This chapter provides performance standards that are designed to minimize and mitigate various potential adverse operational impacts of development and new land uses within the city, and promote compatibility with adjoining areas and land uses.
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))
The provisions of this chapter apply to all new and existing land uses, including permanent and temporary uses, in all zoning districts unless an exemption is specifically provided. Existing uses on the effective date of this chapter shall not be altered or modified thereafter to conflict with these standards.
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))
Emissions. Uses, activities, and processes shall not be operated in a manner that produces significant, harmful air pollution emissions or impacts.
Dust and Dirt. Land use activities that may create dust emissions (e.g., construction, grading, etc.) shall be conducted in the following manner in order to create as little dust or dirt emission beyond the boundary line of the subject parcel as possible.
Scheduling. Grading activities shall be scheduled to ensure that repeated grading would not be required, and that implementation of the proposed land use would occur as soon as possible after grading. If construction does not occur immediately after grading is completed, all distributed areas shall be treated with a soil stabilizer, subject to the approval of the director.
Operations During High Winds. Clearing, earth transport, excavation operations, or grading activities shall cease when the wind speed exceeds twenty-five miles per hour averaged over one hour, in compliance with Municipal Code Chapter 15.64 (Grading).
Area of Disturbance. The area disturbed by clearing, demolition, earth-transport, excavation operations, or grading shall be the minimum required to implement the allowed land use.
Dust Control. During clearing, demolition, earth-transport, excavation operations, or grading, dust emissions shall be controlled by regular watering, paving of construction roads, or other dust-preventive measures (e.g., hydroseeding, etc.), subject to the approval of the Director, and in compliance with Municipal Code Chapters 7.01 (Control of PM10, Fugitive Dust and Other Emissions) and 15.64 (Grading).
Material(s) excavated or graded shall be watered to prevent blowing dust. Watering, with complete coverage, shall occur at least twice daily, and as frequently as required to prevent blowing dust.
Material(s) transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or securely covered to prevent dust.
On-Site Roads. On-site roads shall be paved as soon as feasible. During construction, unpaved roads shall be watered periodically, and/or shall be chemically stabilized.
Ground Treatment. Graded areas shall be revegetated or treated within ninety days of grading completion to minimize dust and erosion. Portions of the construction site to remain inactive longer than ninety days shall be seeded and watered until grass cover is grown and maintained.
Exhaust Emissions. An applicant who proposes a land use activity that could result in potential construction-related exhaust emission impacts shall minimize the emissions by maintaining equipment engines in good condition and in proper tune in compliance with manufacturers specifications. Construction equipment shall not be left idling for extended periods of time.
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))
Uses, activities, and processes shall not be operated in a manner which produces electric and/or magnetic fields, or radioactive emanation that may adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community, including interference with normal radio, telephone, or television reception.
(Ord. 777 § (Exh. A, 2002))
Glare, heat, or light from mechanical or chemical processes, or from reflective materials used or stored on a site, shall be shielded or modified to prevent emission of glare, heat, or light beyond the property line.
Exterior lighting shall be energy-efficient and shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflections are confined within the boundaries of the subject parcel, and shall be directed downward and away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way. Lighting shall not blink, flash, or be of unusually high intensity or brightness. All lighting fixtures shall be appropriate in scale, intensity, and height to the use they are serving.
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))
Uses, activities, and processes shall not generate or emit any noise or sound beyond the property line of the subject parcel, which exceeds the maximum level identified in Municipal Code Chapter 8.45 (Noise).
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))
No use shall emit noxious odors or fumes.
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))
No vibration associated with any use shall be allowed which is discernible beyond the boundary line of the subject property.
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))
Development projects shall comply with all applicable city design standards in order to protect scenic veiwsheds.
All grading and development on exposed sites with valued scenic resources shall be required to implement all measures necessary to ensure minimum impacts on the sensitive site and the viewer.
Viewshed protection shall be an important consideration when reviewing pad elevations and proposed structure heights, proportions, setbacks, and size.
Approval of applications for additions to structures shall be subject to discretionary review of the view blocking impacts.
(Ord. 777 § 1 (Exh. A, 2002))