As used in this code, "tax deeded property" means the interest in any property which this City has on account of the property being tax deeded to the City, together with such other interest, if any, in the same property as this City may have acquired other than by tax deed to the City.
(Prior code § 8-021.1)
The procedure to sell "tax deeded property" is as set forth in Sections 3.04.1040 to 3.04.1230, inclusive.
(Prior code § 8-021.2)
Any person may apply in writing to the Tax Collector to purchase tax deeded property, tendering the amount bid.
(Prior code § 8-021.3)
The application shall describe the property and shall be accompanied by a sum sufficient to defray the costs of advertising and conducting the sale. If the applicant fails to secure the property due to being outbid, the sum shall be returned to him or her and these costs shall be collected from the successful bidder.
(Prior code § 8-021.4)
At any time without application the Tax Collector may publish a notice of intent to sell tax deeded property.
(Prior code § 8-021.5)
The notice of intent shall specify:
A description of the property.
A detailed statement of the amount that was needed for redemption just before deed to the City.
The name of the last assessee of the property.
The terms by which the City acquired any interest in the property other than by tax deed to the City, if any such interest was acquired.
The assessed value of the property and the amount required to redeem said property at the time of application.
(Prior code § 8-021.6)
The notice of intent shall be effective for a two year period and shall invite bids to be made and filed in the office of the Tax Collector. Upon receipt of a bid (and a deposit of 35 percent thereof) which in the opinion of the Tax Collector constitutes a fair offer for the property bid upon, the Tax Collector shall file a written request with the Council for consent to the sale. This request shall contain the name of the bidder, the amount bid and the information set forth in the preceding section.
(Prior code § 8-021.7)
On receipt of the resolution from the City Council allowing the sale the Tax Collector shall publish notice of the intended sale once in a newspaper published in the City. A copy of the notice shall also be mailed to the governing board of every taxing agency having unpaid taxes which are a lien on the property. The publication shall be completed at least 21 days before the sale.
(Prior code § 8-021.8)
The notice of intended sale shall state:
The time and place of the intended sale.
A description of the property to be sold.
The name of the last assessee of the property.
The assessed value of the property.
The minimum price at which the property will be offered at public auction.
(Prior code § 8-021.9)
The Tax Collector may publish an additional notice of the sale in a newspaper or otherwise, but the cost of this additional notice is not a required cost to be included in the minimum price.
(Prior code § 8-021.10)
The cost of the publication of the foregoing notice shall be borne in the following manner:
On every tax deed bid, the original bidder shall deposit with the Tax Collector the sum of $7.00. If the applicant fails to secure the property due to being outbid, this sum shall be returned to him or her and $7.00 will be collected from the successful bidder.
(Prior code § 8-021.11)
Pursuant to said notice, the Council shall call for bids before approving the request of the Tax Collector. If a bid of at least 10 percent more than the amount bid is received, the property will then be placed on auction and sold to the highest bidder, provided the Council finds that the sum offered or bid is not disproportionate to the market value of the property. The Council shall either consent to and approve said sale or disapprove said sale within 15 days after the hearing. Failure to do so, however, within said 15 days, shall not void the proceedings. Said property may be sold for less than the total taxes or assessments liened against it, whenever the Council, by resolution, declares that the value of said property is insufficient to satisfy the total amount of said taxes and assessments, and that it is for the best interest of the City to sell said property for less than the aggregate tax liens against it. The property shall not be sold to the former record owner.
(Prior code § 8-021.12)
Upon approval of the sale by the Council the following procedure shall be followed:
If the original bidder is the successful bidder he or she shall pay to the Tax Collector within five days of the date of said sale the balance of the approved sale price after credit has been given for the deposit.
If a new bidder is the successful bidder, he or she shall pay 35 percent of the approved sale price immediately upon approval of said sale and the balance thereof plus $7.00 shall be paid within five days thereafter.
If the full amount of the approved sale price has not been paid by the successful bidder to the Tax Collector within five days after the approval of the sale by the City Council, the bidder's deposit shall be deemed to have been forfeited to the City and the sale canceled, in which event the property may be again offered for sale by the Tax Collector under the same terms and conditions as though sale had been made.
(Prior code § 8-021.13)
On receipt of the full purchase price, the Tax Collector shall, without charge, execute a deed, duly acknowledged or proved, conveying the property to the purchaser or assigns.
(Prior code § 8-021.14)
In addition to the usual provisions of a deed conveying real property, the deed shall specify:
That the real property was duly sold and conveyed to the City for non-payment of taxes, which had been legally levied and were a lien on the property.
That the City, through the Tax Collector, has sold the property at public auction.
The interest, if any, in the same property that the City may have acquired other than by tax deed to the City.
That the grantee became (the name of the purchaser) and the amount for which the property was sold to him or her inclusive of advertising costs.
That the property is therefore conveyed to the purchaser according to law.
(Prior code § 8-021.16)
Except as against actual fraud, the deed duly acknowledged or proved is conclusive evidence of the regularity of all proceedings from the assessment of the Assessor to the execution of the deed, both inclusive.
(Prior code § 8-021.16)
The deed conveys title to the purchaser free of all encumbrances of any kind existing before the sale, except:
Any lien for installments of special assessments, which installments will become payable upon the secured roll after the time of the sale.
The lien for taxes or assessments or other rights of any taxing agency which does not consent to the sale under Section 3.04.1200.
Liens for special assessments levied upon the property conveyed which were, at the time of the sale under this code, not included in the amount necessary to redeem the property from the sale to the State, and, where a taxing agency which collects its own taxes has consented to the sale under this code, not included in the amount required to redeem from sale to such taxing agency.
Easements constituting servitudes upon or burdens to the property; water rights, the record title to which is held separately from the title to the property; and restrictions of record.
(Prior code § 8-021.17)
Within 10 days after the sale, the Tax Collector shall report to the County Recorder and the City Assessor the following:
The name of the purchaser.
The date of sale and, if executed, of the deed to the purchaser.
The amount for which the property was sold.
The description of the property conveyed.
The numbers and dates of certificate of sale to the City and of the tax deed to the City.
(Prior code § 8-021.18)
If any other taxing agency has a tax lien on, or tax title to, any interest in tax deeded property, the City Council or the Tax Collector may, with the approval of the City Council, join with the other taxing agency in selling the tax deeded property in order to give the purchaser the rights of the other taxing agency as well as the City's title. The Tax Collector may, subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the City Council, either:
Acquire for the City the interest of the other taxing agency.
Convey the interest of the City to the other taxing agency.
The City may contract with the other taxing agency as to any matters not otherwise covered by law.
(Prior code § 8-021.19)
The Director of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to make appropriate entries canceling all City taxes and/or assessments liened against such property, excepting those set forth in Section 3.04.1180.
(Prior code 8-021.20)
The purchaser of tax sold property or tax deeded property is entitled to a refund from the City of the amount paid as purchase price if:
It is determined by final judgment of a court that the sale or deed of the property is void.
It is determined by resolution of the City Council that the property belongs to the United States, this State, or any City or political subdivision of this State and has been erroneously sold for taxes.
The sale or deed is legally canceled.
(Prior code § 8-021.21)
The claim for refund shall be presented in the same manner as other claims against the City and within one year after the judgment becomes final or the resolution is passed. There shall be credited on the amount due the purchaser any portion of the purchase price repaid to him or her under any judgment of a court.
(Prior code § 8-021.22)