No person shall be permitted to drive or operate on any street within the city any vehicle that, with its load, exceeds a maximum gross weight limit of twelve thousand pounds, unless otherwise permitted pursuant to this chapter and subject to any specific exemptions that may be set forth in the California Vehicle Code.
Upon a showing of good cause, the public works director or designee may permit exceptions to the weight restrictions set forth in this section by issuing a permit that contains all necessary measures the public works director or designee determines will adequately mitigate any potential noise or traffic impacts that may otherwise result from such an exception.
(Ord. 957 § 3, 2007)
Any vehicle, with its load, that exceeds a gross weight limit of twelve thousand pounds may be driven or operated on the following city streets, subject to any applicable time limitations:
Ramon Road for its full length;
Monterey Avenue for its full length;
Highway 111 for its full length;
Dinah Shore Drive for its full length; and
Bob Hope Drive for its full length, except for between the hours of nine p.m. and six a.m.
(Ord. 957 § 3, 2007)
No commercial vehicle, regardless of weight, shall be permitted to drive on any street within any residential zone, unless otherwise permitted pursuant to this chapter and subject to the specific exemptions that may be set forth in the California Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 957 § 3, 2007)
It is a misdemeanor to operate a vehicle on any city street in excess of the permitted weight when signs indicating the permitted weight are erected at or on said streets upon which such weight is restricted.
(Ord. 957 § 3, 2007)