In addition to all the other remedies herein provided, the Director may determine to erect a public identification sign on the public right-of-way in front of property that is in violation of this code and/or applicable State codes. The purpose of this sign is to let the public know who the responsible person is that is contributing to the blight of the neighborhood. The public identification sign is intended to be used only after other code enforcement actions have not been successful in gaining compliance.
(Prior code § 1-089)
The public identification sign shall, at a minimum, identify the responsible person, stating in effect that the responsible person is in violation of City codes and is thus contributing to the blight of the neighborhood.
(Prior code § 1-090)
In determining when to use a public identification sign, the Director may consider some or all of the following factors:
The duration of the violation.
The frequency or recurrence of the violation.
The seriousness of the violation.
The history of the violation.
The responsible person's conduct after receiving notice of the violation.
The good faith effort by the responsible person to comply.
The impact of the violation upon the neighborhood.
Any other factors that the Director deems appropriate.
The Director shall send the responsible person and/or property owner a letter 10 days prior to posting the sign as a warning to the responsible person providing a final opportunity for compliance. The Director's decision to post the sign shall be final.
The sign shall remain until the Director determines that the responsible person has made a good faith effort to remedy the violations.
(Prior code § 1-091)