No person shall, within the city, engage in the business of selling or otherwise transferring any handgun, pistol, revolver or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the person without first having received a revocable permit from the chief of police authorizing such person to make such sales.
(Prior code § 19-80)
The chief of police shall issue a revocable permit for the sale of firearms described in this section upon the receiving of an application accompanied by a fee of $100 for the first issuance of such a permit and $25 thereafter, for each subsequent renewal, whenever:
The applicant has an established place of business within the city; and
The applicant is a person of good moral character and has not been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor involving the violation of any law of the state of California or ordinance of the city relating to the owning, carrying, sale, use or registration of any firearm or dangerous or deadly weapon.
Such permit shall be revocable for cause, which cause shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to violation of Section 9.24.040 and/or falsification of the information contained on the application required by this section.
The fees established by subsection A of this section shall be modified to reflect cost-of-living changes and to ensure that changing economic conditions do not impair the real value of the fees under this chapter. Accordingly, on July 1st of each year, the chief of police shall:
Review the fees set forth in subsection A of this section; and
Adjust the fees:
Upward or downward by the same percentage increase or decrease occurring during the previous 12 months, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (“CPI-U”) for the Los Angeles-Orange County-Riverside Metropolitan Area (published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor), or applying a similar index if the CPI-U is not published or available, and
To the nearest one dollar ($1.00).
In addition to adjusting the fees for the cost-of-living changes annually under subsection C of this section, the chief of police, at any time, shall recommend, with the city manager’s approval, that the city council revise the fees and charges when a change in the administrative costs of processing applications for permits for the sale of firearms makes the revision appropriate.
The chief of police may prepare, adopt, amend, and enforce rules, regulations, or procedures for calculating, collecting, paying, and administering the fees and charges under this chapter.
(Prior code § 19-81; Ord. 5583 § 3, 2007)
No permit shall be issued by the chief of police except on a form prescribed by the Attorney General of the state of California. All permits so issued shall expire upon June 30th next following the date of issuance or upon the cessation or change of location of business for which such permit is issued, whichever is sooner.
(Prior code § 19-82)
Any permit issued shall be subject to all of the following conditions, the breach of any of which shall be sufficient cause for revocation of the permit by the chief of police:
The business shall be carried on only in the building designated in the license.
The license or a copy thereof, certified by the issuing authority shall be displayed on the premises where it can easily be seen.
No pistol or revolver shall be delivered within 15 days of the application for the purchase, and in addition, the purchaser must be personally known to the seller or the purchaser must present clear evidence of his or her identity to the seller.
No pistol or revolver shall be delivered unless it is unloaded and securely wrapped.
No pistol or revolver, or imitation thereof, or placard advertising the sale or other transfer thereof, shall be displayed in any part of the premises where it can readily be seen from the outside.
(Prior code § 19-83)
No person shall wear or carry in plain view any knife or dagger while in any public place, or on any public street, or upon any place open to the public.
The prohibitions of this section shall not apply where a person is wearing or carrying a knife or dagger for use in a lawful occupation or for the purpose of lawful recreation, or where the carrying or wearing of a knife or dagger is a recognized religious practice, or while the person is traveling to or returning from the activities specified in this subsection.
For the purposes of this section, the terms “knife” and “dagger” shall include any knife, dirk, or dagger having a blade three inches or more in length, any ice pick or similar sharp stabbing tool, any straight-edge razor, or any razor blade fitted to a handle.
(Prior code § 11-8)
No person under the age of 18 years shall have in his or her possession, care, custody or control in the city, any gun, revolver, pistol, spring or air gun, or firearm of any description, or any cartridge, shell or other device containing any explosive, or any cartridge, shell or other device designed and intended for use in connection with any gun, revolver, pistol or firearm of any description, or any ammunition of any description containing any explosive.
(Prior code § 11-13)
No person shall shoot or discharge any gun, pistol or other firearm or any air gun or pistol or any spring gun or pistol or any bow and arrow within the city, without first having obtained a written permit from the chief of police to do so.
(Prior code § 11-14)
The chief of police shall have power to issue to any person a permit in writing to shoot or discharge any weapon when, in the judgment of the chief of police, such person is suitable to discharge weapons, is likely to handle the same so as not to endanger any person, and when a reasonable necessity exists for the weapon to be discharged. Any person desiring such a permit shall make written application to the chief of police. Any permit issued by the chief of police hereunder shall be in effect for such period as may be therein stated, but not more than 12 months from the date thereof, and shall state the name, address and occupation of the person to whom the same is issued, the date of its issuance and the date of its expiration, and the kind and description of weapon authorized to be discharged.
(Prior code § 11-15)