The declared purpose of this chapter is to authorize the city to undertake an economic development program consisting of economic development activities that include, but are not limited to, those enumerated in this chapter for the purpose of improving residential value and housing options, improving retail and commercial options, increasing commercial/industrial activity, increasing visitation and visitor spending, improving entertainment options, enriching cultural experiences, improving recreational options, and expanding the city's tax base which increases the city's ability to provide municipal services to its inhabitant residents and businesses.
(Ord. 5770 § 1, 2012)
The council of the city finds, determines and declares that:
The city is a charter city, and the council is vested by its Charter with the power to make and enforce ordinances and regulations with respect to all municipal affairs.
Economic growth within the city aids in the promotion of the health and welfare of the inhabitant residents and businesses in the city, and is a general benefit to them by and through the provision of improved residential value and housing options, improved retail and commercial success, increased commercial/industrial opportunity, increased visitation and visitor spending, improved entertainment options, enriched cultural experiences, improved recreational options, and an expanded tax base which aids the city in providing municipal services to its inhabitant residents and businesses.
Use of city funds and resources for economic development activities is a proper because economic development is a municipal affair with a clear benefit to the city's inhabitants and businesses.
The council authorizes economic development activity pursuant to an economic development program for the benefit of the city and its inhabitants.
(Ord. 5770 § 1, 2012)
In order that the purpose of this chapter be accomplished, the council, the city manager, or his or her designee, if directed or delegated to by the council, is authorized to perform the following activities:
Undertake the promotion of city's natural resources, commercial and residential real estate value and housing options, recreation and entertainment options, retail and commercial options, and other attractions that generate interest in and visitation to the city via marketing activities including, but not limited to, branding campaigns, public outreach and special events;
Undertake a vigorous business retention and attraction program that includes assistance in the form of grants, loans, fee abatements, payments of insurance premiums, tax rebates, or other assistance to assist in the attraction or retention of qualifying commercial, mixed-use, industrial or other suitable activity in the city;
Perform analyses of public and private real property issues for the purpose of determining economic impact or potential economic benefit to the city;
Purchase, lease, obtain option(s) upon, acquire by gift, grant, bequest, devise, or otherwise, any real or personal property, any interest in property, and any improvements on it, including repurchase of developed property previously owned by the city;
Insure, rent, manage, operate, repair, and clear real property owned by the city;
Dispose of real and personal property for fair market value or less than fair market value (fair reuse value), so long as the disposition is found to aid in the purposes of this chapter;
Provide for site preparation work, including, but not limited to, demolition, clearing, and hazardous substance remediation, for public or private developments;
Improve, maintain, or repair improvements to real property in anticipation of use, disposal, or lease of the property to a private or public entity;
Seek and accept financial assistance from public or private sources for the purpose of engaging in economic development activities for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the city;
Provide for the establishment of community benefit or other assessment districts to benefit the inhabitants of said communities or districts;
Designate incremental funds received directly from economic development activity for reinvestment in further economic development activity;
Allow for joint powers agreements with other governments and agencies to develop and fund regional economic development plans and activities;
Take such other actions as the city finds necessary and appropriate to encourage economic development with the city for the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 5770 § 1, 2012)
If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the validity of the remaining provisions and the applicability of such provisions shall not be affected thereby.
(Ord. 5770 § 1, 2012)