All entrances from the public or private streets of the city to buildings fronting thereon shall be numbered as provided by this chapter.
(Prior code § 26-7)
The number referred to in Section 12.28.010 shall be placed upon, immediately above or to one side of the door or gate closing the entrance to buildings fronting on public or private streets in such a manner as to be readily visible from the street.
(Prior code § 26-8)
Where the point of vehicular access to a building is remote, more than one hundred feet to a public or private street, in addition to a number at the entrance to the building, a duplicate number shall be displayed at such point of access to the public or private street.
(Prior code § 26-9)
Each figure of the number for buildings having entrances fronting on public or private streets shall be at least two inches in height and one-fourth-inch stroke.
(Prior code § 26-10)
The appropriate number of any entrance to any building fronting on public or private streets shall be placed thereon within five days after the receipt by the owner, occupant, lessee, tenant or subtenant of such building of a notice from the permit services administrator of the number designated for such building, and all numbers not provided for in this chapter for the respective entrances, shall be removed from every building by the owners, occupants, lessees, tenants or subtenants thereof within five days from the service of such notice designating the appropriate numbers to be placed thereon.
(Prior code § 26-11)
It shall be the duty of the permit services administrator to designate the respective numbers for buildings fronting on public or private streets heretofore laid out or hereafter to be laid out or extended.
(Prior code § 26-12)
The following shall be the respective starting points or dividing lines for numbers on buildings fronting on public or private streets heretofore laid out or extended: from east to west, Brand Boulevard and its north projection to the westerly projection of Whiting Woods Road shall be the dividing line, and from north to south, Broadway and its east projection shall be the dividing line. Numbers shall begin at the above-named starting points or dividing lines and continue to the termini of the respective streets.
San Fernando Road shall be numbered as a continuation of the city of Los Angeles building entrance number system.
The Montrose, La Crescenta area, as annexed on February 28, 1952, shall retain the same building entrance numbering system as was existing prior to annexation.
(Prior code § 26-13)
All numbers situated on the north and south streets, north of Broadway, shall be given the suffix north. All numbers situated on north and south streets, south of Broadway shall be given the suffix south. All numbers situated on east and west streets, east of Brand Boulevard, shall be given the suffix east, and all numbers situated on east and west streets, west of Brand Boulevard, shall be given the suffix west.
All numbers on the northerly and westerly sides of streets shall be odd numbers, and all numbers on the southerly and easterly sides shall be even numbers.
(Prior code § 26-14)
Number "100" shall be the first number used at the respective beginning points on the sides of the streets which are to contain the even numbers and number "101" on the sides of the streets which are to contain the odd numbers. Twenty-five feet shall be allotted for each number, and in case two or more entrances occur upon a twenty-five-foot space or easement allotted to one number, each of the entrances shall have a letter suffix added to the whole number allotted thereto in alphabetical order.
Where the physical point of access by vehicles is over a driveway easement of record, the permit services administrator may designate the number falling on such easement as the building entrance number.
The address map on file in the office of the permit services administrator of the city exhibiting the various numbers allotted to lots and parcels of land in the city is referred to and made a part of this chapter, and all numbers shall be located as shown on such map.
(Prior code § 26-15)
In addition to the number required in Section 12.28.010, the same number may, at the option of the owner or occupant of such building, be painted on the curb in front of such building or at the driveway easement.
(Prior code § 26-16)
No person shall conduct or solicit the business of painting or otherwise affixing numbers, letters or designs upon any public street curb or private property in the city without having first obtained a permit from the city to do so.
(Prior code § 26-17)
Any person desiring to obtain a permit required by Section 12.28.110 shall file an application therefor with the city engineer, in the form prescribed by the city engineer, accompanied by an application fee.
The application fee shall be established or modified by resolution of the city council. The schedule for such fees shall remain on file and be available in the office of the director of public works. The director of public works shall with the approval of the city manager, recommend changes to the council when the costs to provide these services make it appropriate.
(Prior code § 26-18; Ord. 4958 § 1, 1991)
Upon receipt of the application required by Section 12.28.120 the city engineer shall issue a permit required in Section 12.28.110, which shall be valid for a period of ninety days from the date of issuance. In issuing the permit the city engineer may impose such requirements as the city engineer shall deem necessary in order to insure that the operations of the permittee will not become objectionable to the residents of the city. Prior to issuance of the permit there shall be deposited with the city engineer, on behalf of the applicant, the sum of twenty-five dollars, which sum shall be returned at the expiration of the permit, less the amount of damage, if any, occurring to property of the city as a result of conducting the business referred to in Section 12.28.110. The city engineer may refuse to issue a permit to any applicant who has previously had a similar permit revoked in the manner specified in this section.
Any permit issued under this section may be suspended or revoked by the city engineer when it shall appear that the permittee has violated the provisions of Section 12.28.140 or any of the conditions imposed by the city engineer at the time of issuing the permit; provided, however, that no such permit shall be revoked until a hearing shall have been held by the city engineer. Written notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be served upon the person to whom the permit was granted at least three days prior to the date set for such hearing. Such notice shall contain a brief statement of the grounds to be relied upon for revoking the permit. Notice may be given either by personal delivery thereof to the person to be notified or by deposit in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, registered and prepaid, addressed to such person to be notified at the address appearing in the application for the permit. Any person aggrieved by the action of the city engineer in attaching conditions to a permit or in revoking or refusing to revoke any permit may, within five days thereafter, appeal to the council by filing a written notice thereof with the city clerk. The council shall hold a hearing on the matter and its decision shall be final.
(Prior code § 26-19)
No person shall paint or otherwise affix numbers, letters or designs on any public or private street curbs in the city, except in conformity to specifications prescribed by the city engineer.
No person shall paint or otherwise affix numbers, letters or designs on any public or private street curb in the city, without having first obtained the consent of the owner or occupant of the property fronting on such curb.
No person shall represent or pretend to the owner or occupant of any property that any law requires numbers, letters or designs to be painted or otherwise affixed on public or private street curbs.
No person shall represent or imply that such person or any one else is acting for or is sponsored by the city when soliciting the consent of the owner or occupant of the property to affix numbers to a public or private street curb.
No person shall represent that such person is licensed, bonded or operating under a permit from the city for the performance of the work of painting or affixing numbers to a public or private street curb except in response to inquiry from the owner or occupant of the property fronting on such curbs, and no person shall represent that such person is licensed, bonded or operating under a permit from the city under any circumstances unless such person is in fact licensed, bonded or operating under a permit from the city.
No permittee shall seek the permission of any owner or occupant of property to affix numbers to a public or private street curb in front of the property of such owner or occupant unless such person states a price for the performance of the work at the time such person solicits such permission.
(Prior code § 26-20)