For the purposes of this title, the specific requirements for legal notice, appeals and interpretation, and certificates of compliance shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)
At least ten days prior to the scheduled public hearing, a legal notice shall be given of the time, date and place of the hearing, including an explanation of the matter to be considered and a general description of the area affected, in a manner consistent with Map Act Section 66451.3 and Section 17.50.020, and pursuant to Government Code Sections 65090 through 65094.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)
Public hearings as provided for in this title shall be held at the date, time and place for which legal notice has been given as outlined in this chapter. The summary minutes shall be prepared and made part of the permanent file of the subdivision application. Any hearing may be continued provided that prior to the adjournment or recess of the hearing, a clear announcement is made specifying the date, time and place to which the hearing will be continued.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)
Appeal of Action. Any determination or action taken by the director may be appealed to the commission. In a similar manner, any action taken by the commission may be appealed to the council. Any determination or action taken by the engineer may only be appealed directly to the council.
Filing of Appeals.
All appeals shall be submitted to the city clerk on a city application form and shall specifically state the basis of the appeal. An appeal of a director action shall be filed with the department within ten days following the date of action for which an appeal is made. An appeal of a commission decision or engineer action shall be filed in the office of the city clerk within ten days following the date of the decision or action for which an appeal is made.
Appeals shall be accompanied by a filing fee as specified in the city's schedule of fees.
Notice of Appeal Hearings. Notice of an appeal hearing shall conform to the manner in which the original notice was given. The appellant shall be responsible for all noticing materials required in the original application.
Effective Date of Appealed Actions. An action of the director, appealed to the commission shall become final when upheld by the commission. An action of the commission or engineer appealed to the council shall become final when upheld by the council.
Interpretation. The following procedure is designed to insure consistent interpretation and application of the provisions of this title. A written appeal of any interpretation of the provisions of this title may be filed, together with all required fees with the city clerk. The appeal shall specifically state the title provision(s) in question, and provide any information to assist in the review of the appeal. The decision of the director may be appealed to the commission. The decision of the commission or engineer may be appealed to the council.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)
Any person owning real property within the city may request whether the property complies with the provisions of the Map Act and the municipal code. Upon making this determination, the engineer shall cause a certificate of compliance, with or without conditions, to be filed for recordation with the office of the county recorder, pursuant to Map Act Section 66499.35. Any person requesting a certificate of compliance shall pay the applicable fee(s) contained in the city's schedule of fees.
(Ord. 469 § 1, 1990)