comply with the following conditions:
The pool water's edge shall not be closer than five (5) feet from any property line. Requests to reduce this distance to less than five (5) feet from a property line to water's edge will be considered by the City Administrator or his/her designee provided that the request is accompanied by a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that the reduced distance will not have a materially adverse effect on any adjacent structure or property; and
Pool depth shall maintain a ratio of at least 1:1 from the nearest foundation to the back pool beam. Requests to encroach onto this ratio will be considered by the City Administrator or his/her designee provided that the request is accompanied by the pool construction plans and a letter from a registered professional engineer certifying that the encroachment will not have a materially adverse effect on any adjacent structure or property.
A wall or fence, not less than five (5) feet in height, with self-enclosing and self-latching gates at all entrances, completely encloses either the pool area or the surrounding yard area and which children cannot crawl through.
All lighting of the pool is shielded or directed to face away from adjoining residence. If lights are not individually shielded, they shall be so placed, or the enclosing wall or fence shall be so designed, that direct rays from the lights shall not be visible from adjacent properties.
No broadcasting system is used for the purpose of advertising the operation of the pool or for the attraction of persons to the premises. This shall not prevent a public address system necessary or useful to the supervision of the pool and the safety of swimmers.
Sign requirements for Public Swimming Pools and Spas must comply with the required signage under the Texas Health and Human Services, Section 265.201.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Unless otherwise approved by the City, above-ground stormwater detention is prohibited within required landscape areas and open space areas unless associated with a lake or body of water that has a constant pool elevation. Additionally, dry detention ponds utilized as amenities may be approved by the City to be within required landscape areas and open space areas. These detention areas are subject to approval by the City and shall be designed to be an amenity for the property that allows the required volume of stormwater to raise the water surface elevation for the duration of the storm.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
The term "clubhouse" shall mean an indoor space provided as a recreational, meeting, workout/exercise, and event center for use by residents of the complex for activities of all or groups of residents or for periodic reservation by individual residents (subject to complex rules and regulations) for friend and family gatherings or events. Clubhouse(s), which shall be available for use by all residents of the development, shall be required for all multifamily developments and shall be a minimum of one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet plus an additional five (5) square feet for each bedroom in the development. Space used for offices or on-site shared laundry facilities shall not be included in the required clubhouse space calculation but may be located in the same building and shared lobby or entry space.
Other recreation:
The Site Plan for each MH-Manufactured Housing Park District development shall include open space and/or recreational amenities designed to be compatible with the main buildings of the MH-Manufactured Housing Park District development in terms of materials, design, style, and color and shall include at least one (1) swimming pool having a minimum of eight hundred (800) square feet of surface water and at least one (1) of the following recreational facilities: an athletic court (tennis, basketball, volleyball, etc.), a picnic or similar open space area, or a jogging/walking track (collectively, "Recreational Facilities"). In MH-Manufactured Housing Park District developments with more than two hundred twenty-five (225) dwelling units, a proportionately larger pool surface water area shall be provided, and a proportionate number of additional Recreational Facilities shall be provided for each dwelling unit above two hundred twenty-five (225) dwelling units. Pool areas of zero to two (2) feet depth shall not be counted toward the required pool surface water area if more than ten percent (10%) of the pool surface water area consists of such shallow areas.
Play areas:
One play area consisting of at least one thousand (1,000) square feet and at least one (1) piece of playground equipment designed for children 12 years and under, which shall be manufactured, installed, and maintained according to the most recent specifications published by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the most recent ASTM playground equipment and installation standards, shall be provided. All playground equipment provided under this subsection shall be consistent with the most recent specifications and standards, except that compliance with manufacturing specifications newer than ninety (90) days before the date of equipment purchase shall not be required. Such play area and playground equipment shall be provided for each multifamily development of two hundred twenty-five (225) dwelling units or less. A proportionate number of additional play areas and playground equipment shall be provided for each multifamily development with more than two hundred twenty-five (225) dwelling units.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
All plant materials shall be maintained in a healthy and growing condition and must be replaced with plant material of similar variety and size if damaged, destroyed or removed.
Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter, weeds and other such materials or plants not a part of the landscaping.
Any person, developer or entity desiring to install and maintain landscaping materials and irrigation facilities within the city right-of-way must first enter into and execute a right-of-way landscape and irrigation agreement.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)
Build-to-rent shall mean any detached units built specifically for the purpose of long-term rental. This may include site-built units, modular homes and/or manufactured housing units, where otherwise allowed by this Ordinance. Whether said units are placed in MF, MHP or single-family zoning, said development shall be limited to single or two-story units and shall meet all requirements of this Article, including but not limited to containing the same amenities, screening, and requirements of this Article.
(Ordinance 10112022 adopted 10/11/2022)