Unless otherwise expressly stated or the context clearly indicates a different intention the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter have the meanings indicated in this section:
"Distribution main"
means a water main, or a part of the capacity thereof, designed or used to distribute water for fire protection and domestic use within a given territory served by the city.
"Supply main"
means a water main, or a part of the capacity thereof, designed or used for the purpose of transporting water to a distribution main.
"Water main"
means the principal pipe or conduit laid in a street or right-of-way through which water is transported or distributed by the city.
(Prior code § 9-43; Ord. 5112 § 26, 1996)
No person shall connect, cross-connect, maintain or install any tank, fixture, receptacle or other device in or on any premises which is connected to any water line, pipe or conduit, which conveys or carries any water for domestic or human consumption if the plan, arrangement, connection, maintenance or installation is such as to make possible any contamination or pollution of such water.
(Prior code § 9-44)
Except where it is impracticable to do so, all property shall be served with water from a water main installed in a street or right-of-way on which such property fronts or to which it is contiguous. If there be no such main, an extension of an existing water main shall be required as a condition to obtain service.
(Prior code § 9-45)
If there is an existing water main from which service may be obtained, property not previously connected to the main may receive water service through such main upon payment of the service connection installation charge provided for in Sections 13.16.010 and 13.16.020, and except as provided in this section, upon payment of the water construction charge provided for in Section 13.20.050
No water main construction charge shall be required to be paid where such existing water main or any main which it may have replaced has been or shall have been constructed for the benefit of such property and at no expense to the city, either from its general fund, public service fund or moneys derived from a bond issue authorized by election.
(Prior code § 9-46)
When a water main construction charge is required to be paid, the amount thereof shall be the percentage of the cost of constructing the main that is equal to the percentage that the area sought to be connected is of the entire area of all land determined by the director of public service to be benefitted by the construction of such main. In calculating the area to be connected within the area to be benefitted, all of the area of any parcel up to 5,000 square feet shall be included, plus 50% of the area of any parcel over and above the first 5,000 square feet.
(Prior code § 9-47; Ord. 5112 § 27, 1996)
Where a water main extension is required to provide water service, it shall be made at the expense of the person applying for such service, except as provided in this chapter. Such extension shall extend from the nearest water main in place to and for the full length of that portion of the street or right-of-way on which the property to be served fronts or to which it is contiguous.
Such extension shall be a cast-iron pipe, or equal, of adequate capacity to meet the requirements for a distribution main in the territory to be immediately or ultimately served thereby as determined by the director of public service in accordance with efficient operating requirements of the water system.
(Prior code § 9-48)
Upon the receipt of an application for a water main extension to serve property having no available water main and a deposit in such an amount as the director of public service shall estimate to be sufficient to pay the cost of making the same, the director of public service shall cause such extension to be made. The actual cost of such extension shall be taken at not less than the amount which would be required to be paid as a water main construction charge if an available main existed. The application shall describe the property intended to be benefitted by such extension.
Upon the completion of such extension and the determination of the actual cost thereof, any remaining portion of such deposit in excess of such cost shall be refunded. In case such deposit is insufficient, the applicant shall be liable to the city for such deficiency. The service connection installation charge provided for in Sections 13.16.010 and 13.16.020 shall be in addition to the amounts required to be paid by this section.
(Prior code § 9-49)
When application is made for a water main extension the applicant, in addition to all other charges provided for in this title shall be required to pay a supply-main charge. Such charge shall be based upon the cost of the supply main serving the territory in which the property for which the water main extension is applied for is located. The director of public service shall determine the ratio which the property bears to the total area of the territory served or to be served by such supply main and the benefit which it will receive from such supply main and shall fix the amount of the charge accordingly.
(Prior code § 9-51)
If a water main extension is or has been installed after May 22, 1943, at no expense to the city either from its general fund, public service fund or from moneys derived from a bond issue authorized by election for the benefit of certain property, the water main construction charges thereafter received by the city, within 15 years from the date of the completion of the installation of such extension, for subsequent service connections thereto from all other property, shall be refunded to the person who paid for such extension or to such person's successors or assigns; provided, that the amount of such refund shall in no case exceed the actual cost of such extension less the amount which would have been required to be paid by this chapter as a water main construction charge for service to the property for the benefit of which the extension was originally made.
Refunds of water main construction charges received by the city after May 22, 1943, for service connection to water mains constructed prior to May 22, 1943, shall be made pursuant to agreements therefor existing on May 22, 1943.
(Prior code § 9-50)
Where a water main extension is required to serve property in a new subdivision, the provisions of Sections 13.20.060, 13.20.070 and 13.20.090 shall apply. If there is an existing water main from which such property or any portion thereof may be served, water main construction charges as provided for by Sections 13.20.040 and 13.20.050 shall be paid by the subdivider.
Where it is necessary to install pumping and reservoir equipment to establish and maintain adequate water pressure and supply for service to new subdivisions, as determined by the director of public service, the applicant shall deed to the city permanent graded sites and access thereto for such equipment; shall pay the cost of the connecting main to the water storage facility, shall pay the benefiting cost of booster pumping and water storage facilities, and other necessary appurtenances. Benefiting costs as determined by the director of public service, shall be the ratio which the property bears to the total area of the territory, served or to be served by such booster pumping and water storage facilities and the benefits which it will receive from such facilities and shall fix the amount of the charge accordingly.
In addition to providing the water system in the subdivision and other water facilities and their costs as required in this section, the developer shall pay to the department such amount as is required, in the judgment of the director of public service, to conform off-tract water facilities to the requirement of the subdivision. The design of the water facilities for the subdivision and of all off-site water facilities shall conform to the requirements of the department and shall comply with all applicable ordinances, rules and regulations.
The applicant shall also deed to the city all rights-of-way that may be necessary for permanent or temporary pipelines or other equipment.
(Prior code § 9-52)
All territory annexed after January 1, 1950 and to be served with water by the city shall provide distribution mains meeting department standards and specifications. These distribution mains shall be installed and conveyed to the city. If on the date of annexation of any territory to the city, the distribution mains in place do not meet city standards and specifications, they shall be replaced with mains meeting such standards and specifications at the expense of the property owners to be benefitted. When the department determines that a substandard main existing on the date of annexation is adequate to serve the property adjacent thereto for a substantial number of years, in lieu of immediate construction of a new main, such existing substandard main may be conveyed to the city, and a special area charge shall be paid to the development on behalf of each parcel of property adjoining such main before water service is provided to such parcel by the city. Such special area charge shall be calculated by the department so as to recover from the owners of property benefitted, on the basis of area, their share of the cost of replacing the substandard main with a main meeting city standards and specifications. The detailed formula for calculating such charges and the method of payment shall be prescribed in rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter.
In addition to requirement of Subsection A of this section, all territory annexed after May 1, 1974, shall pay for the cost of acquiring and constructing the supply and transmission mains and water producing, pumping and storage facilities required to serve such territory and pay a proportionate share of the unpaid cost of other supply and transmission mains and water producing, pumping and storage facilities which benefit such territory. The costs shall be determined by the department and method of payment shall be prescribed in rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter.
In addition to the foregoing requirement of Subsection B of this section, all of the other provisions of Sections 13.20.010 through 13.20.070, and 13.20.090 and 13.20.100, shall be complied with before any property annexed to the city after January 1, 1950, is served with water; provided, that the requirements of this section relative to substandard distribution mains shall not apply to property which was being served by the department with water on January 1, 1950.
(Prior code § 9-53)
Where the strict enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will present practical difficulties or work unnecessary hardships or will result in an ultimate cost or charge to an applicant for water service which is not or will not be commensurate with the benefits to be received, the director of public service shall fix the amount of such cost or charge in such an amount and may prescribe such conditions respecting refunds and such conditions relating to service as are in harmony with the purposes and spirit of this chapter.
(Prior code § 9-54; Ord. 5112 § 28, 1996)
Any distribution system extension requiring a new water system pressure service zone shall be designed to provide a minimum operating pressure throughout the new distribution system zone of no less than 65 pounds per square inch at all times.
The pressure for compliance is measured at the "service connection" to the water main in the street.
(Ord. 5360 § 4, 2003)