Whenever words or phrases used in this title are not defined in this chapter but are defined by the Government Code, State of California, such definitions are incorporated and shall apply as though set forth in full in this chapter, unless the content clearly indicates a contrary intention.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Advisory agency" as that term is used in the subdivision map act means the planning commission of the city.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Alley" means an unnamed public or private right-of-way less than 22 feet wide that is primarily designed to serve as secondary access to the rear or side of those properties whose principal frontage is on some street.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Block" means a group of lots or parcels of land bounded by streets or rights-of-way.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Building setback line" means a line between which line and the street line no building, structure or improvement or a portion thereof may be erected.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"City" means the city of Glendale.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Commission" means the planning commission of the city.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Condominium" means the division of real property into lots or parcels, including parcels of air space, an undivided proportionate share or interest in the common areas and facilities as further defined in Section 783 of the Civil Code of the State of California.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Council" means the city council of the city.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Cribwall" means a system of interlocking concrete forms containing exposed earth openings to allow for plant growth which acts as a retaining wall to support earth materials.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Design" means street alignment, grades and widths, and alignment and widths of easements and rights-of-way for roads, drainage, sewers, water supply, lighting, traffic control and other utilities, lot area and dimensions, land dedicated for park and recreational purposes, land subjected to recorded covenants running with the land for recreational, park or passive park purposes, and the treatment of such factors as topography and the proposed use of land in relation to the underlying zoning as set forth in Title 30 of this code.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Division of property" other than a "subdivision" as defined in this chapter means any land, improved or unimproved, shown on the last preceding tax roll as a unit or contiguous units, which is divided for the purpose of lease, sale or financing, either immediate or future, into two or more lots or building sites or condominiums and for which a "parcel map" is required. Such definition shall not apply to the leasing of apartments, offices, stores or similar space within an apartment building, commercial building or trailer park nor shall this section apply to mineral, oil or gas leases.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Drainage area" means an area which would require stormwater drainage within the drainage watershed as such zone is delineated upon the official drainage zone map of the city determined by resolution of the council as conforming to the general plan and specifically setting forth required facilities for construction.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Easement" means a grant by the property owner of use by others of a defined portion of land for specific limited purposes.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Final map" means a subdivision map prepared in accordance with the provisions of this title and the Subdivision Map Act, State of California, and all applicable codes of the city, which map is designed to be placed on record in the office of the county recorder of the County of Los Angeles.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
Areas in that portion of the city wherein a proposed project may have an impact on an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern are designated as set forth in the area map. A copy of such map is attached to the ordinance codified in this title as Exhibit "A" and incorporated and made a part of this title by this reference and such areas are more specifically described as follows:
Parcel 1. That portion of the city more than 1,400 feet above sea level bounded northeasterly by the Southern California Edison Company right-of-way as shown on R.S. 31,12-15, southerly by the southerly lines of Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, TIN, R13W, of V. Beaudry's Mountains, and westerly and northerly by the westerly and northerly Glendale city boundary line as it existed on March 12, 1971.
Parcel 2. That portion of the city more than 1,200 feet above sea level bounded northerly by the southerly line of Sections 3, 4, 5 and 6, TIN, R13W, of V. Beaudry's Mountains, easterly by Canada Blvd. and Verdugo Road, southerly by Mountain St., Brand Blvd., Kenneth Road, Pacific Ave., Cumberland Road, Grandview Ave., Mountain St., and westerly by the westerly Glendale city boundary as it existed on March 12, 1971.
Parcel 3. That portion of the city more than 1,000 feet above sea level bounded northerly by the southwesterly line of Tract No. 26139, easterly by the easterly Glendale city boundary line as it existed on March 12, 1971, and the easterly lines of Lots 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8, Verdugo Estate, and the southeasterly line of Tract No. 1191, southerly by the southerly line of Tract No. 1191, and westerly by the centerline of the State of California right-of-way for Route 2 Freeway, Road 07-LA-2, excepting therefrom Tract No. 26437.
Parcel 4. That portion of the city more than 950 feet above sea level bounded northeasterly by the northeasterly line of Lot C, Sicomoro Canon Tract, and Edmonton Rd., southeasterly by Chevy Chase Drive, and southwesterly and northwesterly by the southwesterly and northwesterly lines of such Lot C, Sicomoro Canon Tract; excepting therefrom Tract No. 9703.
Parcel 5. That portion of the city more than 1,210 feet above sea level bounded southwesterly westerly and northerly by the southwesterly, westerly and northerly lines of Lot B, Sicomoro Canon Tract, and the southerly line and the westerly prolongation thereof of Tract No. 27330, and easterly by Chevy Chase Dr.
Parcel 6, That portion of the city more than 1,100 feet above sea level bounded northwesterly by Chevy Chase Dr., northerly by the northeasterly line of Lot B, Sicomoro Canon Tract, Cornwall Place vacated by Res. No. 6284, Cornwall Dr., the southerly line of Tract No. 9073, Dunsmere Rd., the southerly line of Tract No. 9073, the southerly line of Tract No. 10064, Linda Vista Rd., easterly by the easterly Glendale city boundary as it existed on March 12, 1971, and southerly and southwesterly by the southerly and southwesterly lines of such Lot B, Sicomoro Canon Tract, excepting therefrom Tract No. 9701.
Parcel 7. That portion of the city more than 900 feet above sea level bounded on the southerly line of Glenoaks Blvd., westerly by the centerline of the State of California right-of-way for Route 2 Freeway, Road 07-LA-2, northwesterly by Chevy Chase Dr., northeasterly by the northeasterly line of Lot C, Sicomoro Canon Tract, and southeasterly by the northerly and westerly lines of Lot 89, Map No, 2 of Watts Subdivision and Scholl Drive.
Parcel 8. That portion of the city more than 800 feet above sea level bounded northeasterly by the northeasterly line of Lot 20, Hodgkins Subdivision, southeasterly by Chevy Chase Drive, southwesterly by the southwesterly line of such Lot 20, Hodgkins Subdivision, westerly by the easterly line of Tract No. 20595.
Parcel 9. That portion of the city more than 900 feet above sea level bounded westerly and northerly by Scholl Drive and the westerly and the northerly lines of Lot 89, Map No. 2 of Watts Subdivision, easterly by the easterly line of Glendale city property sold by Ordinance No. 3538, southwesterly by the northwesterly line of Tract No. 10232, the northerly and westerly lines of Tract No. 10036, and Hollister Terrace.
Parcel 10. That portion of the city more than 950 feet above sea level bounded northerly by Glenoaks Blvd. and Sleepy Hollow Dr., easterly by Sleepy Hollow Dr., southerly by the southerly Glendale city boundary as it existed on March 12, 1971, and westerly by the centerline of the State of California right-of-way for Route 2 Freeway, Road 07-LA-2.
Parcel 11. That portion of the city more than 1,100 feet above sea level bounded westerly and northerly by Valle Vista Dr. and Glenoaks Blvd. and Glenoaks Blvd. vacated by Resolution No. 14374, northeasterly by the northeasterly line of Lot B, Tract No. 7183, southerly by the northerly line of Tract No. 2977 and the southerly Glendale city boundary as it existed on March 12, 1971.
Parcel 12. That portion of the city more than 1,000 feet above sea level bounded northerly and northwesterly by the northerly and northwesterly lines of Tract No. 2977, and easterly, southerly and westerly by the easterly and southerly Glendale city boundary as it existed on March 12, 1971.
Parcel 13. That portion of the city more than 2,200 feet above sea level bounded on the west, north and east by the northerly Glendale city boundary as it existed on March 12, 1971, and on the south by Markridge Road and the northwesterly and southeasterly prolongations thereof; excepting therefrom Tracts No. 25131 and 24987.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"General plan" means those documents, both written and graphic, constituting the long-range comprehensive general plan for the orderly development of the city, adopted by the planning commission and approved by the council, which may include all of the elements listed in Title 7, Chapter 3, of the Government Code of the State of California.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Improvement" means the construction of streets, including excavation, paving, curbs, gutters and sidewalks; sewers; utilities; streetlights; street signs; drainage facilities; street trees; and appurtenances to be installed or agreed to be installed by the subdivider on the land dedicated or to be dedicated for public streets, highways, public ways and easements, as are necessary for the general use of the lot owners in the subdivision, their customers and employees, if any, and local neighborhood traffic and drainage needs, as a condition precedent to the approval and acceptance of the final map thereof
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Lot" means a parcel of land shown with a separate and distinct number or letter on an official map in the office of the Recorder of Los Angeles County or a parcel of land shown as separate and distinct from contiguous property upon a map approved by the council, the planning commission, the former board of zoning adjustments/appeals, the director of community development, or the former zoning administrator in the manner provided by ordinance, or a parcel of property abutting upon at least one public street and held under separate ownership prior to September 30, 1956; provided, however, that "lot" shall include two or more contiguous lots in the same ownership which are proposed to be developed or are developed as one building site, in which event all of such lots shall be deemed and construed to be a single lot, except for lots in the town center specific plan area. Lots within the town center specific plan shall be as described in the town center specific plan and related development agreement(s).
No building permit shall be issued for the erection of any building on a lot or on any other parcel of land unless such lot or parcel falls within the above definition and has frontage on a public street or a private easement having connection to a public street and determined by the city engineer to be adequate for purposes of access.
Nothing in subsection A. or B. of this section shall be deemed to be construed as unlawful, a division or partition of the land pursuant to a final judgment in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009; Ord. 5803 § 78, 2013)
"Corner lot" means a lot located at the intersection or interception of two or more streets at an angle of not more than 135 degrees. If the angle is greater than 135 degrees, the lot shall be considered an "interior lot."
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Flag lot" means a lot which contains a "stem" extending from the main body of the lot to the street. Said "stem" shall be a part of the subject lot and not a separate parcel or an easement across adjoining property and shall be less than 30 feet wide.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Interior lot" means a lot other than a corner lot.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Lot line adjustment" means a relocation or elimination of the existing lot lines of two or more existing lots where a greater number of lots than originally existed is not thereby created.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Mountainous terrain" means all that property encompassed within the limits of the ROS and R1R zones as set forth in Chapter 30.11.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Owner" means any person having legal title to the land or an enforceable contractual interest in the land proposed to be divided under the provisions of this title.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Parcel map" means a map showing the division of improved or unimproved land, or a portion thereof, shown on the latest adopted county tax rolls as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, whether immediate or future, by any person into either:
Four or fewer independent parcels of land, except for any planned development, community apartment project, stock cooperative or a condominium project, which project shall be governed by Chapters 16.16 and 16.20
Any number of parcels with the whole parcel before division containing less than five acres, each parcel created abuts upon a maintained public street or highway and no dedication or improvements are required;
Any number of parcels, each of which has a gross area of 20 acres or more, and each of which has an approved access to a maintained public street or highway;
Any number of parcels having approved access to a public street or highway which comprises part of a tract of land zoned for industrial or commercial development and which has approval as to street alignments and widths;
Any number of parcels, each of which has a gross area of 40 acres or more or each of which is a quarter of a quarter section or larger.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Person" means any individual, corporation, company, firm, association, partnership, co-partnership, joint venture, joint stock company, receiver, syndicate, club, estate, business trust, organization or any other legal entity or the authorized representative thereof.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Public utilities" means and includes, but is not limited to, all electrical facilities and telephone and telegraph service installation, community antenna television cables and gas mains and water facilities.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Right-of-way" means a strip of land acquired for use by the public for the right of passage including the right to maintain utilities and improvements thereon.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Reserve strip" means a strip of land one foot or more in width dedicated to the city in fee for the purpose of controlling the access to streets or other public rights-of-way from adjoining property.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Slope, average current" shall be defined by Chapter 30.70 of this code.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Freeway" means a divided highway for through traffic with grade separations at intersections and having fully controlled access as defined in Section 23.5 of the State Streets and Highways Code.
"Major highway" or "major thoroughfare" means a principal arterial thoroughfare carrying or intended to carry high volumes of vehicular traffic between destinations which are traffic generators, and which is shown on the general plan as a "major thoroughfare."
"Secondary highway" or "minor thoroughfare" means an arterial thoroughfare of lesser importance and capacity than a major highway but with similar functions and shown on the general plan as a "minor thoroughfare."
"Collector street" or "neighborhood street" means a street intended to convey vehicular traffic from local streets to a major or secondary highway.
"Local street" means a street intended primarily to provide access to abutting property and serving local, as distinct from through, traffic.
"Service road" means that portion of a major or secondary highway lying outside the principal roadway thereof, separated therefrom by a physical barrier and providing access to abutting or frontage property.
"Cul-de-sac street" means a street which by design is not intended to be a through street and having a closed end provided with a turning area for reversing the direction of vehicular traffic.
"Dead-end street" means a street which is intended to permit extension to serve other properties and may or may not have a temporary turning area at its closed end.
"Private access way" means a strip of land established by easement of record and used or intended to be used for ingress or egress from a lot or lots but not dedicated as a public street.
"Private street" means a right-of-way approved by the city council as an undedicated private street and posted as a private street.
"Public street" means any public right-of-way other than an alley, walk or freeway; the side lines of the right-of-way constitute the side lines of a street.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Subdivider" means any person, firm, corporation, partnership or association who proposes to divide, divides or causes real property to be divided into a subdivision for themselves or for others.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Subdivision" means the division of any real property improved or unimproved, or portion thereof, shown on the latest adopted county tax roll as a unit or as contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease or financing, whether immediate or future, by any subdivider; provided that this section shall not apply to the leasing of apartments, offices, stores, or similar space within an apartment building, industrial building, commercial building or trailer park, nor shall this section apply to mineral, oil or gas leases.
"Subdivision" also includes all of the following:
Any planned residential development as defined in Chapter 30.20 of this code;
Any community apartment project as defined in Section 11004 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California;
Any condominium project as defined in Section 1350 of the Civil Code of the State of California;
Any conversion of existing dwelling units to stock cooperative as defined in Section 11003.2 of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, including any legal or beneficial interests therein, having or intended to have five or more shareholders.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)
"Tract" means a portion of land comprised of an entire subdivision and to which an official tract number has been assigned by the county engineer's office for the purpose of legal description and filing.
(Ord. 5683 § 10, 2009)