Pursuant to the authority of the legislative body of the City, and in order to establish an equitable and uniform procedure for dealing with personnel matters through a Human Resources Department, and to place municipal employment on a merit basis so that the best qualified persons available shall be brought into the service of the City, the following Civil Service System is hereby adopted.
(Prior code § 2-001)
There is hereby created a Human Resources Department, which shall consist of the Civil Service Commission of the City of Stockton, created by Article XXV of the Charter of the City of Stockton, and the City Manager, who shall act as Personnel Officer.
(Prior code § 2-002)
It shall be the duty of the Civil Service Commission:
Establish Rules and Regulations. To adopt, amend or repeal rules for the administration of the Civil Service System.
Investigations. To make investigations either upon complaint or upon its own motion concerning any matter touching the administration of the Civil Service System.
Advisory Functions. To act in an advisory capacity to the City Manager on problems concerning personnel administration.
Appeals. As provided by rule, to hear appeals submitted by any person in the competitive service, except those excluded therefrom, under Section 2.36.060. The Civil Service Commission shall prepare or cause to be prepared a written statement of facts, findings and recommendations on every appeal and shall transmit a duplicate thereof to the person involved, and to the Personnel Officer. The effect of the Commission's recommendations in case of discharge, demotion or reduction shall be final and there shall be no appeal therefrom. The findings of the Commission shall be certified in writing to the appointing authority and shall be forthwith enforced by such officer.
Reports to City Council. To make an annual report and such other reports as it deems desirable to the City Council, covering the administration of the Human Resources Department.
(Prior code § 2-003)
The Personnel Officer shall direct the administrative work of the Human Resources Department and/or an authorized representative shall attend all meetings of the Civil Service Commission. It shall be the Personnel Officer's duty:
Prepare and Recommend Rules. To prepare and recommend rules to the Civil Service Commission for carrying out the provisions hereof.
Promulgate Regulations. To promulgate regulations not in conflict with the rules for the routine or special conduct of human resource activities.
Classification Plan. To prepare and maintain a classification plan of all positions in the Civil Service.
Salary and Wage Plan. To prepare a salary and wage plan for the competitive service together with regulations for the administration of the plan and to submit the plan to the City Council with or prior to the submission of the City budget. After approval by the City Council, the plan shall constitute the official schedule of compensation in the competitive service.
Official Roster of Officers and Employees. To maintain an official roster of officers and employees and such other records as may be required.
Enforcement. To enforce the provisions hereof, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto and to perform all lawful and necessary duties essential to the effective administration of the Human Resources Department.
(Prior code § 2-004)
Rules for the administration of the competitive service on conformity with the provisions hereof, shall be prepared by the Personnel Officer and submitted to the Civil Service Commission for adoption, rejection or amendment, which may be effected at any regular or special meeting by a majority vote of the Commission. Adoption, amendment, or repeal of the rules shall require the submission in writing of the proposed action at a previous meeting of the Commission, either by the Personnel Officer or a member of the Commission, and posting in conspicuous public places at the City hall building, in Stockton, California, and at such other places so as to ensure proper notice in accordance with this chapter and all other applicable State, local, and Federal laws, at least five days before final action is taken.
(Prior code § 2-005)
The City Council shall from time to time establish and amend by resolution, a list of classifications of employees excluded from competitive service. Employees occupying positions in classifications that are subsequently added to this section by resolution, shall retain civil service status in that classification. in addition, the following categories of positions shall also be exempt from competitive service:
Elective officers.
Positions on appointive boards, commissions and committees.
Employees whose term of employment is contingent wholly upon other governmental agency financing.
Any person employed by an elective official in the City.
Any person, including engineers, public works inspectors, consultants, support personnel, and counsel, rendering temporary professional, technical, or clerical service.
Such positions involving seasonal or less than half time employment as may be placed in the noncompetitive service by approval of the Civil Service Commission.
Those employees of the City-County library system are exempted from the exceptions. Therefore, those positions not listed as excluded from competitive service within the library system are subject to Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
(Prior code § 2-006; Ord. 011-07 C.S. § 1)
The offices, positions and employments coming within the jurisdiction hereof, shall, in no manner whatsoever, be applicable to persons under civil service in the Fire Department or the Police Department of the City.
Any officer or employee in the competitive service, who is promoted to a position excluded from such service, and for any reason is demoted from said position, shall automatically be reinstated to a position in civil service. Such employee so promoted, shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter and the rules and regulations adopted there under, governing discharge.
(Prior code § 2-006.1)
The Director of Human Resources shall be responsible for the preparation, maintenance, revision, and approval of all class specifications and job descriptions for positions excluded from the classified service. The series of class specifications and job descriptions approved by the Director of Human Resources shall be known as the "classification plan for the unclassified service," and shall be the standard for allocating the position of every employee in the unclassified service.
The Director of Human Resources shall establish a formal written class specification covering each position in the unclassified service, which shall identify the class title, unit designation, date established and approved, the date of last revision, if any; a definition of the basic purpose of the class; the principle duties and responsibilities; the distinguishing characteristics, including the required level of skill, knowledge, and ability; the minimum qualifications for entry into the class; and special requirements unique to the class, including licenses, certificates, or other evidence of qualifications.
The classification plan shall be prepared in consultation with the appointing authority and employee organizations and shall become effective only after approval by the Director of Human Resources, as evidenced by valid signature and date. No person shall be appointed to any position in the unclassified service until such position has been officially allocated by the Director of Human Resources.
The Director of Human Resources shall provide for the systematic review of the classification of each position in the unclassified service and shall combine, reclassify, reallocate, separate, or amend the class specification as necessary in accordance with the needs of the City.
Any employee aggrieved by such combination, reclassification, reallocation, separation, or amendment shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to have the matter reviewed by the Director of Human Resources or a designated representative. The decision of the Director of Human Resources shall be final, unless there is an allegation that the action taken by the Director of Human Resources is arbitrary and capricious or discriminatory. In such cases, the employee may appeal the action to the City Manager, and the decision of the City Manager shall be final.
(Prior code § 2-006.2; Ord. 011-07 C.S. § 1)
In addition to such other matters as may be necessary and proper to carry out the intent and purposes hereof, the rules provided for herein shall include specific procedures governing the following phases of a personnel program:
General Rules and Procedures.
The preparation, installation, revision, and maintenance of the classification plan, based upon a study of the functions and responsibilities of all positions in the competitive service.
The public announcement of vacancies and examinations.
The acceptance of applications for employment.
The use of examinations and the development of other methods to determine the relative qualifications of applicants for appointment to or promotion in the competitive service.
The establishment and use of employment lists containing names of persons eligible for appointments.
The certification and appointment of persons from employment lists to fill vacancies in the competitive service.
The making of provisional, temporary and emergency appointments.
The establishment of a probationary period prior to attaining permanent status under Civil Service.
The transfer, promotion and demotion of employees within the competitive service.
The resignation and reinstatement of employees.
The standardization of attendance and leave regulations.
The separation of employees through layoffs, suspensions, dismissals, resignations and for incapacity to perform required duties.
The certification of payrolls.
The use of necessary records and forms.
(Prior code § 2-007)
Appointments to vacant positions in the competitive service shall be made in accordance with the rules provided for herein and from employment lists created by competitive examination or by transfer, demotion or reinstatement. In the absence of appropriate employment lists, the Personnel Officer may authorize the provisional appointment of persons meeting the minimum qualifications for the position but such appointment shall not exceed 120 days. Emergency appointments shall not be subject to the provisions hereof; provided, however, that the duration of such appointments shall not exceed 15 working days.
(Prior code § 2-008)
All original or promotional appointments shall be for a probationary period of not less than six months nor more than 12 months. During probation an employee may be rejected at any time without right of appeal or hearing. A promotional employee rejected during probation shall be reinstated to the position from which he or she was promoted unless charges are filed and he or she is discharged as specified herein.
(Prior code § 2-009)
An appointing authority may suspend an employee under his or her jurisdiction without pay for disciplinary purposes. No employee shall be suspended for more than 30 days in any fiscal year.
(Prior code § 2-010)
An appointing authority may reduce, demote, or discharge a subordinate at any time for the good of the service. Written notice of the action shall be served upon the employee affected and filed with the Personnel Officer before it shall become effective. The employee may appeal within 10 days to the Civil Service Commission for a hearing.
(Prior code § 2-011)
Any person holding a position or employment included in the competitive service who, on the effective date of Ordinance 1606, shall have served continuously in such position, or in some other position included in the competitive service, for a period of at least six months immediately prior to such effective date, shall assume regular status in the competitive service in the position held on such effective date without preliminary examination or working tests and shall thereafter be subject in all respects to the provisions set forth herein.
Any other persons holding positions or employment in the competitive service shall be regarded as holding their positions or employment as probationers who are serving out the balance of their probationary periods before obtaining regular status.
(Prior code § 2-012)
Officers and employees of the City, during usual business hours, shall grant to members of the Civil Service Commission, the Personnel Officer, and any employees of the Civil Service Commission designated by it or by the Personnel Officer, free access to premises and records under their control and shall furnish such facilities, assistance, and information as may be required in carrying out the functions of the Human Resources Department.
(Prior code § 2-013)
In any investigation or hearing conducted by the Civil Service Commission, the Commission shall have the power to subpoena and require the attendance or deposition of witnesses and the production by them of books, records, and papers pertinent to the investigation or hearing, and to administer oaths to such witnesses.
(Prior code § 2-014)
No person in the competitive service, or seeking admission thereto, shall be appointed, demoted, or removed or be in any way favored or discriminated against because of his or her race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, or, except as required by law, his or her political opinions or affiliations.
(Prior code § 2-015)
No person in the competitive service shall take an active part in municipal activities of the City provided; however, that nothing herein shall prevent an employee from circulating initiative or referendum petitions affecting his or her employment. No person holding a position in the competitive service shall directly or indirectly use or seek to use his or her authority or official influence to control or modify the political action of any person or, during the hours of duty, engage in any form of political activity, or at any other time take such part in political activities or campaigns as to impair his or her usefulness in the position in which he or she is employed. Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting or preventing any such officer or employee from taking a legitimate interest as a citizen in his or her government.
(Prior code § 2-016)
No person shall deceive or obstruct any person in respect to his or her right to participate in examination under the provisions set forth herein, or falsely mark, grade, estimate, or report upon the examination or standing of any person tested hereunder, or aid in so doing, or furnish any person, except in answer to inquiries of the Civil Service Commission, any special information for the purpose either of improving or injuring the rating of any person for appointment or employment. No applicant shall deceive the Commission for the purpose of improving his or her chances or prospects of appointment. No person shall solicit, orally or by letter, any money or valuable thing from any officer or employee holding a position in the competitive service for any political party or political purpose whatsoever. No person shall use or promise to use official influence or official authority to secure or further any appointment to any competitive position. No public officer or employee shall by means of threats or coercion, induce or attempt to induce any persons to resign from a competitive position or to take a leave of absence or to waive any rights hereunder.
(Prior code § 2-017)
No public disbursing officer shall pay any salary, wage, or other compensation to any person holding public office or position with the City unless the payroll or account bears the certificate of the Personnel Officer that persons named thereon were appointed or employed and were performing service according to the provisions hereof, and the rules provided for herein.
(Prior code § 2-018)