The city council declares that the purpose of this chapter is to extend the protections of the city's rent control ordinance afforded to the residents of mobilehome parks within the city to the maximum extent permissible under law, while accommodating state policies encouraging the conversion of rental mobilehome parks to resident ownership.
(Ord. 810 Exh. A, 2002)
In addition to the other requirements of this code and state law, an application for the conversion of a rental mobilehome park to resident ownership through a subdivision map shall also require the submittal of the following:
A report on the impact of the conversion upon residents of the mobilehome park to be converted as required by California Government Code Section 66427.5(b); and
The results of a survey of support of the residents of the mobilehome park demonstrating that the proposed conversion has a majority of the residents in the park. The subdivider shall demonstrate:
That the survey has been conducted in accordance with an agreement between the subdivider and a resident homeowners association, if any, that is independent of the subdivider or mobilehome park owner; and
That the survey was obtained pursuant to a written ballot; and that the survey was conducted so that each occupied mobilehome space was permitted one vote.
The results of the survey shall be submitted to the city upon the filing of the tentative or parcel map, to be considered as part of the subdivision map hearing prescribed by subdivision (d).
(Ord. 810 Exh. A, 2002)
Subdividers proposing to convert a rental mobilehome park to resident ownership shall address the impacts of the conversion on existing park residents in the following manner:
Tenants Rights to Purchase. The subdivider shall offer each existing tenant an option to either purchase his or her condominium or subdivided unit created by the proposed subdivision, or to continue residency as a tenant.
Space Rents for Nonpurchasing Tenants. The rent charged by the park owner to nonpurchasing tenants shall remain subject to regulation under the provisions of Chapter 9.58 until the conversion of the park to resident ownership has been achieved. Once the conversion of the park to resident ownership has been achieved, the rents charged to nonpurchasing tenants shall not exceed rents that may be charged under the provisions of California Government Code Section 66427.5(f).
For the purposes of subsection B above, the "conversion of a park to nonresident ownership" shall be "achieved" when fifty-one percent of the mobilehome spaces have been purchased by the existing mobilehome residents.
(Ord. 810 Exh. A, 2002)